HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.cMinutes
Lakeville City Council Work Session
Monday, March 28, 2011
In attendance: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen
Staff: Steve Mielke, Cit'`°dmin
City Clerk C
current City
streamline t
public hearings
residency req
Council Mem
decision on I
update on ea
other violation
with this informd
ar Friedges provided an.i
ade regarding liquor lit
®.ministrative process
innesot. acute •i
e City
. onge r
uir .. = nts b
M uir
Dennis Feller, Fina
Char Friedges, City
Brenda Visnovec, Li
Judi Hawkins, Deputy
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
ITEM #1 - Liquor Ordinance Amendment
ITEM #2 - Comprehensive Liquor Store Analysis
ns Director
d language in the
sine sugbsed�fanguage that would
sifiec languuoge w also provide
proved cus ekervice to the
Attorney are recommending that
on enewal applic• "¥ and that
or license holders.
els in order to continue to make an informed
its it is important that Council be provided with an
e dblishment regarding failed compliance checks and
hout the year. The City Clerk will provide an annual report
Council directed staff to place the item on the April 4, 2011 agenda for
The Liquor Committee met recently and discussed the possibility of conducting
an analysis of the City's off -sale liquor operations. The cost of an analysis is
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011 Page -2-
unknown and will not be actually determined until proposals have been
Council Member LaBeau asked that wages for City liquor employees be
compared with similar jobs in the private sector. Steve Mielke referred to Section
2 where that information will be covered. LaBeau also requested the results
include utilizing the liquor store assets to pay down the City's debt and how many
years of debt that might cover.
Council Member Swecker asked how the field o
down to these five companies. Brendasnovec
consulting companies which are being
experience and background in the liquo
Council Member Little pointed to the challe
predicting the impact of future legislation o
without municipal liquor additional time an
should also be assumed. Mr. Mielke concurred
factors. Council members were in agreement
timeline for the project.
City Council directed staff to procee
the five consulting firms listed in the
professipat services for completing
municip uor operations.
In order to c
system. Th,
who haveI
the past t
realtors an
Bellows felt it
ants had been narrowed
'd that the five professional
erviews all have
tant would face in
s. He stated that
cnt by the police
are A al unknown
oposed anticipated
,est for Proposals to
he City's
vement in serving the de ment
opo obtain feedback regarding " e current
d includemailing a survey to a wide range of customers
uilding permit or processed a planning application in
rs including: commercial, industrial, and residential
ss owners; contractors; builders; engineers; architects; and
tate brokers. The survey would ask about experiences in
s with the City and ask for suggestions for improvement.
portant to do a comparison and analysis of development
fees in other cities, especially growth cities. He added that some fees are
structured differently from city to city and so they are somewhat difficult to
compare and evaluate.
Survey respondents would have the option of identifying themselves or remaining
anonymous. Council members requested that the survey ask specific questions
as to their experiences and how Lakeville compares in both positive and
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011 Page -3-
negative ways to other cities. Results of the survey would lay the groundwork for
a forum event which would be led by a moderator who is knowledgeable in
development. The purpose of the forum would be to foster constructive
discussions about Lakeville's development procedures. Staff and advisory
committees would review the information for possible policy recommendations to
Developer Joe Miller was in attendance and addresse e Council. He feels the
City is not user friendly when it comes to who pay y p y � streets in a
development. He believes the streets are not just o- e neighborhood but for
the whole community and the cost shoes be shar.NHe wants to make sure
that the survey is given to the right peo
Mayor Bellows feels a forum would make
development community that the City of
user friendly as possible.
ITEM #4 - Merchant Services - on -line credit car
Finance Director Dennis Feller had provided the
outline regarding the City accepting
payments, and issues to be consider
if the otton was available, it is estim
their utd% harges with a credit car eing
wish to oehis service for residents,, o, should
pay the
For VISA c
currently c
as inspect
to apply
ent to the
o be as helpful and
with a comprehensive
y bills and other
r. Feller stated that
ents would pay
r if they
he customer
e allowed to char flat rate
r any non face-to-face tr ctions. Staff is
75 per on -line transaction. T City does not
nienc for other on -line financial transactions such
park programs. Council is also being asked if they wish
ee to those transactions.
Council M aBeau believes the added charges for building permits would
be detrime k. Feller stated that the fee would not be imposed for permits
where the a p '
p ion and a set of plans needs to be dropped off at the counter,
since a check would accompany the application, but only for the minor permits
such as roofing, plumbing, and electrical permits that can be applied for on -line.
