HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-83 Lakeville, Piinnesota
Planning Commission Fleeting
• June 2, 1983
Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m, in the
Lakeville City Council Chambers , ,
Roll call of members was taken... Present: Geisness, Heald, Miller, Grohoski,
Johnson,. Sizer, Rice..
Also present: Sid Puller, City Building Inspector; Roger Knu son, City Atty;
Anne Bronken, City Planner; Shirley Sorensen,. Recording: Secretary.
Chairman Grohoski called for additions or corrections to the minutes of the
special planning commission. meeting on May 31, 1983.. Several additions/
corrections were made to the minutes..
83.77 Piotion was made by Puller, seconded by Sizer, to approve the minutes from. the
special planning commission. meeting on May 31, 1983, as amended.
Roll. call was taken on the motion.:. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski opened the discussion on setback variances for substandard
.lots. Mr. Sid Miller stated that this really doesn't address our problems, "
that not: only does the. front. yard setback need to be addressed, but also the
• side and rear.. Mr. Sid hiller also said that some lots have'been"made sub.-
standard by our current ordinances, the biggest.. problem being the corner lots.,.
very few of them left to be built. on now, and would just: need to go with a
variance.. _
Sizer asked if it was worth the change for just a few.. lots that might be in
this category. Mr. Knutson said it could be handled with a minor variance
procedure, which only goes through the City Council and not the planning
commission. Sid Miller thinks we should change the side yard setbacks in the
Shoreline Overlay District, that they should be the same as the base zoning.
He went. on to .say we should just leave our zoning ordinance as it_is and, when-
. situation arises, go for a minor variance., when a resident might: want to add
on to his house, or whatever. Geisness feels that it should be allowed, to
keep the city homes uniform, somewhat. Grohoski mentioned that maybe it should
be left up to-the discretion of the Council,:. specifying that Planning District
18 (the perimeter CBD residential area.) receive special treatment:..
Grohoski asked Ms, Bronken to massage the minor variance procedure to take in:
the. problem that Sid Miller described. The Planner will give us a report at a
future date....
We could not start our public hearings until 8:30 p.m. so at-this point Chair-
man Grohoski'askedif there was any other business. Mr. Sid-Miller showed"the
commission members a map of a lot in Foxboro ugh that.was platted-for;twinhomes,
but the developers wouldnow'like..to build.:single family homes,::.on it as well
as others The commission members want it made clear that under no circum-
stances wou7,d they. let them dothis.
- Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning.Comarission Meeting
June 2, 1983 •
lir. Knutson said that we have won the Speedy Market.. case, and Mr. Rappaport
now owns the land again. ,
Grohoski mentioned there were still. two cars parked at 160th and Cedar Ave.
with "For Sale "signs in them, but caas told .City. Hall staff is working on
getting. them cleared..
Chairman Grohoski recessed the meeting at-8:00 p.m., until the. public hearings
start at 8:30 p.m.
Chairman Grohoski called the meeting back to order at 8130 p.m. and opened the
public hearing for conditional. use permit for outside storage at the site `of
.the former Lumberjack Shacks tore on the west frontage road of 35W,.north of
State Highway 50. NIr. Knutson stated the proper mailed and published notices
have been given,: therefore attesting to this being a duly authorized hearing.
The applicants, Jim and Barb Sackett, 1510.4 Stevens Ave, Burnsville, stated.
that their wood stove and chain saw business is seasonal and they are looking
for something that is more of a, summer business to fill in. They are thinking
of. the Jartran truck/trailer rental business so are askittg for a conditional
use permit to do this.
Discussion followed regarding. front yard setback, parking within public. right-
of~aay, excessive driveway.width, definition ofa truck,.number of trucks than.
would be parked there, perimeter-curbing, Shoreline.Overlay District, lighting,
screening, parking. lot surface, and restrictions that can be placed on-a cond-
tional use permit, like selling. of vehicles in the. future .being prohibited.
Knutson suggests that we refer-to what was on the. Conditional Use Permit that
was .issued on this property years .ago for storing wood chips. Ms. Bronken
will research this item. Ais. Bronken will also check on the'prevous° condi-
tional use permit to see if there iaas anything done with regard to the Shore-
land Impact Plan :and, if so, it wouldn`t need to be done now.
