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• Lakeville, riinnesota
Planning Commission meeting
February 17, 1983
Steve,~tohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.ai;'n the
Lakeville Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken.. Fresent: Geisness, Heald, iIller, nice,
Grohoski. .Absent: Johnson
e11so present: Roger Knutson, City Attnrney; ~iavid Licht, City Planner; Jim
-I:obinette, Public ~rl~~:~ vi rector: Patrick itarvey, Councilman; Shirley Sorensen, .
Recording Secretary.
Chairman Grohoski asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of the
January 20, 19f33 planning commission meeting and it caas stated that the c,*ord
'treat' in the paragraph before future agenda items on page 1 should be
changer} to 'process'.
.83.22 Potion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to approve the minutes of the
.January 20, 19$3 planning eonmiission meeting, with the one word changed..
'.:Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes: Ileald, ~Ii11er, Grohoski, Rice.
.Abstain: Geisnes s
• Chairman Grohoski called for review on Che final plat of Orchard Lake 2nd
Addition.• Mr. Robinette stated there were no ettanges from the preliminary
plat. ;Ir. Bob Peterson said this information has already gone in to tt~e
County and explained a few particulars on this p inject, and that Phase 1 has
been approved by everyone concerned. Grohoski stated the the commission
members had not received information on the plat prior to this meeting, but
could see no problem with. it.
83.23 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by ;tiller, recommending that the City
Council approve the final plat of Orchard Lake 2nd Addition.
Roll call. was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski called for the presentation on the Class A race track. rir.
Wayne Field, Rembrandt Enterprises, showed drawings and explained e.*hat he is
proposing between 195bh and County Road 64, west of 35ta. Grohoski explained
that this is not a public hearing, but approximately 40 people were in atten-
.dance and we would hear some of their comments. AIr. Field stated that they
would be addressing the problems and concerns the public has on this project.
Sharon Sinner,. 19736 Judicial Road, wanted to know if there is a procedure to
go through to get on the agenda for the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Grohoski stated that when ~Ir. Field comes in at a formal public hearing, that
is the time the public might bring in signed petitions, comments, etc., but
there has been no formal request at this time. A public hearing is held after
a request for rezoning is received.
People expressed opinions and asked questions relating to traffic, noise, poll-
ution, increased crime, number of days and hours of operation, taxes, jobs
created, growth of lakeville, and financial benefits. ,Attached is a list of
Lakeville, Aiinnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
February 17, 1983
thos. •e~sons in attendance who expressed their concerns/questic. regard-
ing this project.
Commission ntembers :thanked. i~ir. [dayne Field for his excellent presentation.
Chairman Crohoski called for review and recommendation on I~arrett First
Addition preliminary flat. P•ir. David Ocven, Landplan, made presentation for
i~irs. Barrett, shocsi~,~ ,esa drawings, all single family lots (14.3) with an
average lot size of '"_280 sc;, ft. and asking for approval of this plan.
'rir. riel Lehmann, 17576 Ixonia, thanked rir. (?wen and everyone concerned with
thin project, for listening to them and working with the Dakota Heights
residents to get this latest acceptable proposal, but would like to see
double fiarages and asphalt driveways as a requirement. 1~Sr. Arlyn T-*mb, 17540
Italy 1; stated this is certainly an acceptable plan, as now pxuk 'd. Air.
I3avid Tabaka was concerned about north accesses.
i-Sr. Robinette stated that the Park Committee wants easements through the
midd e so children can get through and to the playground. The developer csll
be paying park: fees of $300.00 per lot. Ceisness suggested that the path be
made along 175th rather than through the middle of the development, therefore,
disagreeing with the Park Committee. riiller & Heald agree that a trail should
be put along-175th St. Crohoski asked about maintenance of the drainage areas.
Tir. Robinette stated they are existing ponds and will work as proposed, and
the City would maintain them,. normal part of Gity maintenance.
83.24 notion was made by Rice, seconded by riiller, to close the public hearing.
Moll call was taken can the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Crohoski stated he would go along with Park & Rec Committee, as far as a trail`
through the middle of the development.
.83.25 Motion was made by Rice to recommend to City Council approval of the preliminary
plat for the Barrett First Addition with the two recommendations in the letter
from i~ir. Robinette dated January 28,1983. 'as follows:
1. Concerning the possibility of elimination of lot or lots andjor
street realignment so as to correct a deficient lot area situation
at lots 37, 38 and 44 in Block 4.
2. The final plat will add a 10 ft. trail easement between lots 21
and 22, Block 2 (if required by the. Park Committee).
rir. riiller amended Rice's motion as follows: It is the recommendation of the
planning conunission members that a trail. or sidewalk he provided along the
south boundary of the proposed plat, along the north side of 175th Street,
instead of providing. the internal trail between lots 21 and 22 of Block 2, •
as recommended by the Yark Committee. The City Council should determine
which alternative is most satisfactory.
_2 _
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
February 17, 1983
Mr.;Grohosk~~amended Rice`s motion that. approval be subject to the recommen-
dations of the City Administrator, City Planner, City Director of Community
..Development, as well as the recommendations of the City Engineer and City
Mr. Rice. approved tl~e amendments and riiller seconded tiie motion with the
itoll call was taken: on the ~!:otion. Ayes: Heald, Miller, Grohoski, h:ice.
ir'ays : Geisness.