Council directed staff to add this item to the April 4, 2011 agenda for Council to
consider implementing credit card services for utility billing with a $3.75
convenience fee; to add a $2.50 convenience fee for on -line inspection permit
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011 Page -4-
credit card payments, and to allow credit card payments with no convenience
fees for parks, recreation, and arts center programs.
ITEM #5 - Finance Task Force
Council is being asked to provide direction to staff on a proposed Finance Task
Force. Council Member Swecker has researched cities and school districts in
nizelQroups and has
In one form groups are
h might include advising
udget reviews, and a
be advisory only, with
er form is a decision-
Minnesota and other states which have similar o
determined that groups generally take one of tw
project -based and are charged with specific task
Council on such things as spending pries, quay
budget document. In this scenario the x.
decision - making ability staying with the C
making group which actually prepares they
A discussion was held regarding membership an
Council members indicated that it was not ne «= ,
on the task force, however they felt it would beuab
meetings. Mr. Mielke suggested formatting an a
skills, and other preferred appointment cnria.
received via email from an EDC me
Mayor e stated that the Lakevi
commit e in 2009 has been;
City finaryGe ask force to also feel th
narrow fa s of projects ld be
engage tzmmunit� zs `, hol
Council Me
agreement o
should be
Council M
involved anc
avenues to d5
creaton o
non ecisior5
uu�? ebefi
;being heard.
Swecker sta
t finent process.
, ouncil member
o kee i inutes of the
he types of experience,
istributed materials she
finance policy
mportant for the
,, ,,,,agrees that a
cat it is essential to
uncil members to confirm a•t they are in
riancial Task Force. She feets'e task force
king, with an application process open to
oup should start with a one -year trial and evolve from
jttle feels it is important to continue to keep the residents
faded. He stated that residents and business owners have many
Council and staff on an ongoing basis with questions and
comments. He`Stated that community members have expertise in a variety of
specific skills or areas and it might be advantageous to have a pool of possible
task force members to choose from when various issues arise.
Steve Mielke stated that the public has recently focused most of their attention
on spending and revenue policies. Spending decisions are generally policy -level
decisions, which is different from analysis of options for financing that spending.
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011
Marc Bourdeax, 20116 Homefire Way, doesn't understand why the task force's
ideas should be the same as the elected officials. He believes that each Council
member and department director looks out for their own special interests and not
what's best for the city.
Sheila Longie, 20709 Hampshire Circle, is an EDC member and on the Chamber
executive board and had understood this would be a Elaboration with the EDC
and the Chamber budget advisory committee.
Council Member Little sees the mission ,,he g rou
the citizens are already doing on their o� The
enhance what is already being done. C
values and priorities and need to make de
elected. The task force should be narrowly
research and fact finding. The group could
budget document format coming up.
Lynn Theraldson, 20028 Kenwood Trail, believes
economy and with not feeling like they arhea
Little stated that the purpose of the
to Council and to take some of the
Swecke reel that the Council ne
Steve Mi
goals on
making wilt,
residents to
Council d
force fra
'tressed th- 4mporta
sing the Cj
inue to
that t
ITEM #6 F Donation Policy
ummarize results of this meeting and prepare a task
discussion at the next work session.
uld be to go beyond what
ce should improve and
Is are elected on their
n how they were
objectives of
wing the audit and
frustrated with the
Page -5-
n other projects.
g the task forte clear directions and
ber Rieb reitei d th at the decision
Council Member e8eau wants
shes to continue to heart residents
Throughout t "fir several thousand pounds of non - perishable food items are
collected at various city- sponsored events for the benefit of the local food shelf.
There are currently two official food shelf operations in Lakeville and staff is
looking for Council direction on where to donate food items that are collected at
city programs and activities. By definition, a food shelf must be a 501c3 non - profit
organization, which qualifies both 360 Communities and the Lakeville Resource
Center to receive the donations. Council Member Little stated that between the
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011
Page -6-
two organizations, there is five -day per week food service in the community for
those in need.
Council directed staff to distribute food collections as equally as possible to the
Lakeville Resource Center and 360 Communities.
