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..MARCH 31, 1988
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson MacGibbon at 7:1A
in the Lakeville High School Cafeteria.
Roll call of members was taken: Present: Langhorst, Miller,
Sizer, MacGibbon, Walters, Whitehouse. Absent: Whittingham.
Also present was Alan Brixius, City Planner, Roger Knutson, City_
Attorney, Jim Robinette, Community Development Director and Mira.
Holliday, Recording Secretary.
Chairperson MacGibbon opened .the continued public hearing for
consideration of the application of Goff Homes, Inc. for 42, 6
unit condominium buildings to be known as Lakeview Manor. She
gave a brief statement expressing appreciation to the.-Valley
Park residents for all the information they have provided to the
Jim Robinette responded to questions that were asked at the
March 10, 1988 meeting concerning the following:
- Wetlands (reference to letter from Army Corp of Engineers).
- Structural standards in re and to the foundation of the
buildings (reference to .letter from Chief. Building Offi-
- Building layout in regard to fire protection `(reference to
letter from Fire Marshal)
- Police patrol and crime level. (reference to letter from
Chief of Police)
- Storm sewer ponding (reference to letter from City .Engineer)
- Current and. past .zoning
- Purpose of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet
- Explained layout of project in relation to neighboring
projects in Apple Valley
Alan Brixius gave an overview of issues of .concern which
- Zoning history of the area stating the zoning for the
proposed use has been in effect for 16 yearn..
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MARCH 31, 1988
- Proposal for the area is in compliance with the .City's
Comprehensive Plan
- .Density and greenspace
- Traffic circulation and the upgrading of County Road-46
- Parking
- Snow storage (44% of .area is greenspace)
- .School enrollment projections from School District .196
He then reviewed a concept plan proposed by the City which has
not yet been accepted by the developer. He explained the layout
stating the parkland would be expanded and the visibility of
the park would be increased. He felt this plan could serve as a
compromise and would be more compatible with the neighboring
single .family homes.
Mr. Goff stated .that he has reviewed the. proposed plan and.
prefers to remain with the original proposal.
Chairman MacGibbon opened the floor to public comment. Several
citizens had questions .and comments which included:
- What action had been made concerning a .rezoning proposal
from the last meeting. Mr. Robinette stated no recommenda-
tion had been made to the Council by the Planning Commis-
- Disagreement of the school district projections.
- Property devaluation.
- Disagreement of the statements made regarding police
patrolling and protection.
- Lack of park area for children to play
- Drainage and erosion control
- Utilities to be installed
Mr. Jeff Bry submitted to the Commission an addendum to the
previously submitted petition which contained 950 signatures. He
appealed to the Commission, on behalf of the Valley Park Homeown-
ers Association, to not only look at the legal issue but the
"people problem". He asked questions regarding Mr. Goff's
contract for deed on the property.. Roger Knutson responded and
explained terms that would be included in the. Planned Unit
• Development Agreement.
MARCH 31, 1988
Joyce Whittman submitted an article to the Commission regarding
School District ~F'196.
The Commission members then directed questions to the City
Planner, City Attorney and Mr. Goff which included:
- Rezoning issue - Roger Knutson responded stating the Commis-
sion had to act on the application at hand before they
could request the possibility of rezoning o the Council.
- Soil and erasion control plan submitted by Mr. Goff..- Mr.
Robinette stated that the Natural Resources Committee, the
Department of Natural Resources and the Dakota County Soil
and Water Conservation District had reviewed the plan and
- Terms in the contract for deed concerning ponding. - Mr. Goff
stated this could be worked out between the property owner,
himself and the City..
- Mr. Goff was asked if he would consider the possibility of
single family homes. He responded "No."
- Landscaping, berming and phasing was discussed.
Mr. Whitehouse asked Mr. Goff to reconsider his proposal to
• single family homes.
The Commission members discussed. the new proposal by City staff
and directed. questions to Alan Brixius concerning lot size,
storage, drainage and parkland.
88.67 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Miller to close the public
hearing and hold the record open for seven days to receive any
further written comments.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
It was announced that there would be another meeting held on
April 14, 1988 at 7:00 in the Lakeville High School to make a
final decision on recommendation to the City Council.
88.66 Motion was made by Sizer., seconded by Langhorst to adjourn the
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 9:25 P.M.
? ,A
MARCH 31, 1988
Respectfully submitted:
Mira Holliday, Recording Se etary
iane MacGibbon, Chairperson