HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-83 { 1~ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p,m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers:. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Heald, D. Miller, Sizer, Grohoski, Rice. Absent: Geisness, Johnson (Johnson came at 7:05 p.m.) Also present: Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Dave Licht, City Planner; Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Nancy Enright, Council- woman; Shirley Sorensen, Recording. Secretary. Chairman Grohoski called for any additions or corrections. to .the minutes of the June 16, 1983 meeting. 83.96 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to approve the minutes of the June 16, 1983 planning commission meeting. Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Grohoski,. Sizer, Rice. Abstain: Heald., D, Miller. Chairman Grohoski. opened the public hearing. for the preliminary plat of Lake- view Heights. Mr. Roger Knutson attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given for this public hearing. Mr. Charles Johnson arrived at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Jerry Everson, one. of the developers of Lakeview Heights, was in attendance to answer questions. Mr. Frank Kriz explained the drainage on this plat, which was the only problem they could see. Mr. Ron Draper, 10132 185th St, asked to see a copy of the reports from the engineers and planners. He is concerned about. the drainage. He also asked that he get a copy of the calculations the engineers will be doing on these ponds.. The original plat had 48 lots and this revised plan has 39 lots. Mr. Ray Anderson, 185th Street,. said if the storm sewer comes to pass, he feels there is an awful lot of water coming from the north and would. like them to be sure and get a pond of adequate size to handle it all. 83.97 .Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Kriz stated that an erosion control plan would be done at a later date. Johnson asked about park dedication and Dave said that it would be a cash contribution. Johnson had attended a Park & Rec meeting and had understood that they would be looking into a site in this area. He also feels there should be an access to the south. Mr. Licht pointed out that a park can be designated in the outlot areas. Mr. Knutson said that ;the development agreement cnn state this when it is final platted. The City could require that a park area be designated.. -1- } w ~r` Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 Chairman Grohoski stated the following four items of concern on the old plat: 1. Cable that lies within the right-of-way. Has Northwestern Bell been contacted? How will. the cable be handled4 Mr. Everson stated. that it would be under an easement with the telephone co. The .telephone co. has been contacted and will make a determination at a later date, after: plat approval. 2. Asked about: .timing of storm water, how drainage will be handled. Kriz stated that after plat is approved they do a study so that. at the City Council meeting theq can tell the engineers to go ahead. 3. Present proposal has 39 lots,. an improvement over the. 1980 proposal. 4. Drainage Swale, lots 1 through 4,.Block 1. Asked if 5 feet`was adequate to handle drainage.. Kriz said they will probably recommend that. it be 10 feet. Grohoski asked the engineer: about the plan to provide for emergency drainage over the street, does not like that possibility. Kriz stated that it shouldn't happen, but if it does the street will be at a level that could handle it., Mr. Everson stated there would. be protective covenants on the plat, such as attached double garages, asphalt driveways, and sodded or landscaped front yards, at a minimum. There are no landscape plans yet. There will be a berm along 185th St. 83.98 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by D. Miller, that-we recommend to City Council approval of the preliminary plat of Lakeview Heights, subject to: 1. The developer providing an erosion control plan to be approved by the City Engineer, 2. The relocation of the rear drainage along Lots 1 through 4, Block i, to conform to the requirements of the engineer's report of 3une 23, 1983.: 3._:That the developex formulate protective covenants for the area. ~i. That the developer provide evidence from N,W. Bell that the treatment of the cable and cable easement is, or will be, satisfactory to them: 5. That the storm drainage plan-for this area to include ditches, pipes.,. all retention ponds. be finalized in cooperation with.. the City Engineer prior to final platting. 6. The developer provide in some fashion a provision for a possible park access from the site, subject_to an ongoing study being conducted for the area.. 7. Subject to recommendations of the City Engineer, City Planner and City Attorney. 8. Landscape plan be developed and submitted, specifically concerning the berm along 185th Street, prior to final platting. Amendment: 9. Should an easement for access. to a park tre required, it will in na way reduce. the cash contribution otherraise applicable. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ages: Heald, D. Miller, Grohoski, Johnson, Sizer. Nays: .Rice Rice's nay was because there is also a final plat :before us tonight and he feels it should be up to the Park and Rec committee to make the recomaendations on the _2_ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 park dedication to the City. 83.99 Motion was made by Heald, seconded by Rice, to table consideration of the -final plat of Lakeview Heights .until a later date„ due to a number of un- resolved issues. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for preliminary plat and rezoning to R-3 and R-S for Landers First Addition. Knutson attested to the proper mailed. and published notices having been given, Mr. Mike Garr was in atten- dance representing the Landers and explained the changes that. have occurred, the primary one being the removal of the quad homes in the plat. There are now 90 single family homesites, 26 twin home sites and 46 townhouse sites in this plat. Mr. Gait explained some of the discrepancies that would be taken care of and said the Townhouse Association proposes. a tot lot within Lot 17 that they would furnish and maintain. 