HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-83 ` j. ~ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission rieeting May 19, 1983 Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. :Roll call of members was taken.: Present: Geisness, I~ea1d, riiller, Sizer,- ' Johnson, Grohoski, Rice. Also present: Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator; Rich Rademacher, Police' Chief; Clint Anderson, Investigator; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, City Planner; Darrell Schneider, City Engineer; Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Steve riichaud, Park & Rec Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. Chairman Grohoski .asked if there .were any addit3.ons or correctionstothe minutes of the May 5, 1983 planning commission meeting. 83.62 notion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to approve the minutes of the May 5, 1983 planning commission meeting. Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Sizer, Heald, Grohoski, Johnson, Piiller,:Rice. Abstain:. Geisness • Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on preliminary and final lat of P revised Barrett First-Addition. Mr. Roger Knutson attested to this. being a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Don Hess of Landplan put up maps of their re- vised plan and asked if there were any questions. 83.63 notion was made by Geisness, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing. Roll.. call was taken on the motion. Ayes.: Unanimous Question was raised as to a fence around the ponding and Mr. Hess stated if it proved to be necessary it would be done. Questions regarding substandard lots had been answered and the timing of project. was estimated to be, about 6 weeks.- 83.64 notion was made by Puller, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the CityCouncil approval of_the revised preliminary .plat of the .Barrett First Addition as recommended in the Planner's Report dated Niay l2, 1983, contingent on the following items: 1. Correction of numbering and lettering of .lots, blocks, and outlots. 2. Widening of Lot 2, Block 8 to 100 feet at `right-of caay line. 3. Enlargement o£ or approval of average. lot size by .Plan- ning Commission and City Council.. 4. Approval of drainage and utilities by City Engineer. 5. Dedication of all. easements. 6. Deed restrictions placed on Block 7, Lots 9, 10, 11, 29 and Block 9, Lots 1,.2,.5 and 6 limiting structure depth to review by City Attorney. -1- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 1983 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.65 Plotion was made by Johnson, seconded by Miller,. to recommend to the City Council approval of the revised final plat. of Barrett First Addition subject to the 6 items previously mentioned from the Planner's Report of l~iay 12, 1983. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on the application of Rembrandt Enterprises for a horse racing facility on the west side of I-35 between 195th Street West and County Road 64. Mr. Knutson stated this is a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Knutson said that before the City can amend it's ordinance we must make sure the zoning ordinance is in agreement. with the Comprehensive Plan. They are working on an Environmental Worksheet but bir. Knutson stated there is no reason to. delay this body's decisions because of it. P~ir. Grohoski explained that this body ,just makes recommendations to the City Council, that no final decisions come from this body. Mr. Robert Hoffman, Attorney for. the. applicant, stated they would be addressing some of .the questions that had already been raised at some of the informal meetings already held. He stated .that local approval is extremely important to them, stating that there are probably many Daher communities that would want • this track in their area. A gentleman in the audience suggested that we have a larger room available for this meeting. so that everyone can hear and see what is going on. Mr. Hoffman suggested that this racetrack would be a positive thing for the City of Lakeville and gave the commission a background briefing on the applicant, Rem- brandt Enterprises, Inc., the application and approval process at the local, regional, and state level and a short history on the horse racing industry and the bill legalizing it in Minnesota. He presented a written memorandum to the planning commission and staff, prepared in dart from information from a Washington County iIRA study which shows the impact of a large. track on employment, real es- tote .taxes, and economic development. Ile also gave a review of the consultant expertise that the applicant has retained in making this application in Lakeville.. Finally, rir. Hoffman indicated the applicant's support for the P.U.D. zoning as the best way for the applicant to achieve a superior development and for the City.. to have the most control over the development.. Mr. Greg Dumonceaux, Architect, explained the racetrack facility itself, what is planned, and stated they are trying to maintain the natural characteristic of the area. Pir. John Dixon explained the watersheds in this area. PIr. Glen Van Wormer, Traffic