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Planning Commission Meeting
July 21, 1983
Steve Grohoski, Chairman., called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the.
Lakeville. City Council Chambers.
Roll call. of members. was taken. Present.: Heald, Miller,. Sizer, Johnson,
Grohoski. Absent: Geisness, Rice.
Also present: Dave Licht, City Planner; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Frank
Kriz, City .Engineer; James Robinette, Public Works Director; James Vick, City
Planner;; Pat. Harvey, Councilman; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary...
Chairman Grohoski called for additions and corrections. to the minutes of the
July 7, 1983 meeting. Heald stated the words ' due to a number of unresolved
issues.' should be added to motion ~~83.99.
83.121 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Miller, to approve the minutes ofi the
July 7, 1983 planning commission meeting, as amended.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski. called for final plat review of Lakeview Heights, located
south of 185th St W and east of Hiway 50. Mr. Robinette said that the items
in the recommendation have been covered. in the development agreement with the
exception o£ the easement with Northwestern Bell, which has not been required
in the past and City Council decided. they would. not require it at this time:.
The other things are covered in the development agreement, but City Council
felt we would not put in any access to the park at this time.,.. the. park deg,t:.,wants
cash, and any access would be into one of the outlots, so wording in the. dev-
elopment agreement will be that if another access is required the developer
will be required to provide such.
Chairman Grohoski asked if the applicant had anything to say and Mr. Jerry
Everson stated he was not in agreement. with the. landscape plan, that he didn't
understand it. Mr. Licht said there would be full screening, approximately 20
trees .and 125 shrubs suggested for the berms.
Heald asked if Mr. Draper had been given the plans for the drainage, as he had
asked, and Mr. Kriz said he had.
Chairman Grohoski said the applicant wrote a letter to the City Council con-
cerning the public hearing, with an accusation made about the tabling of this
final plat being inappropriate. The reasons were more than two-fold. It was
not on our agenda and there was no_indication given prior to the meeting that
there was a final plat to be considered. There were documents missing that
were usual and necessary for making this determination. Chairman Grohoski
takes umbrage to the- letter that was written and didn't vote. for the tabling
of the final plat simply because he is a developer and a neighbor of .this pro-
ject. He feels that the City has been very cooperativeat all times and has
done everything passible to accommodate this developer.
.Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• July 21, 1983
Mr. Everson said he thought it was on the agenda and they were not the ones
that brought: it up. He felt that-.the fact that it was brought up, it must
have. been. on .the agenda. Heald stated that the subdivision ordinance needs.
to be clarified, for the future, so we don't have this confusion again. Mr.
Robinette said that the final plat was not on the agenda because it wasn't
ready.. He said we may want some clarification as to when it might be desir-
able to have the preliminary .and final plat on the agenda. the same night. He
said that .this subject would be discussed at a staff meeting this week and
they would get back to the planning commission with their findings..
83.122 Motion was made by Miller,. seconded by Heald, to recommend to City Council
approval of the Lakeview Heights final. plat, subject to any additional. comments
from the City Engineer, City Planner, City Attorney, or City Administrator and
that we see a suitable. Landscape plan submitted by the applicant and accepted
by the City, in .lieu of Exhibit.E.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski called for final plat. review of Foxborough Second Addition.
Mr. Kriz stated that the recommended: changes had been made.
83.123 Motion-was.. made by Heald, seconded. by Sizer, to recommend to City Council
approval of the final. plat of Foxborough 2nd Addition, subject to any. recom-
mendations of the City Engineer, City Planner, City Attorney or City Adminis-
Roll call.. was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing on the: application of KeI1y Fuels,
Inc. for a conditional use, permit for a convenience store and variances for
the number of driveways and setback of canopy. from the property line at the
service station at 175th Street and Highway 50. Mr. Knutson attested to the
proper mailed and published notices having been given. Mr. John Hokanson
represented Mr. Vern. Kelley, owner, and Mr. Joe Booth, operator, of the serv-
ice station. Mr. Hokanson said they want to add on to the existing station a
convenience store and install a canopy. They would install a new approach on
175th Street to the. east.
Mr. Hokanson stated that the report he received from staff is excellent, but
would like to retain. the second approach"on to Highway SO, but will abide by
the. State rules at the time Highway 50 is upgraded. He asks-that the peri;ueter
curbing on 50 not be installed at this time, but be taken care of at the time-
. 50 is upgraded. He gave a few of the items that they take exception to, but
can go with most of the recommendations. There. will be two entrances on 175th
Street and one on to Highway. 50 - they would like four entrances, but Mr.
Robinette. said that he is sure that it will not be possible after upgrading is
done on 50.
Sizer asked if a market study had been done and Mr. Kelley replied that if they
cannot expand, they will have. to close the station because tt~e gasoline business
just will not support them anymore. They have to find. another waq to generate
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting.
. July 21, 1983
income and,. therefore, the reason for the car wash and convenience store.
Chairman Grohoski asked if anq special permits. were .outstanding for the present
operation and was told there were none required. The propane tank will be relocated.