83.100 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Gam was questioned about the small square of property that is not included in this plat. and he said it is not available to them at this time. Several commis- sion members expressed concern that some method be found to include this piece.. Chairman.Grohoski complimented the developer on doing things in their proper order and also offering-to provide, equip and_:maintain the tot lot, it shows well .for the developer. 83.101 Motion was made by D. Miller, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to City Council approval of the rezoning from R-2 to R-3 and R-5 for Landers First Addition for. the following reasons: 1. The overall proper density and use is consistent with the area. 2. The neighboring property will Bot be adversely affected by these changes in zoning.. Ro21 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.102 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Miller, to recommend to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat of Landers First Addition, subject to: 1. The submittal of a revised grading and erosion control plan. 2. The recommendations contained in Northwest Consultants report of June 20, 1983, including,. but not limited to, the reconfiguration of Lot 11, Block 4 and Lot 3 Block 3. 3. Recommendations of the City Engineer,.. City Attorney, and City Planner. Amendment: 4. Provision of the tot lot within the area designated as Lot. 17. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous -3- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing f~~d~~~~~ing from B-1 to R-A and conditional use permit for horses at 19650/Road. Knutson. attested to this being a duly publicized hearing, with the proper mailed and published notices having been given. Ms. Peggy Johnstone, 492$ Poppy Lane, Edina, would be one of the operators of the proposed riding stable,. stated they will not operate a commercial training, breeding and boarding stable, but strictly a ~ithate stable. They are proposing. to bring. this facility into conformance the rules and regulations of the City. Their private training facility would specialize. in dressage and. jumping, two disciplines of the Olympics. Ms. Johnstone has submitted a note to the planning commission from Jackson Landscape Supply, stating their willingness to contract for removal of horse manure from the site in question, if and when it becomes necessary.. She .stated they would be controlling insects, dust, etc. according to any rulesJregulations. The trainer, Myakola Pawlenko, was in attendance and stated they train horses for national and international competition, having recently qualified for Pan American games and winning a gold medal in Colo. He said the horses are always inside. or in a small paddock. Mr. Kriz said there were. no problems with drainage here and Mr. Licht. feels there should. be a limit set for number of horses. Ms. Sharon Sinner, 1973b Judicial Road, was concerned about the. traffic and parking on Judicial Road and was told they were planning several areas for parking lots, surfaced with limestone: Mr. Leonard Tuma asked why .the .applicants weren't asked to go with a P.U.D. He said the .race track (proposed) is going to have 1500. horses on only 25. acres. 83.103 Motion was made by Rice, seconded. by Miller, to close the public he.~ing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Discussion followed regarding dust control, getting our ordinance to disting- uish between back yard horses and. those always kept inside, for training and show, rezoning small parcel, maintenance of Judicial Road, signs, revamping ordinances, variance for setback required, and permitted use of land. It was asked that Mr. Kriz check into putting a no parking sign close to the top of the hill on Judicial Road, in front of this stable. .83.104 Motion was made by D. Miller, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend to the City Council approval of the application for rezoning from R-1 to R A at 19650 Judicial Road. Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayes: Heald, D. Miller, Grohoski, .~ohnson, Sizer. Nays: Rice -4- J Lakeville, Minnesota .Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 Rice's nay was basically because he is in disagreement with picking out areas of the City and changing.. the zs~ning. 83.105 Motion was made by D. Miller,. seconded by Heald, to recommend to the City Council approval. of the conditional use permit, subject. to the seven (7) conditions* listed in the Northwest Consultants report-dated June 29, 1983. This was amended to include that .the applicant agrees there will be no sol- iciting or encouragement of boarding outside horses. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, D. Miller, Grohoski, Johnson, Sizer. Abstain: Rice Chairman Grohoski .opened the public hearing for preliminary plat of Oak Shores Tenth Addition and Knutson attested to the proper-mailed and published notices having been given. 83.106 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to close the public hearing.... Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.. Discussion followed. Staff indicated that the City would be selling the three lots created bg this plat on a bid basis. .107 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to recommend to City Council approval of the. preliminary. plat of Oak Shores Tenth Addition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called for the. final plat approval of Argonne Park. Discussion followed: This is a preliminary plat which was hung up for final approval due to technical questions of a survey nature, which have naw been resolved. 83.108 Motion was made by Heald, seconded by D. Miller, to recommend to City Council approval of the final plat of Argonne Park. Roll callwas taken. on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski. opened the continued public hearing for conditional use permit for outside. storage for. Northland Saw, 16345 Buck Hill Road. Chairman Grohoski stated that the Sackett's have withdrawn, per letter as of this date, their re- quest for a conditional use permit for outside storage.: 83.109 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close. the continued. public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski stated that-'in view of the letter of withdrawal* we need take no further action on the conditional use permit request. Chairman Grohoski opened the public. hearing for the seven (7) foot frontyard setback for Northland Saw and Knutson attested to the proper mailed and pub- lished notices having. been given. *Attachments -5- r Lakeville, Minnesota. Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 83.110 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close the public hearing on the frontyard setback variance. request. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83:.111 Motion was made by Sizer., seconded by Rice, to recommend to City.Council approval of the requested setback variance,. frontgard setback encroachment, for the principal building on their property. Roll call.. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chaff-rman Grohoski opened the public hearing for home occupation permit for Nicholas R. Wolf at 11$50 210th Street and Knutson attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given. Mr. Walf said he has with- drawn the request for an arts and craft gift shop., that it will be only fore poodle grooming., sales and stud service. Mr. Knutson will be preparing a draft ordinance change regarding kennels being located within 500 feet of a neighbor, due to recent court decisions on this subject, which indicate that permission of such neighbors is not lawfullynecessary, 83.112 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing on the homeoccupationrequest. Roll call. was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Sizer is disqualifying himself from discussion and voting on this matter, be- cause he has worked. closely with Mr. Wolf in the past.:, but would like ta_say that with the revised proposal he feels Mr. Wolf would run a clas organization there. Discussion followed regarding it being a free-standing kennel, retail sales,. necessity for kennel license, accessory building uses in conjunction with. home occupations, and size of buildings.. 83.113 Motion was made by Rice,. seconded by D. Miller,'to recommend to City Council denial of the request for home occupation permit, because the home occupation has been in existence, outside of our ordinance, and-until it is brought into line with our ordinance requirements it is inappropriate to allow expansion of the operation. Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, D. Miller, Grohoski, Johnson, Rice.. Abstain: .Sizer Chairman Grohoski stated that he agrees with-Mr. Rice's reasoning, to do things in order and then expand. Sizer wished Mr. Wolf had been told of the need for a kennel license so he could have had that done before he came in for permits. Chairman Grohoaki opened the hearing for. conditional use permit for garage aver 1,000 square feet at 11850 210th Street.. Knutson attested that the proper .mailed and published notices have been given.. -6- A Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting July 7, 1983 Mr. Leonard Tama stated that there is auto body work being done on this property at present, thep play loud music, etc. 83.114 Motion was made by Heald, seconded by Johnson, to extend our meeting past the 10:00 p.m. deadline. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Grohoski., Johnson, Sizer. Nays: Rice, D. Miller 83.115 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing for conditional use permit. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Nicholas: R. Wolf at this point withdrew his request for a conditional. use permit to build a garage of over 1,000 square feet for private. use at 11850 Z10th Street. for a conditional use permit. Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing/for a garage of over 1,000 square feet for private use at 16890 Kenwood Avenue. Knutson attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given. 83.116 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous The four conditions stated in Mr. Licht's memo of June 20, 1983: have been agreed to by Mr. Baillif. Chairman Grohoski staid he feels Mr. Baillif has gone along with the neighbor's feelings and comments in making changes.. 83.117 Motion was made by Rice., seconded by Heald, to recommend to the City Council approval of the conditional use permit for the ICD at 16890 Kenwood Trail, subject to the conditions stated in the Northwest Consultants report of June 20, 1983.* Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing. for the division of a lot, shoreland zoning, variance .for Iot width and size: Lot 4, Block 24, Lenihan's Lots, Ant- Iers Park. Knutson attested to the proper mailed and published. notices having been given.. The applicant, Mr. Jack Matasosky, has submitted to the commission. copies of a letter hat was mailed to the resident's around the applicant's property and. that there are 12 signatures on lists indicating that the signatorees would support the application. They will be attached to the minutes for review. Mr. Matasosky feels that because there are so many lots in the.area that maybe only have 50 ft. frontage, that he should be allowed to go with less than the spec- ified 15,000 square feet by the shoreland Overlay District. *Attachment -7- ~ • Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Nteeting .July 7, 1983 Chairman Grohoski stated he had received a call this afternoon from Mr. Tom Wahl, 10330 Upper 196th Way, who awns Lots 16 & 17, Block 22, Lenihan's Lots, Antler's Park, adjacent to this .parcel and indicated his opposition. to the proposed subdivision. 83.118 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to close the public hearing.... Roll. call was taken on the. motion.. Ayes: Unanimous 83.119 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to recommend to City Council denial of the variance request because the front lot width. is less than the required 85 feet and the total square footage is less than what is required in the Shoreland Overlay District, and according to recommendations in Mr. Licht's report dated June 27, 1983. Roll: call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Unanimous. Dennis Miller left at 10:25 p.m. Future. agenda .items were discussed briefly. 83.120 Motion was made by Sizer to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion.. Chairman Grohoski adjourned-the meeting at 10x32 p,m. Respectfully submitted, G~. ~i Dennis riiller, Secretary ATTEST S G. oh k Chairman -8-