Engineer, explained the importance of access to the site, and the many agencies that have to approve whatever traffic plan is proposed. Mr. Dave Licht said there would have to be an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. to obtain proper zoning, but the proposed development meets the criteria of the -2 - Lakeville, Piinnesota Planning Commission Meeting • Tiay 19 , 1983 Comprehensive Plan, with some modifications.. Staff recommended to the applicant, 3f this type development were to be pursued in the community, that it should be handled with a P.U.D. rir. Keith Nelson, City. Engineer, stated that from a conceptual review, no prob- lems are foreseen. Ile mentioned a few things pertaining to traffic, proposed ramps, drainage, water quality sampling program, sewage flows, trunk sanitary sewer and water proposed, grading elevations, possible need for a water booster pump, and preliminary cost for construction of sewer and ~~rater facilities, that need to be considered. Also, P1r, Nelson said if the development proceeds, an .updated feasibility report should be considered. i~r. Pat ricGarvey, City Administrator, stated that-.the staff is charged with re- viewing applications, etc..,. but the fact that this proposal is so very different from anything presented to Lakeville previously, they decidecl they should visit a major horse racetrack and attempt to learn more about a major horse racing facility. They visited Ak-Sar--Ben in Omaha to see how it operates in relation to its surrounding neighborhood, the City and with people. They took over 700 slides, 60 or 70 of which they will show us tonight. sir. Rademacher, Police Chief, narrated a video, film .taken at Omaha. • P~Ir. ilcGarvey, Pir. Rademacher, P~ir. Darrell Schneider, City Engineer, andlir. Jim Robinette, Public Works Director, are the fellows G~ho went on this fact-finding tour. They talked to the track operator, Gity Planning, Administrative,. Engin- eering and Police people, county officials, metropolitan officials, residents, school officials, consultants and others in the Omaha area. Pir, Rademacher stated that the policing would need to be handled by the facility itself. Chairman Grohoski now .called for public comments. He stated he would recognize those .wishing to speak from .the cards the people had signed. rlr. Jerry Erickson, 8460 Upper 206th St, stated this project is well presented, sfiows both sides, and that we Dave the opportunity to see that this particular proposal has much merit. rlr. Richard Storlie, 12393 205th St W, wanted to know why the P,U,D. includes the acreage that..is undeveloped, not knowing what will be put in there. Mr. D. H. Sinner's, 19736 Judicial Rd, first concern is major changes that are required by the Comprehensive Plan. Regarding-the interstate corridor, it` would not even include the parking lot. We are expanding 3/4 of a mile beyond the ICD. We should clearly spell out these changes and not rely on ICD to jus- tify them. Rezoning is downgrading from the R-1. Ile stated that this will re- duce the property value, and questioned costs of the City services. Mr. Sinner commended the Police Chief for presenting both sides, but huestioned our small staff of officers handling the police duties on this proposed development. Re- garding pollution, the state waters that .are being proposed, protecting wetlands that would have to be moved. Putting drainage in pipes is a grave concern to Air. Sinner. He feels-that most o£ the people next. to t1Ye racetrack in Omaha came -3- Lakeville, riinnesota Planning Commission Meeting • May 19 , 1983 in after the track was built. He questioned the sound decibel and how it was taken. Pir. Sinner's main concern was that an environmental impact study be done before the acceptance of this development. Mr. Sinner, representing the West- woods Land & Homeocmers Association, has 75.01 signatures on a petition opposing this development, which he presented. 83.66 .Motion was made by Rice, seconded by miller, to receive this petition with 750 names. Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes; Unanimous tlr. liarry ricLenighan, 17840 Italy Path, is a teacher at Lakeville School and. spoke regarding the cutbacks of the Fine Arts Department and Sports programs. He stated that he was in favor of the race track because of the increased taxes it could pay to the schools. I1r. Alike Raub, 20141 France Cr., Prior Lake, feels this would not be a good location. There would be revenue generated, but doesn't .feel it is a good way to get money in, with racing, gambling, etc. tir. Glenn Klotz, 12198 168th St W, commented that it was a good presentation. Mrs. Betty Tuma, 11813 210th St W, is opposed to the racetrack, but pleased • with the presentation. She is concerned about the impact of a racetrack on this community. Ms. Rochelle rl: Itman, 2421 Girard So., P4pls., owns land on 35W and is in favor of the racetrack being located herP..It will be a benefit to this community, rlr. John Raplinger, 11897 W. 210th St, President of.the Westwoods Land & Home- owners Assn., having 200 landowners, would like to reemphasize rezoning of the residential area, which is a major portion of the land, modifying it into a