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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-83 Lakeville,-riinnesota Planning Comn?ission rieeting April 21,' 1983 Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Geisness, Miller, Sizer, Johnson, Grohoski. Absent» Rice, Heald .Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner; Patrick Harvey, Councilman; Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Jim .Robinette, Public. Works Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. Chairman. Grohoski asked if there were ang additions or corrections to the minutes of the April 7, 1983 planning commission meeting... Sizer asked .that the last half of the first sentence of paragraph 4 on page 3 be de eted, ending the sentence at'changing the ordinance'. 83.44 .Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sizer, to approve the April 7, 1983 planning commission meeting minutes, with deletion. Roll call was taken on ,the motion. Ayes: Sizer, Miller, Grohoski, Johnsan. -Abstain: Geisness Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on the preliminary plat df Dak- ota Heights $th Addition. Mr. Roger. Knutson attested to this being a duly publicized hearing. rr._Francis_Fiagen, Engineer, with Westwood Planning & Engineering, made the presentation for the developer, stating this was originally platted and approved in 1976. Mr. George Barrett, 17450 Ipava and Mr. Terry Love, 9415 178th St W. were. wondering about the direction the poif~it~g would run, paving of Ipava and whoa pays for it, tearing up of Ipava by the construction trucks, the drainage ditch on the east and south of this development, and the extension of 175th Street. Mr. Frank Kriz statedthe street .was designed to carry the load, the drain- age plans have been drawn up on his plat, all the lots exceed the minimum requirements, and. the extension of 175th Street is not .being .planned .right now, but .the developer will have to escrow money for it to be put in in the future.. 83.45 Piotion was: made by Sizer, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous. Discussion. The final plat is also on the agenda for approval and some of the commission members were not comfortable with approving both the_prelim- inary and final plats.: The preliminary plat had. been approved in 1976 and has not been changed, but because of the ordinance which states. that the final plat must come up for approval within 100 days of .the preliminary plat being approved, that is the reason a_public hearing is again necessary. Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 1983 Grohoski mentioned changes in policies, since this agreement was entered .into in 1976 and rir. Knutson stated that. this development agreement is in compliance with all the requirements of the City and we are bound by it, no matter what .the date was on it. Grohoski asked again that commission mem- bers be given some background information on these older plats, when they come in for final approval. Mr. Robinette explained that in.1976 the dev- elopers were asked to draw up a plan for this area, because the City-had to run sewer pipes through this area and wanted to get easements and right of ways. It was stated that there would be a temporary cul-de-sac on Iceland Trail at 175th Street. There is no need for extending 175th Street until such time as there is development to the north, according to Frank Kriz. No time frame can be set at this time. Mr. .Robinette stated he would get a copy of the. Draft Development agreement to .the commission members before it goes on the City Council agenda. It should be noted that this pro3ect is partially outside of the 199C Urban Serv- ice Area and will require a comprehensive plan amendment as well. as .another public hearing on same. These amendments. are normally dealt with concurrent with the plat approval.. 83.46 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Geisness, to recommend approval to the .City Council of the preliminary plat of Dakota leights 8th Addition, .subject to conditions regarding the cul-de-sac on Iceland Trail and the escrow of monies for construction of 175th Street. .Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous $3.47 notion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council approval of the final plat of Dakota Heights 8th Addition subject to conditions regarding the cul-de-sac on Iceland Trail, escrow of monies fore construction of 175th Street and that we have an opportunity to review the development contract .before it goes to the City Council. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Sizer, P1i11er, Johnson, Geisness. Nays: Grohoski Grohoski's nay was because he does not see. the need for the haste of approving both the preliminary and final plat at this stage, since another public hearing is necessary onthisplat. Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on renewal of the special home occupation permit to .practice chiropractic services at 16278 Florida 4Jay, for Cindy Carlson Silbernagel. Mr. Robinette stated there had been no complaints regarding this during the past year. No public comments were offered.. ~.48 Motion was made by riiller, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing. -2- Lakeville, Pinnesota Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 19$3 Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Discussion followed and Grohoski stated, as he had a year ago, that to .fairly and accurately compete within her field that he would like to see her moving into a connnercial area where most .such businesses are located. Tis. Silbernagel stated that hers was not a full time business as yet and is unable to justify doing this, at this. time. 83.49 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Puller, to recommend approval to the City Council for renewal of this special home occupation permit for three years. