HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-83 Lakeville ::inr_es o t a .Planning Commission .ieeting • June 16, L 33 Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:!10 P.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. roll call of members was taken. .Present: Geisness, Sizer, Johnson, Gro- hoski, .Rice... Absent: Heald, miller Also present:-Frank Kriz, City Engr.; Dave Licizt & James hick, City Planners Jim. Robinette, Public tdorks Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. The City Attorney was absent , Chairman Grohoski called for additions or corrections to the minutes of the June 2, 1983 planning. commission meeting.. . 33.88 option was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to approve the minutes of the June 2, 1983 planning. commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called for making a recommendation on the application of Ernest. Baillif to rezone from R-2 to B-tJ a parcel of property on the east side of County Road ;30..5 north of 170th Street. 83.89 notion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council denial of the rezoning from R-Z to B-W on said property because rezoning from residential property to warehousing property is not appropriate. Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called on the applicant of Cedar Highlands 3rd and 4th Additions to present the final plat, located. north of Dodd Road and south of Cedar Highlands .2nd Addition. iir. Loren Gross, Attorney representing Earl hohag, ocaner, introduced I•ir. Robt. kosco, Engineer, to explain what coal done in the past and what is proposed now. The original plat was prepared back.- in 1977 and the first. tcao phases were not actually finished until 1380. They are now proposing a few changes rpm the original plat, but all changes suggested by our City Planner have been made. Frank Kriz stated that all the neighbors within 350' of this plat Caere notified regarding this item, because of the passage of so much time. There will be an addendum to the Development Agreezaent, caith dedication of park land, payment of strnrm sewer. charges, in.tallation of public utilities, etc. Grohoski still feels that old plats should go throunh the preliminary and final plat stases, because of the length of time that has passed in some cases.. He said we do have an ordinance that states that after Preliminary plat app- royal the final plat is supposed to be brought before the planning commission within 100 days. Dave Licht explained that there are Ptii.te a few plats in the City where they need to Y.now just where the streets will be Put in~the future. Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Seetin~ • June 16, 1983 53.90 Sotion was made by Rice, seconded by_ Geisness, to recommend to the City Council approval of the final plats for Cedar Highlands 3rd and 4th Addi- tions located north of Dodd P.oad and south of Cedar Highlands Znd Addition, per the drawing dated June 16, 1983. 3011 call tags taken on the motion. Ayes: Sizes, Johnson, Geisness, Rice Nays: Grohoski Groiioski's nay was because he is not in agreement cJith the procedural as - pects of the submittal of these final plats and caith the absence of the City Attorney, he has some technical questions that remain unresolved. Chairman Grohoski called for site plan revieca and recommendations on-the proposed Lakeville. Inn. motel on the east side of I-35 and Kenrick Avenue and north of County Woad 70. ~Sr. Joe Feldman was in attendance,. represen- ting the oGmers, and. stated the narking problem will be coorked out by. not having to put in an on-site seTaer system, selling of bonds by .dike idovak is on schedule, their information is set for the July 5th Citv Council meeting and tizey are on target for start of construction on August 1, 19533.. He stated we could contact Jac1: Butz or Larry Rick if toe have more ques- tions regarding sewer system item. X3.91 i•iotion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizes, to recommend approval to City .Council of the site plan of the Lakeville Inn hotel, with the recommenda- tions of l~ir. Licht's memorandum dated April 28, 19f33 as follows: 1. ;lumber and size of parking spaces 2. Approval of access .drives by City Engineer. 3. Peripheral curbing and at least five feet from lot line 4. ~~dditional grading, drainage, and water information 5. ~tecommended revisions to planting plan 6. Identification of all uses on site Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Sizes, Johnson, Geisness, Rice Abstain: Grohoski Grohoski abstained because he has not seen a site plan, the letter from •1r. Butz telling of the things they intend to do, no necessarily what c•~ill be done, and we really do not. have to make any recommendation on this matter at all, means it is all moot. Chairman Grohoski called .for site plan review and recommendations on the application for a conditional use permit for outside storage at the site of the former Lumberjack Shack store on the west frontage road of 35W. ~~r. Licht said .that i•irs. Sackett c•.~ould be meeting with. LSr. Robinette to file an application for a variance and that they would like us to table this matter until the next meeting. There will be one or more variance requests • coming before the planning commission at a later date. -2- Lakeville., Tiinnesota Planning Commission :Meeting June 16, 1903 83.92 Motion Maas made by Nice, seconded by Sizer, to table this matter until the July 21, 1983 planning commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on the application of Roger D. F~adunz for a conditional use permit to construct a garage over 1,000 square feet in size at 18307 Orchard Trail. T~Ir. Dave Licht attested to having the affidavit shocaing that mailed and published notices had been given for this public hearing. T•Ir. Radunz stated that they ~•~ant to build a building for the purpose of training their own personal horses. T`r. Licht said this should only be permitted in an area not served by water and sewer, and that in close proximity to them an area is slated for in- tense urbanization, which could be a conflict in years to come. 1'Zr. Radunz reiterated that they *.aant to nut up a horse .arena so they can work their horses- all year long, and that it is strictly a_family thing. ile also mentioned that their neiUl:bors have horses, which was a considera- tion taTien they bought this land five years ago.. dir. Leonard Tuma, 11313 t•1. 210th St, stated that there is a double standard here - Planner defending the racetrack facility being built on one side of tiie freeway and now opposed to ar. Radunz building a horse barn on the • other side of the freeoaay. Planner James Viclc stated there *.aas no bias as far as horses are concerned: but this is a mid-density area, R-2 „ and feels it should be looked at again,. where zoning is concerned. 63.93 :lotion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close the Public hearing. Roll call caas taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Discussion. followed with commission members and it was felt that Pir. Radunz'. two parcels should be combined into a single parcel, Also, commission mem- hers would like to have some information as to type of building, material .used, etc. before taking action.. Grohoski feels that enlarging the scope of an already non-conforming use, almost three times what is already there,we may be setting a dangerous precedent, by allowing a 5000 sq. ft..garage. 83.94 notion was made by Sizer, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend to the City Council denial for a conditional use permit for ~Ir. Radunz to construct a 50 x 100 foot building, based on the recommendations in City Planner James Vick's memorandum dated June 14, 1903, and because of the size of the building, uncontrollable future use, and no escalation allowed of legal non-conforming use. Roll call .was taken on the motion. Eyes: Unanimous iir. Zobinette discussed ordinance violations and enforcement ideas in general .terms . • -3- Lakeville, ilinnesota Planning.Commission meeting. • June 16, 1983 Chairman Grohoski stated he had attended a planning commission meeting in St. Louis Park recently and brought a sign-in card that they used at all their meetings, wondering how our members felt about implementing it here. Commission members felt it was a good idea where they knew we would have a large turnout at public hearing, otherwise did not feel it was necessary. ;ir. Robinette will go over the future agenda items with Chairman Grohoski next week. 83.95 Motion was .made by Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice. vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dennis i~iiller, Secretary ATTEST S ev n G. Gr o i, Chairman -4-