P.U.ll. He could not overemphasize that we are extending the ICll by 3/4 mile. In their opinion, it is patchwork zoning and compromising the Comprehensive Plan and actual assault on major residences in the area. They are asking the planning commission to consider several effects here and would again compliment the Police Chief for presenting both sides of the issue.. Air. quality is a great concern, as well as the effect it will have on Lake Marion, the major receptacle of the drainage. He is concerned with the noise level of crowds, etc., stating that a 747 jet taking off would be 90 decibels. I-35 traffic is a concern.,. particularly at peak periods, frequently coming to a complete stop. Another 2500 to 5000 cars could turn I-35 into a massive parking lot. Following is a list of their concerns: 1. Engineering and development 2. Ritter Farm Park 3. Subsurface water levels 4. Pesticides 5. Solid waste and liquid waste -how it will be handled Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 19$3 6. Sewage. capacity - including projected growth of Lakeville area: 7. Planning commission needs to proceed into showing analysis of police, fire, traffic control, emergency medical assistance. We are hardly now able to handle the community as it is. Social and moral problems such as gambling, organized crime and gambling addiction. rir. ltaplinger is requesting that the planning commission seriously consider and reject the P.U.D., the horse racing facility proposed by Rembrandt Ent. tlr. Robert Clark, 12033 205th St W, disagreed with his neighbors getting 750 signatures from .land owners on the west side of I-35. Air. R. C. Iteddick, 25005. Dodd Blvd. , stated tYe has known rir. Hoffman for 30 years. and believes if this development should come into Lakeville, it will be just as Mr. Hoffman .has explained it. He thinks it will be a benefit for the. State of Minnesota and has visited different racetracks around the country, stating that traffic through residential areas to get to them has not been a problem. .rir. Leonard Tuma, 11813 W. 210th St, remembers when Lakeville was zoned for the Comprehensive Plana There was a hearing and rir. Jim Dunham was asking why that whole axea west of the freeway was being zoned R-1 and he felt it should be commercial because of the railroad running through that propexty. Mr. Jensen was mayor at that time. They felt there had to be a place for resi- dents to live and that is why it was zoned R-1. Air. Tuma did not own his .land yet, at that time. Before they built, the Stewart Brothers, they introduced the horse stables to be built south of Co. Rd. 70. Tuma and others set up the Westwoods Assn. about l0 years ago. They came to the planning commission .and council at that time and got stipulations, etc,, so tlat the land went back to R-1, which now supports many beautiful houses and good tax base for .the City. Chas. Freidheim-felt this. was a good way to get money for his retirement, and council gave him a temporary use permit, and it will revert back to 1Z-1 when they move out. Then came rir. Peterson's B-4 area, on Co. Rd. h4, a temporary use permit was for a B-4 use zoning to operate a nursery on that site. Then came the ICD and.. they are not opposed to that. Then came the Renaissance and request to change from R-1. Then Naegele-Dooley, got it down to R-6 zon- ing, which is not satisfactory with the residents, but they are living with it. Now they have Rembrandt Enterprises coming in, going up against residential property, so we the residents of Westwoods Assn. are sick and tired of encroach- ment on our properties. Mr. Tuma continued by saying they are proposing a 1/2 diamond going to the north -5- Lakeville, Plinnesota Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 1983 and the rest of the traffic is tco close to highway 70 at a sit e. he can-see from his dining room window. Iie is concerned about the interchange and no' visibility. tIe feels that traffic will jam up on the freeway because of the right-of way. Coming home will be much more concentrated, and when they turn on to 70 and go south, traffic .from the west goes on to the freeway and has the right-of-way. 'Iie feels traffic will come from all directions and will be far more than the figures given tonight. He stated that the documents he has seen list-the Rembrandt Enterprises as a Delacaare Corporation. T~Ir. Tuma goes- tions taxing the new access to the freeway, the ramps, roads, parking lot; how do you assess it? He would like to have this group sit docan and find out what can be taxed.. Ilow do .you tax bleachers? Mr. Tuma feels our sports programs would-suffer even more if the racetrack comes in, kids will be driving there for jobs or whatever. A holding pond on ,the site was mentioned, where the water will. not run out - T•Ir. Tumaasks what they will be irrigating in the middle of the winter? He feels it will run out some other place. Pir. Tuma also feels this development is insolvent and will not generate enough revenue to pay for itself and the next thing clown the road it will go into. receivership, they won't pay the taxes and everyone will suffer: PIr. Tuma said thanks to-commission members for listening to him, • 83.67 Piotion was made by Geisness, seconded by Heald, to continue our meeting past 10 :00 p .m. