Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen La.
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Steve Mielke, City Administrate
Captain John Arvidson
David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Chris Petree, Operations & Maintenance Director
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Citizens' Co
Karen Wentworth, 20425 Impatiens Way, stated she supports the
implementation of a financial advisory committee to help manage the
City's finances and spending priorities, and she urged the City Council to
be open to ideas from residents and businesses.
Scott Einck, 19749 Jersey Avenue, questioned the fiscal appropriateness of
accepting Councilhi mber Little's donation to fund a portion of a new
staff pa ition at the.Police Department. He stated he believes the
precedence th €s action sets is bad policy. He also expressed support for a
fiscal advisory group.
Presentations /Introductions
APRIL 4, 2011
Ted Billy, Senior Center President, asked the City Council to proclaim April
12, 2011 Lakeville Senior Center Volunteer Recognition Day. Council
Member Rieb read the proclamation.
Chris Petree presented the March monthly report of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Consent Agenda
APRIL 4, 2011
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Council members removed item d from the consent agenda for
11.21 Motion was made by Little, seconded by Swecker t approve the
consent agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the March 21, 2011 City Councilrneeting.
Resolution No. 11 -30 accepting donations to the Parks & Recreation
d. (Removed from consen
e. Resolution No. 11 -31 authorizing the temporary closing of City streets
tor the ironman bike event.
f. Resolution No. 11-32 authorizing the sale of unclaimed property
(bicycles), and approve auctioneer contract with Valek Auctions.
esolution No. 1 1-33 authorizing the City of Lakeville to enter into a
Joint Powers Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public
Safety to use the Datarnaster DMT -G with fuel cell option evidential
breath test instrument.
Joint Powers Agreement between Vermillion River Watershed Joint
Powers Organization and the cities of Farmington and Lakeville for
cost .share related to update of local storm water models; and
authorize Barr Engineering to proceed with hydrologic modeling for
Phase 1.
Joint Powers Cost Share Agreement with Dakota County for
improvements to digital elevation data.
k. Crescent Ridge 2 Addition one -year preliminary plat extension.
Autumn Meadows one -year preliminary plat extension.
m. Tullamore one -year preliminary plat extension
n. Ordinance No. 877 amending Title 3, Chapter l of the Lakeville City
Code concerning alcoholic beverages.
o. Resolution No. 11-34 amending the Fee Schedule relcttipg to
convenience fees.
p. Resolution No. 11-35 approving a Joinf Powers Agreement with the
State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal
APRIL 4, 2011
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Renewal of tree work licenses for Asplundh Tree Expert Company
and Valley Tree Service, Inc.
Agreement with Travacomp International, Inc. for consulting
services associated with evaluating and providing design services
for a Frisbee Golf Course (disc golf).
Roll call was token on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
uncil Member LaBeau stated she could not support Council Member
ittle's donation to help fund a position that was not initially in the 2011
budget and would result in increased budget expenditures. She felt the
donation should be for a specific, one -time expense or go directly to the
General Fund.
Council Member Little pointed out that the 2011 budget was amended
unanimously: by the City Council at the March 21St meeting and included
the addition of the Police Records Technician position.
The City Attorney informed the Council that State Statute requires two -
thirds (four) affirmative votes by the City Council to accept a donation.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Swecker, tt e, Rieb. Nays,
Bellows, LaBeau. The motion failed.
APRIL 4, 2011
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Mayor Bellows concurred with Council Member LaBeau. He
recommended the City Council discuss the funding of this position at the
next Council work session.
11.22 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve a resolution
accepting a donation from Council Member Matt Little.
Unfinished business - none.
New business -
Council Member Little proposed an item for the next Council work session.
He suggested the Council discuss holding work sessions on camera so that
those who cannot attend the work sessions in the conference room are
able to view the meeting.
Announcements -
• Family Fun Fesf at Ames Arena April 9
• Roadside Watershed Clean --up Day - April 16
• Next Council meeting, April 18, 2011
Mayor Bellows adjourn
Respectfully submitte<
Char#ene Friedges, City Clerk
Mark Bellows, Mayor
he meeting at 7:43 p.m.
APRIL 4, 2011
Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Bellows
Council Members LaBeau, Little, Rieb and Swecker.
Commissioners Adler, Blee, Boerschel, Davis, Drotning, Grenz, Lillehei
and Maguire.
Also Present: Steven Mielke, City Administrator
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mayor Bellows distributed copies of an outline from the City Administrator
regarding a proposed development process forum. He explained that staff was
asked to develop a process in which the City could learn from those customers
that interact with the City on development related business how the City might
be able to improve in servicing those customers.
The proposed outline suggests a process that includes a mailed survey to
developers, contractors and property owners who have pulled a building permit
or processed a planning application within the last 2 -3 years. The City would
then host an invitation event with an outside facilitator to review and discuss
survey results.
Member Swecker suggested that staff could seek assistance from
several developers in composing the survey questions.
Council Member LaBeau and Mayor Bellows suggested that the survey
questions should also focus on a comparison of Lakeville to other communities.
Commissioner Grenz stated he feels the survey should also be mailed to all
homeowners who have pulled a building permit. Mr. Mielke stated the
Inspections Department issues over 14,000 building permits a year. It was
suggested that specific types of residential building permits could be included.
Commissioner Drotning pointed out that the role of the Planning Commission is
to make recommendations to the City Council that are based on the City's
ordinances. He stated that the City is operating under development policies
that were put in place as a result of Growth Management Task Force
APRIL 4, 2011
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recommendations in the 1990s. He felt that while soliciting feedback from the
development community is a good start, the City must also consider input from
Lakeville residents.
Council Member Little encouraged the commissioners to provide
recommendations to the City Council and staff related to possible ordinance
changes when they come across an ordinance that is difficult to enforce.
Council Member LaBeau stated she has solicited feedback from some members
of the development community. She listed several examples, where developers
expressed frustration with specific City ordinance requirements, development
fees and customer service by City staff.
Mr. Mielke explained that the purpose of this forum is to listen to the
development community to learn how the City can improve its interaction with
them. With respect to development related fees, however, he explained that
the City Council would need to change, its policies if it wishes to assess more
development costs to the taxpayers.
Commissioner Davis suggested that City staff should not attend the facilitated
event and allow the outside facilitator to provide a summary. However, the
event could be videotaped so that the City Council, Planning Commission and
staff could view it at a later date.
The council members and commissioners agreed that another joint meeting
should be held after the development forum is completed to analyze the
information and discuss possible policy and process changes.
Mayor Bellows adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mark Bellows, Mayor