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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
August 4, 1983
.Steve Grohoski, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call. of members was taken. Presents Miller, Grohoski, Sizer, Rice.
Absent: Heald, Johnson, Geisness (arrived at 7:08 p.m.)
• Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Jim Robinette, Public Works
Director; Jim Vick, City Planner; Shirley Sorensen,. Recording Secretary.
Chairman Grohoski called for additions. and corrections to .the minutes. of the..
July 21, 1983 planning commission meeting.
83.131 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Sizer, to approve the minutes of the
July 21, 1983 meeting.
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Miller, Grohoski, Sizer. Abstain:
Chairman Grohoski. opened the public hearing for a zoning text amendment to
allow auto repair. in an I-1 area and conditional use permit for auto repaix
at 9.745 215th St W. Mr. Knutson attested to the proper pub lashed and mailed
notices having been given..
Mr. John. Clark and Mr. Gary Gustner, partners, were in attendance to explain
what they are proposing.
Merv Geisness arrived at T:08 p.m.
Lighting was discussed and. it was decided that. the words 'downaaard.and' should
be added after 'All lighting shall be directed' in the proposed ordinance, Sec-
. tion 1, 42.4, 2., item c, copy of which is attached.
83.132 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to recommend ~o City Council
approval of a zoning text amendment to allow auto repair in an I-1 area, with
the recommendations of the planner's report dated July 25, 1983 and the cor-
rection made in the proposed ordinance.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Clark explained that they propose to do mostly restoration of older cars,
mainly antiques.. This will be a relatively small operation, just the two of
them (Clark & Gustner) and there won't be manq cars parked outside. Mr. Gustner
questioned the screening because the neighbors already have quite a few trees
planted. Planner had not made an on-site inspection.
83.133 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Sizer, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken-on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• August 4, 19.83
Discussion followed regarding how many cars would be appropriate, dust con-
trol o~ the gravel area,. screening in the front, height of fence and parking.
83.134 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council
approval of the conditional use permit for C & G Restoration,. Inc., with
• the conditions set forth: on page 2 of the planner's report of July 25_,.1983,
with one change made,. as follows:
1. Landscaping is provided to screen the front of the lot from the
public right-of way in compliance with Section 9.7 of this
Ordinance, to be put in no later than 12 months after final
approval of this permit.
2. The parking. and storage area is surfaced with gravel or com-
parable material which will control dust.
3. All work is to be conducted within the principal building on
the site.
4. The maximum number of cars on site be no more than 15 at any
one time, including employees cars. Applicant should be re-
quired to ask for modification of conditional use permit at
such time as the 15 car limit is .exceeded.
Miller asked about. the sign they intend to put up and applicant was told that
at the time they would plan to put one up they would be required to come into
City Hall and apply for permit to do so.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman. Grohoski opened the .public hearing for conditional use permit to
operate an auto repair in the I.C.D. in the vicinity of 162nd Street and Ken-
rick Avenue. Mr. Knutson attested to the proper.. mailed and published notices
having. been sent.
Mr. Grant Wilson, 14049 Ottawa Ave, Savage, applicant, made the presentation
of the plan and asked about the drainage going. to the back,--instead of the
front of his building.
83.135 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing..
Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayes: Miller, Grohoski, Sizer, Rice.. Nay:
. Geisness.
Mr. Geisness':nay was because he did not go along with closing the hearing so
soon. He felt the commission members should. have presented their ideas before
.the hearing was closed, it had been a short public hearing and felt maybe some-
one:might come in yet.
Geisness feels-:the Northwest. Associated report should have included the infor-
mation-that the applicant is going to be conducting a retail business on this
site, along with. the auto repair business, because of the added traffic that
would be involved.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning. Commission Meeting
• August 4, 1983
Discussion. followed regarding outside storage, size of sign, and screening.
83.136 Motion was-made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to recommend to City Council
approval of the conditional. use permit to T. C. Racing as presented in the
planner's report dated July 20, 1983 and to include the five (5) conditions
• set forth on pages 3 and 4, as follows:
1. Provision of 12 parking spaces located at least S feet from the lot
2. Perimeter curbing around parking area..
3. Approval of grading and drainage by City Engineer.
4. Approval of septic system by City Inspections Department:
5. Submission of lighting and landscape plan..
Also,. subject. to the applicant obtaining the required. permits from the
County pertaining to the driveway.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for rezoning from R-1 to R
A and
conditional use permit for Nicholas R. Wolf at 11850 210th St West. Mr. Rnut-
son attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given. Mr.