83.78. Motion was made by Rice,.. seconded by Millex, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
83.79- Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by .Rice, to table the conditional use=permit
recommendation until the June 16, 1983 meeting, giving ,the applicant time to
get together with the:. planner.
Rolf: call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for a conditional use permit for-
- Robert H. Grossman ..for. a combined garage. in excess of 1,000"square feet.` Atr.
Knutson attested to he proper mailed and pub fished notices having been given..
Mr. Grossman stated this garage would be used for storage of lawn and garden .
f a
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning. Commission Meeting
• June 2 , 19 83
supplies, im particular, .and will not be conducting a home occupation now or
in the future. He is asking for the garage to be located 5 feet from the lot
line instead of the. required 10 feet, that because of the unusual configur-
ation of Mr. Grossman's lot it is unclear whether a side yard or-rear yard
setb aek is appropriate and because of this ,it was determined by the committee
and agreed with by Sid Miller, that the 5 foot setback is adequate.
83.80 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous
83.31 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to recommend approval to the
City Council of the conditional use permit to allow an accessory structure,
contingent that no home occupation be located in the structure now or in the
future .
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for residential subdivision and
zoning change of R-3 and R-4 for Foxborough Second Addition... rir. Knutson
attested to the proper mailed-and published notices having been sent, so it
is a duly authorized hearing.
Mr. Wayne Tower from Suburban Engineering represented Northland Mortgage and
explained they were changing building types, from a lot ofduplexes to single ,
family residential.
83.82 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Discussion followed and it was mentioned that. there would. be a temporary access.
on to Cedar Avenue, until more of the development is completed, then it will
become a cul-de-sac. rir. Tower said they would prefer to leave lots 35-40 as
.single family lots.. Geisness asked about a trail along Cedar Avenue and Mr.
Tower said that at present there has been no allowance for one.: Geisness .feels
perhaps there should be one all along Cedar Avenue in planning for the future.
Grohoski is concerned about the. three lots abutting Cedar Avenue. if and when
Cedar Avenue is widened in the future. What is the right-of way there? Mr.
Tower .feels it was taken care. of with the Foxborough lst Addition, but Grohosk
has-asked the applicant. to obtain a letter from the county as to what_the right-
of-way requirement. is there so that we can be sure it-.has been encompassed in
this ..area .
Mr. Tower said they will make sure the lots are all.. according to the standard
lot sizes as required by the City, or more. Grohoski_asked that we check to
make sure we do note need a new variance for the cul-de-sacs.
83.83 notion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council
.approval of the .preliminary plat and associated zoning changes for Foxborough
Lakeville, tiiinnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
June-2, 19.83
Second Addition contingent upon:
1. That lots 7 and 8 of .Block 10 are enlarged to get the 15.,.000 square.
foot area requirements,
2. Any and all lets in Block 4 are revised so as to not be undersized.
3. That the frontage dimension of Lots 15 and. 16, Block 4, be labeled
4. Two foot wide drainage .and utility easements be placed along all
lot lines of base lots in final giat.
S. Street names be added. according. to County recommendations.
6. That the temporary street extending from the easternmost cul-de-sac:.
be dashed in.
7. Than a letter or other evidence be obtained from. the State ,Highway
Department indicating .that: the right-of-way for Cedar Avenue along
and. behind Lots 8, 9', and. 10 of Block 6, is adequate for 'future
needs of Cedar Avenue, including, but. not limited to, future and/or
trail right-of-way and further that any additional. requirements or
recommendations as imposed by the City Engineer, City Attorney,
City Administrator, or Community Development Director be followed as
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Miller, Gzohoski, Johnson,
Sizer, Rice.. Nays: Geisness
Geisness voted nay because the answers to alI the conditions that are listed-
in the motion,-the specifics, should be in front of us before we recommend
approval to the City Council.
83.84 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Gzohoski, to extend the meeting past
10:.00 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Heald, Gzohoski, Johnson.