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Sizer, Heald, Grottoski, Johnson, Geisness. I1ays: Puller, Lice Air, Playnard Johnson, Airlake"Industrial. Park, stated this was an excellent presentation and that Ice is in favor of horse racing in Lakeville. PIs. Carol Smith, 18977 Orchard Trail, is in favor of the racetrack, Plrs. Sharon Sinner, 19736 Judicial Road, was concerned about P,U.D, zoning on that northwest corner that does not slow as being. developed at this time. She is .also concerned about the sound decibel and does feel certain she will be able to see the facility once it is built. She'has been told on good authority that their property values are zilch at this time and maybe in 10 years they would be in a value range again, but only if they go commercial. She said the P.U.D. was not meant to change the Comprehensive Plan, but here cae are changing the Comprehensive Plan and changing the zoning., Seems we are changing an aw- fully lest of things for this development. FIr, Plick Tingelhoff, 19286 Judicial Road, Chairman of Lakeville Horse Racing Committee, feels this development would be a tremendous boost for Lakeville. • He brought several hundred cards signed by citizens in favor of the racetrack in Lakeville. -6 - . , Lakeville, Minnesota. Planning Commission Meeting May 19, 1983 83.68 Piotion was made by F3 ce, seconded by Sizer,.to accept these cards signed by citizens in favor. of the racetrack bengbuilt in Lakeville. Roll .call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Tie. Walt Krawza, 11881 205th St LJ, is concerned about. being forced out of his home, Chairman Grohoski acknowledged receipt of a letter from Walt & Grace Krawza, stating their opposition to the racetrack in our area. ~ir. Vic Kohlnhofer, 1142b 245th St E, canted to thank the .presenters and the Police Chief for unbiased reports. He feels this is a good thing for our community, for. our. tax base. Mrs. Laois Hammer, 11950 185th St t1, stated that there is lots of wild life and good .things to look at outlier window and has }iad all sorts of people come, and has learned a lot from living in this area. She has had lots of .students staying t}iere and is concerned about Ritter Park, cahich belongs to everybody, getting in to the park and enjoying it. i°irs. Hammer is concerned about traffic, it will be backed up to Bloomington. She feels it will impact Burnsville Center and will be a giant parking lot, which will. affect all the people traveling through ~tnnesota. She is also concerned about drainage into the lake, feels the lake will go over ir}innreg Road eventually, that the drainage plan won't work. Iirs. Hammer stated that we do have some endangered species here and she has pictures she can show. Specific interest species are to be protected. She is also concerned about land values, feels it should stay as R-l. She won- dered about City services, getting. out through the traffic, should he every- body's concern.. She can hear the traffic on the freeway and noise from Elko Speedway. She feels there are people who do Grant to live by these things but some of them don't and shouldn't be forced to. She feels we should have our next meeting at the high school so that everyone can sit down and be comfortable. She went. on to say .that they are pulling the cool over our eyes. if they think we aren't going to have organized crime. In .answer to lie. Clark's comment about 750.signatures, 1!irs. Hammer stated they do no all live west of the freeway. Mrs. Hammer's final comments were that we have to make a wise decision here, what will it cost us? Are tae going to get what we came to Lakeville for? 83.69 elation was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to continue this public hearing at a special meeting on Dlay 31, 1983 at J.F.K. Elementary School, Commons, at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken on the. emotion. Ayes: Unanimous ll. Miller left at 10:20 p.m. -7- Lakeville, Aiinnesota Planning Commission Meeting Piay 19 , 1983 Short Kecess. A4r. Knutson said we are still waiting for a decision on the Speedy Piarket case. Pir. Grohoski said the sign committee has been meeting regularly, taking the sign ordinance section by section, reviewing and revising, and hope to be done within 60 days. Pars. Heald asked about the cars parked at Cedar and 160th St. and Air. Robinette said the police are taking care of it. Future agenda items: 1. Setback variance for substandard lots 2. Garages 83.70 Alotion was made by Rice to adjourn the meeting.. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 1Q:4~ p.m. • Respectfully submitted, Dennis A[iller, Secretary ATTEST: t n G. r o ki, Chairman _8 _ T0: PLANNING COATMISSION ~1EMBERS & CITY COUNCIL FROM; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary ~J~ RE; TABULATION OF PETITIONS FOR & AGAINST RACETRACK Petitions were accepted by the Planning Commission on May 19, 1983 by residents for and against the proposed racetrack in Dakota County. Following are the figures: .FOR the racetrack AGAINST the racetrack 354 Residents 429 Residents 211 Non-residents 330 Non--residents