Wolf stated. what his intentions are, to put the kennel in the tuck-under garage
instead of an accessory boiling.. .
Chair accepted a letter presented by Mr. Leonard Tuma on behalf of Mr. and Mrs.
John Raplinger recommending denial of this rezoning. Chairman Grohoski read
the letter, which has been. attached hereto.
Mr. Leonard Tumor, who lives across the road from Mr. Wolf, stated that the Wolf
residence is in direct line with his house and that the naise from the dogs and
loud music is bothersome to them and he requests that we deny this appiication
for rezoning.
Mrs. Betty Tuma wants to throw the ball back in the council's lap, feels people
are just not aware of what the restrictions are and feels we should spend some
money to let people know what should and should not be allowed in the. different
areas. She. feels council and commission members are negligent in their duties.
Chairman Grohoski said that the ordinances are always published when they are
made or changed and he feels that. the citizens have to ask questions to find
out. what is or is not required. He went on to say that he feels that we are,
as commission members., not~.negligent in our duties and feels had when someone
says we are.
Mr. Wolf stated that he would do whatever is necessary to cut down the noise,.
as long as he is aware there is a problem.
Chairman Grohoski had the. following .three points to make:
1. He does not have a problem with rezoning since it is a downzoning.
2. The number of dogs,_23 dogs in the house? In a single garage? He
.would request. that a number be imposed, something less that they
have now.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commiss.~.on Meeting
• August 4, 1983
3. The concern mentioned by Mr. Tuma regarding the auto body busines
occurring out there -how many collector. type vehicles parked there
not. owned. by the Wolf's?
Planner's report dated July Z?, 1983 stated that screening is required for
• storage of personal vehicles. and Mr. Wolf has complied with this request..
83.137 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to close the public hearing.
Ro11_call was. taken on the mo ion. Ayes: Unanimous
Sizer explained. he would abstain from voting because of his close work with
Mr. Wolf in the.. past.
83.138 Motion was made. by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to the City Council
denial of the rezoning request from R-1 to R-A for Mr. Nicholas Wolf on the
grounds that it is individual zoning and it should not be considered with a
piece of property going to R-A.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Miller, Rice.
Nay; Grohoski. Abstain: Sizer
. Mr. Grohoski's nay was because he does not feel that the. downzoning from R-1
to R-A violates the personal protection of the health, safety and welfare of
the community as a whole in this case and that action in itself would not
adversely affect. the City.
Geisness voted yes because he feels as long as we have R-1 District, with
neighbors, that even if we had approved the R-A zoning, he would not vote in
favor of allowing a dog kennel being in a neighborhood. He doesn`t feel it is
an .appropriate .use.
Chairman Grohoski called for final plat approval of Oak Shores fienth Addition..
83.139 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to recommend to City Council
approval of the final plat of Oak Shores Tenth Addition.
Roll call. was taken on the motion.. Ayes.: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski reiterated that the planners should make sure they have
visited the sites if they are reporting on them.
Chairman Grohoski also said that the Everson plat was tabled by the. City
Council because he had not paid the monies. owed.
Apology was expressed by Mrs. Sindt if planning commission members were given
the wrong impression regarding the. inference the council drew concerning the
• Lakeview Heights plat.
Geisness asked about the screening required by the Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
between them .and the Branton townhouses. Mr. Robinette. will check into this
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• August 4, 1983
The City Council acted to do away with any. time limits on meetings, they
will continue until all public business has. been. taken care. of, unless it
gets to be midnight..
Future agenda items:
• 1. Malmanger plat, off 206th St.
2. Stanley Harris, regarding splitting.. his lot: on Orchard Trail:.
3. Pre-school application
4. Reexamination of ordinances regarding horses and horse uses.
83.140 Motion was made by~Rice to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Grohoski at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Miller
3 ? e
St en Gr osk Chairman
11897 ~rlest 210th fit.
Lakeville, Minn. 550~~:
August 4 1983
The Planning Commission
~e City of Lakeville
7773-21~.th st.
Lakeville, Minn..5501~~.
Dear Members of the Manning Commission:
This letter is to notif ou as members of tre Plannin Commission
y g
that we do`most strongly object to the proposed rezoning application
of Nicholas R. Wolf, Jr `from R-1 to R-A and the application for a
conditional use permit..for a kennel license at 11850 210th St. ~T.
Such: rezoning and allowing a business of this nature to operate
in a well established resid~ritial area is inconsistent with good
planning and will have adverse ..effect on property values.
~rle Are requesting that the application for such rezoning .and the
conditional use:. permit be denied.
9.-' ,
John_M. Raplin er
Marilyn M. Rapinger