Nays: bLiller, Sizer,-Rice
Chairman. Gzohoski opened the public hearing for the request of Ernest & Joyce
Baillif for rezoning from R-2 to B-W, Business Warehousing, and for a request
to build a large garage on the property. Knutson attested that proper mailed
and published. notices had been given.
Mr. Bi11 Baker represented Mr/~1rs Baillif and said that.-after seeing the
Planner's Report and after talking to the administrator, he feels that there
has been a missed communication and that he will `have further discussion on
the matter with his client, with-a strong possibility that they would withdraw
the request and instead request.:a conditional use permit for the garage 'that
they want.
Chairman Gzohoski read a etter from Ms". Lucille Ferguson: stating her objec- "
tions to either a rezoning of this property or a conditonal:use permit being
Mr. Dave Gorham, 10120 168th St agrees with Mrs. Ferguson and is against the
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning. Commission Meeting
June 2, 1983
,~ir, llon Breibe, 11110 W. 168th St, is vehemently opposed to changing the
zoning and feels the property values would go down if it were built..
i~Ir. John. Prinz, 11090 16$th St, is opposed to rezoning, stating that then
other buildings could be put on the property, once the zoning. is changed.
iKs. Betty Hornberger, 16865 Kenmore Ct., wanted: to know what the need is
for rezoning. l•ir. Grohoski stated that this Baillif property was rezoned
back in 1973 and should not have been, from. commercial to residential.
i~ir. Darrell Eichner, T6835 Kenmore Ct, bought a house in this. area recently
and wants it to stay as a residential area.
i~ir, David Kranz, 16935 Kenwood Dr, is opposed to rezoning and asked why a
conditional use permit couldn't be issued. Chairman Grohoski indicated
that it possibly could,
P4r, Baker stated that Mr, Baillif has lived here for 33 years and the
application for residential. property-listed..his property district as a
proper district, that was missed in the remapping. He stated this is a
compatible use and asked that we table our recommendation on this matter
so that they have time in investigate the requirements in and what is
allowed under the ICD Overlay zone, with. the possibility in mind. of with=
drawing the rezoning request and substituting a request for conditional use
Knutson stated it is a reasonable request in this unique situation.
Pir. Darwin Hillman, 16855 Kenmore Ct, said a large garage is a bit ambiguous
and is opposed to it.
Grohoski stated-that it is proposed to be used for heavy equipment that is
now stored openly on the site. The request for zoning is still before us.
He also said that there is more latitude if request for rezoning xemains.
With a conditional use permit many. more conditions can be imposed.
Several of the public in attendance were objecting to the rezoning and not
necessarily the building, depending on the design of the building.
.83,85 i~totion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing.
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes.: Geisness, Heald, Miller,:.Grohoski,
Johnson, sizes. Nays: Rice-
Rice's nay vote had to do with closing the public hearing on the rezoning and
rescheduling for June 16th meeting.. He feels the-public hearing should have
been continued.
-5 -
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
June 2, 1983
83.8b Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer, to table. making a_recommen-
daton on this matter, at the: r-equest of the. applicant, until. the June 16,
1983 planning commission meeting.
Rolf call was. taken on the motion. Ayess Unanimous
Sizes asked that a straw vote be taken so the applicant :has. some•dea how'.
the planning commission members feel on this matter. Geisness is against
.rezoning .and also. has some reservations about a conditional use permit.
Heald would lean tocaard the conditional use permit, as would Miller. John-
son agrees, also, but would like to see some plans. Sizes also would like.. to
see plans. Rice is against rezoning and would not comment on a conditional
use permit. .Grohoski stated he felt the B-W rezoning is not mandated in this
particular. case and would vote no as to .the rezoning. He would not comment
on a conditional use permit because no application for same was before him.
Mr. Dean Baillif, 4009 Chicago Ave, asked what the legality was of a straw
vote and was told there was none. He then asked tahat the purpose of it was,
and stated that he does not. think it is a proper thing to do.
83.87 Motion u~as made by ~.ce to adjourn. the meeting:
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis' Aiiller, .Secretary:
v n G. oh ski, Chairman'