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Geisness wanted it known that home occupations are OK with him. Chairman Grohoski opened.. the public hearing for preliminary plat and vaca- tion of streets for Antlers Park 2nd Addition. Pir. Knutson did not have a record of notices being mailed, .but after a show of hands from the public in the audience, chair .recognized that proper mailed notices were sent out for this meeting. • Developer Cyril Schweich, h436 Conroy St., Prior Lake, was in attendance and .Gene Jacobson made the. presentation for him. Pir. Alan Brixius stated this plan is consistent with what the City is trying to do in getting substandard plats up to current standards and l:ot sizes, according to the Lake Area Redevelopment Plan.. .There. would be a partial. waiver on Fark dedication and. storm sewer requirements, and there would need to be some changes made. . Discussion followed regarding. alternatives to connecting this area with. the new development proposed and the undeveloped area to the east, as well as access to Highway 50. The drainage problems have been addressed. itesidents from the area. had questions retarding installation of storm sewer, low spots in-the gravel road. (199th Street) that collect water now, upgrading the street to 32 ft. wide, assessments for street upgrading, concrete curb and gutter being required, zoning in this area, clearing of the woods, lot sizes, extension of 199th Street on the lake bottom, access to lots, what might come in behind this plat, access to boat launch, congested traffic, lift station being adequate for additional homes, what size homes might be built, setback requirements, and access to the lake. ~~List is attached with residents names and addresses. 83.50 Motion was made by xiiller, seconded by Johnson, to continue this public hearing until our next planning commission meeting on Piay 5, 1983. • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous wg_ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 1983 Planning commission members do not want 199th Street to be extended through. .the wetlands, but feel there does need to be another access, perhaps. on the north side. They also feel the lot sizes should be as required by the Shore- line Overlay District Ordinance, 15,000 sq. ft., when they are within 1,000 ft. of the shoreline. Chairman Grohoski indicated some possible flexibility.,: in this area. Chairman Grohoski called for final plat approval of Cedar-70 Business Park. 83.51 Piotion was made by Giesness, seconded by Johnson, to recommend to the City Councilagproval of the plat of Cedar-70 as presented. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Sizer, Johnson, Giesness. Nays: Puller, Grohoski Piiller's nay was because he feels we are doing them a favor, because the buildings are already up. Grohoski's nay is because he really feels that this whole plat is moot, because the buildings are up - he is somewhat miffed by .proceeding without following the City's rules and gust cannot condone it. ~.52 Piotion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sizer, to extend the. meeting past 10:00 p.m., but not past .10:30 p.m. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Sizer, Grohoski, Johnson, Geis- ness. Nays: Puller Chairman Grohoski called for final plat approval of The P4eadows 4th Addition. Pir. Jack Lankas, Developer, and Gene Jacobsen, Surveyor, were in attendance to answer questions.. 83.53. P~iotion was made by Giesness, seconded. by Puller, to reconmiend to the. City Council approval of the final plat of The Pieadows 4th Addition, sucject to payment of park dedication fees, storm sewer trunk area charge, installation of concrete curb & gutter and concrete sidewalks on the east half of Jacquard. Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski asked, again, that the commission members be given some background when old plats are brought up again.. Mr. .Gene Jacobsen suggested that cJe look into the setback requirements on the small lots in the downtown area. Grohoski stated that if someone wants to build in town on a small lot they can come in with a variance request, rather than to rewrite the ordinance. Pir. Alan 13rixius will look into this.- `t Pir. Patrick Harvey, Councilman, again said thanks for doing a good fob, to .the commissionmembers. -4 - Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 1983 Future agenda items.:; 1. Foxborough 2nd Addition, Northland Mortgage Co. 83.54 Piotion was made by Miller to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, s~-~. Dennis Miller, Secretary ATTEST .even G. r ioski, Chairman -5- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting April 21, 1983 * Those residents in attendance at .April 21, 1983 planning commission meeting and making comments or asking questions were: Tom Walsh, 9976 199th St W George Nash, 10046 199th St W Tom Rasmussen, 9930 199th St. W Julie Gunderson, 9916 199th St W David Frost, 9880 199th. St W Curtis Gunderson, 9916 199th St W Jerome Rasmussen, 10112 199th St W William Forbord, 10000 199th'St W Pete Smith, 20075 Italy Ave Jim Tretten 9934 199th St W Jim Qualley, 10056 199th St W Dick Lorentzen, Lakeville Realty Co., representing George Warweg Ted Schweich, 4151 CJ Circle, Prior Lake, Builder •