Mr. Licht feels the loading dock is not a major problem but there should be
an indicated spot. The loading area should be painted and designated by
signs. Mr. Hokanson explained that landscape timbers would: be used for the
retaining wall.
Mr. Jerry Wicklund, 10811 176th Street, stated that he thought this would be
good for the area, providing additional jobs for kids. as well as adults.
83.124 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
83.125 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Johnson, to recommend to the City Council
approval of the .conditional use permits for a car wash, enclosed retail store,
and a loading. dock-.located in front of the building, subject. to:
1. The northernmost driveway fronting Highway 50 be eliminated..
2. Traffic direction is provided around the car wash.
3. Four additional parking spaces are accommodated.
. 4. A perimeter curb is provided along the north. side only, with
perimeter curbing provided at an appropriate time,as the-applicant
has requested, at such time as State has upgraded Highway 50.
5. The propane tank is moved to a conforming location and approved
with a conditional use permit.
6.An acceptable landscape plan is provided.
7. A plan for a retaining wall is presented...
8. Any additional requirements from City Engineer, City Attorney, and
City Administrator.
Roll. call. was taken on the motion.. Ayes:. :Unanimous
83.126 Motion was made by Mi.l.ler, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council
approval of the variance request for a 48'x 54' canopy, subject to the same
conditions under which the conditional use permit was approved.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes;. Unanimous.
83.127 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Heald,. to recommend to the City Council
approval of the variance for the. two curb cuts along 175th Street and for. the
curb cut on .Highway 50 that is less than 40 feet from the adjoining driveway,
this is the curb cut on the south portion of the property, subject to the. same
conditions under which the conditional use permit was approved.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Robinette stated that. the applicant is to be commended for their. work with
staff and the way .their entire application has been handled.
Lakeville,. Minnesota.
Planning Commission Meeting
• July 21, 1983
Chairman Grohoski. opened the public hearing on the application of A. Leonard
Bentson for rezoning. from R-2 to R-5 of Lot 1, Block 1, Bentson Addition. Mr.
Knutson attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given.
Mr. Bentson said that the planning commission did not want this property split
a couple years ago, so now he has come back for multiple use zoning, as had
been suggested. by the City. He would have four (4) units.
83.12.8 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing.
Mrs. Leo Cameron, 20520 Holyoke, was wondering where the. driveway would be.
Chairman Grohoski stated that. at the time the applicant brings in a plan, he
would have to meet. requirements of the City. Mr. Bentson said the driveway
would be just. to the east of Mrs. Cameron. He also said that he had. talked
to the neighbors and no one had objected to this. rezoning.
Roll call was taken on the-motion. Ayes:. Unanimous
83.129 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council
approval of the rezoning request of Mr. A. Leonard Bentson: for rezoning of Lot 1,
Block 1, Bentson Addition, from R-2 to R-5, based on the recommendations of
Planner'<s report dated July 5, 1983.
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Robinette stated he is making a file on each. horse operation in the City, to
see what permits have been issued and .what might be required. He is taking plc-
. tares and each will have. a file with a history of it.
Chairman Grohoski said that Councilwoman Nancy Enright has asked that the City
Council review the duties of the. planning commission. Also,. the planning com-
mission makes motions to extend their meetings past 10:00 g.m. and feels we
should just have our meetings run. as .long as necessary when members of the
public are in attendance to complete business.
We will not have a specific closing time in the future.
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Wolf have since made: application for the kennel. license. They
will be back through the system for the conditional use permit .and variances
necessary.. This item was tabled by the City Council.
Mr. Jack Matasosky request for division of a lot was tabled by City C"ouncil, also,
because there were pros and cons regarding the lots being 15,000 sq. ft., as re-
quired by the Shoreland Overlay District.
The Radunz application for putting up a garage over 1,000 sq. ft. also was ta-
bled by the Citg Council, because there is concern and lots of questions regard-
. ing these. horse type operations.
Chairman Grohoski feels we will be asked to do something in general regarding
these horse type operations for the future.
Lakeville; Minnesota.
Planning Commission Meeting
.Iuly 21, 1983
Councilman. Pat Harvey said that the discussion bothered him greatly. regarding
the Lakeview Heights final plat. Feels we have to do something to avoid this
type of thing. in the future.
Mr. Harvey also said he didn't know what we are supposed to consider,. as far
as maximum size of accessory buildings. Decisions do need to be made.- The
planning commission staff needs to go over all of this inforu?ation regarding
the Radunz permits,
Mr. Harvey again said thanks to the planning commission and staff far doing
a good job - a time consuming job that couldn't possibly be done by the-Council.
Future agenda items:.
1. Conditional use permit for Twin City Racing auto repair operation,
2. Automotive repair shop in Airlake.
3. Review of zoning text amendment.
83.130 Motion was: made by Sizer to adjourn the meeting.
meeting was adjourned by Chairman Grohoski at 8:40 p.m.
ectfully submitted,
Dennis Miller, Secretary
St en Gro os Chairman