Geisness' nay was because he does not want to see an internal. trail in this
83.26 Motion. was made 2~,g=° Rice to extend the meeting. past 1b:00 p.m, rlr. Aiiller
seconded..tiie motion, but not to go past 10:30 p,m,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
.Chairman Grohoski called for approval of preliminary and final plat of Dakota
Plaza. Pir, Licllt recomniends that staff direct the City Attorney to- draft the
• appropriate documents, stating that the property will revert back to an out-
lot if a church is not built, within a certain length of time.
.83.27 Tiotion was made by i~iiiler, seconded. by Rice, recommending approval to City
Council of the revised preliminary plat of Dakota Plaza,. subject to the five
.recommendations in Lave Licht's memo dated February 10, 19$3'*.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
83.28.. Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, recommending approval of the Con-
ditional Use Permit for installation of underground fuel tanks with the same
conditions as stated previously.
Koll call was taken on the motion, Ayes: Unanimous.
.83.29 notion was made by. Miller, seconded by Rice, to table the review of draft
ordinance and discussion of replatting fees.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Unanimous
Grohoski stated there would be the organizational meeting of the Sign Ordinance
Committee on tJednesday, February 23, 1983 and would appreciate input of commission
members .
-Grohoski asked about the Cedar 70 plat not being brought back for final plat
• .approval. He had questions about the tlilliams Bros. pipeline. Some buildings
}rave been built already. Staff has been requested to give a report on the
Cedar 70 project at the next meeting.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
February 17 , 19 83 •
'uture agenda Items
1. Review of draft ordinance and discussion of replattin~ fees.
2. Steve aichaud, Park Director
3. i:eport on Cedar 70 Project:
83.30 :Motion was made by Dice to adjourn the meeting,.
Voiee vote was taken on"the motion.
Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting. at 10x30 P.m.
Kespectfully submitted,
Dennis t•iiller, Secretary
teven G, r oski, Chairman
* At*_achment
• Persons in attendance at February 17, 1983 Tannin commission meetin
P ~ g
expressing. their. conc~r~- zs follows:
Connie lleBuhr, 17890 le Avenue '
Sharon and Don Sinner, 19736 Judicial Road
Laon Hammer,,A~finnreg Road
Leonard.Tuma, 11$13 td. 210th ST.
Walt Krawsa, 118$1 205t1t'St
Bob Peterson,- 17496 Kodiak
Todd:Y.lingle, 12058 Lucerne Trail-
Hubert Johnson, .County 64
4. ~
_ 'r1 ~
TO Jim Robinette
FRAM: David Licht
DATE: 1~ February 1983
RE: Lakeville -Brooks Superette Development Requests
FILE NU: 33fi.17 - 82.22
The following is a summary of our review of plans for subdivision of the.
Brooks Superette property. The documents reviewed are those stamped as
received by the Gity on 8 February 1983. It is fu " understood that
due to the history on this project, both the prelimin~.,~y and final plat
will be processed simultaneously.
Comments and Recommended Conditions:
1. A provision in the development contract should be that at such time
as the north-south street adjacent to Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 is con-
structed, a determination will be made by the City as to the con-
tinuation of i:he temporary access from County Road 46 into Lots 2 and
3, Block -l.
2. The 30 foot easement between tots 1 and 4 and 2 and 3, Block I should
also be designated for access as well as drainage and utilities.
3. Lot 1, Slock 2 has been now designated as a buildable lot. It was
formally an autlot. It is assumed from recent conversations that
the church will proceed with rezoning and a conditional use permit
request in the near future. if this is in fact accomplished, no
problem is foreseen. However, should development be delayed far some
time, the potential does exist that a church might not be constructed '
on the site as has been suggested to the City, as well as the neighbor-
hood. As part of the development :agreement, it is therefore recom-
mended that should the rezoning of the property not be accomplished
by 1.October 19$3, that the City be given the right to redesignate
Lot 1, Block 2 as an outlot.
4. Due to questions existing relative to'~ot configurations, the develop-
ment agreement has not been finalized. A condition of approval should
be completion of the development agreement prior to City Council approval.
4820 minnetonka boulevard, suite 420 minneapolis, mn 55416 612/925-9420
Jim Robinette
10 February 1983 Page Twa
5. It is alsa assumed that the conditie~rtai use permit application for the
gas operation will be processed along with the plat. Our recommenda-
tions, as taken from our report dated 27 October 1982, are still relevant.
The following are the conditions recommended:
a. _Submission of documented approval by the State Fire Marshall far
gasoline storage.
bo Approval~of utility and drainage plans by the City Engineer's
c. t~dificaton and installation of additional landscaping as suggested
by the City Planner': ~~fcee
d. Structural treatment of the sides and back of the Superette to match
the franc.
e. Submission of a signing plan in conformance to the City's Sign Code
prior. to the issuing of building permits.
f. Any other recommendation made by the City Attorney, City Public
Works director, City Engineer and City Building Official.
cc: Frank Kriz
.Roger Knutson
Jack Wetch
Jay Foster