ITEM #7 — Other
A. City Website: Email Communications wi
Staff is requesting direction from the Cou
a group email system on the w
for each Council member as ha
Currently, Council's contact infor
group, with those messages being
Mr. Mielke has done some res3
found that some cities have i
dye group contact like Lak
his personal email list
t� hen there s a request
rs throu mai
ell tse multiprnsez
o «igi
t to a s
B. Stat
m e
e or to
Council Member Swecker is concerne
exclusively she would be unable to resp
not know if their message was received
receive some assurance.
e website.
ation that is
se will not be
PBellows will resp
whether to continue with
individual email addresses
d by a Council member.
ebsite is provided as a
the administration
,pt to her
ptly aimpeople would
s to have the sender
mmunities and
Lion while other
te in favor of
s concerned
ducted to council
in order to
he email or
ommerce will host the State of the City Address on
27'h at Crystal Lake Golf Club. Mayor Bellows stated
f other cities often deliver the annual address and he
ends a positive message of unity to the public. Council
ere supportive of the Mayor presenting the State of the City
C. Cable Board Update
Staff is proposing the Telecommunications Commission be restructured as
a Cable Board for the purpose of providing advice to the Council in three
areas: franchise renewal, customer complaints, and right of way issues.
The proposed restructured board would consist of five members and
would meet at least quarterly. Three of the former. Telecommunications
Commission members have expressed an interest in continuing on the
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011 Page -7-
new board. Staff will prepare a resolution reestablishing the Cable Board
for Council consideration.
D. Rules of Procedure
Council Member La Beau asked if the council could be briefed on the
Rules of Procedure so everyone understands the protocol of the
meetings. Mr. Mielke will set a time with the Citytttorney to review this
document with the Council aisczt
E. Police Station Discussion:
Council Member La Beau asked out th
citizens are planning to do, and aw Jo goc
fundraising following that survey. it Z , 7,,; i 4a
conduct fundraising activities, it gi\"':
plan is already approved. Council s •er
change of heart about the former n stall
that there needs to be a timeline of Air* fo
on options and then re-consider putting
Mr. Mielke stated that Council ha
and the Historical Society to prise
determine the costs and pot
been instructed to raise fund
lved. The operation an
fir Lc>
ft* \ v
tntil Council decides ot
t< .
i f r t v e v t
asked iv %ma 4 .. L. the seniors th ' _ ere was no
.,. ,
gut,. 0 ee of th74 ik tibuileing, even if they p t the appraisal.
She • ',CI if the) a;disc -ged a timeline to raise fund do the work in
opt- e able to use the building. ..-„„ th the bigititg. Mi ke add hat the seniors have been fold this is still
ed they have not been given an y assurances
C ciI ethber Little stated that the fundraising is part of the process,
but tle core issue. The most important thing is to determine what the
best &the building is and guarantee it's done right. He does not wish
to pCNIM the market at this time but would like to see staff focus their
resourCetan this project and bring the issue to a conclusion. Swecker
said she would not be opposed to testing the market for selling the
building. LaBeau stated that her original intent in making the motion was
to get some dialog started and let people know that something was
being done.
F. City Administrator Review
— e survey that the senior
ill have to conduct their
e4the senior citizens
k-i once that the proposed
r said she has had a
ling and believes
e : rgt . iation-gathering
ng °Rim market.
to work with the seniors
ation that will help to
seniors have not
itssuwil.hat need to be
he 1 mains with the
City Council Work Session Minutes
March 28, 2011
ITEM #8 -
The meeting
Judi Hawkins
This will be taken care of at the Personnel Committee level, along with
related topics.
G. Council Committee and Inter - agency Reports
• HiPP - The Steering Committee has agreed on the top six priorities; a
report is being prepared which will be distributed in the next couple of
weeks. The list includes a firearms range, a fi training facility, sharing
of technical expertise, and administrates cam options.
• Cedar Corridor Improvement Group -
in Lakeville on the Cedar Ayr BRT.
Unfinished business:
Regarding the Police Records Tech t
asked if there was software availabl
would also like to review the electric
message to the community that Cou
additional budget cuts. Council Memb
tter spent working on the 2012 budge
direction of council, research is +a .....
be discussed for the 2012 bu
implementing any changes
plete. The timeline for
session agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
rned at 8:45 p.m.
Crward rather
has ar Irebeen decided.
vercrmajor items and issues.
d the Police Records Tech
Page -8-
uction will begin April 4th
cil Member LaBeau
ese duties. She
o On This would send
inuin Rsearch for
Is that time would be
stated that, at the
ne so these issues can
e ve the option of
m ien the analysis is
be on the April
#f i s currently
fated that the
ition for the
1 budge On the next agenda Council will consider
tion of a portion of a council member's salary with the
oward the position.