HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-83 Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting.
August 18, 1983
Charles Johnson, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:D0 p.m.
in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Geisness, Heald, Miller, Sizer,
Johnson... Absent: Grohoski, Rice
Also present.:: Gary Fuchs, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim
Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary.
Vice-Chairman-Johnson called for any additions or corrections to ithe minutes
of the August 4, 1983 planning commission meeting. Geisness stated the 9th
paragraph on page 4 should have a few word changes.
83.141. Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Geisness, to approve the minutes from
the August. 4, 1983 meeting, as amended.
Ro1T call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Miller, Geisness, Sizer. Abstain:
Heald, Johnson
Vice-Chairman Johnson. opened the public hearing for a preliminary plat of
South. Creek. Addition, located at the. extension of 208th. Street, north of
Hiway 50 and approximately 700 feet west of Hamburg Avenue. Mr. Fuchs attested
to this. being a duly publicized hearing., with the proper mailed notices having
been sent.
Mr. Dan Johnson, Suburban Engineering, represented the developers and stated.
that the two Iots that are under the required square footage will be adjusted
so they do meet the requirements. Mr. Robinette explained what the City is
going to try to do to solve the problem of the flooding in this area..
Mr, Gary Anderson, 8250 208th St, wanted to know what the definition of a tem-
porary cul-de-sac is and Mr. Robinette stated that i~ has not necessarily been
built to City specifications and can be removed at any. time. Mr. Anderson was
also. very concerned about the drainage, stating they have a problem with water
at the end of his driveway every spring.. He is also concerned` about more traf-
fic being.. generated by these. l0 additional homes, with only two entrances/exits.
His single biggest concern is the run-off in this area. Also wanted to know
who would. pay and Mr. Robinette said that the developer does pay so much afoot
for the storm sewer..
Mr. Bab Christiansen has the Blacksmith Shop nearby and asked Mr. Dan Johnson.
to explain the drainage on this project. Mr. Johnson said they would do what-
ever they are required to, to do it-right. Mr. Christiansen said he does not
feel we can improve on nature. and really feels there will be more problems.
after putting in this plat. Mr. Johnson said they have had studies done by
Barr Engineering which have concluded that the proposed modification is_con-
sistent with the Citq of Lakeville's floodplain management ordinance and
policies of the State of Minnesota. The house pads will be built up to get
out of the flood plain.
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
August 18, 1983
83..142 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Miller, Johnson, Sizer
Nay: Geisness
Geisness' aay vote was because he feels the Planning commission members .should
make their feelings known before the close of the public hearing,
Commission members discussed the traffic flow., a street connecting to Hiway
S0, canpounding of an already existing problem (drainage), time schedule of
construction of channel, need for barrier?, need for. following up on the
grading plan in a sensitive area such as this, Lot 4 extending into the
channel,. a possible problem downstream, DNR approval. being necessary and
flood insurance.
Mr. Dan Johnson stated that the drainage problem wi1T be solved on. this
piece of property, as well as any other small plats as they are developed.
The applicant has to prove to the DNR that changing the flood plain will not
have a detrimental affect on the area.
Mr. Don Stenzen, also of Suburban Engineering, was 'in attendance to answer
• questions.. ,
Mr. Anderson stated there is no access to the two small parks. in the area
with all of the water this year. Mr: Joe Schaefer, 208th St, said that flood
insurance does not cover ground water, only water that goes over. He feels
that. any house that in built in this plat will have groblems with ground
Ms. Arlene Wech, 9600'Edgewood Road, Bloomington,. said the code is'now such
that all new homes built have to install. a sump pump. Ms. Wech went on to say
that they do not want to put their time and money into a project like. this and
sell homes to people knowing they would be flooded out.. They hired good people
experts in their fields,to get answers and certainly would not do something this
costly, build homes: they would be unable to sell.
$3.143 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to recommend to the City Council
.approval of the preliminary plat of South Creek Addition,. located at the ext-
erasion of 208th Street, subject to the two lots being brought into conformance
and also subject to DNR approval of-the proposed channel modifications, and any
recommendations from City Attorney, City Planner, City Administrator or Staff.
Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
City Planner and City Attorney agreed that no conditional use permit is re-
qui.red by Mary Ackermann to operate a pre-school at 21220 Holyoke Ave W so
there is no need to have a public hearing.. Ms. Sorensen has been instructed
• to notify the State of this action.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning :Commission Meeting
. August 18, 1983
Vice-Chairman .Johnson opened the-public hearing for a preliminary plat of
four single family Lots southeast. of the intersection-of 188th Street West
and Orchard Trail. Mr. Fuchs attested to the required mailed and published
notices having been given..
83.144 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Geisness, to continue this public
hearing until our next meeting, as applicant was not in attendance.
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Vice-Chairman Johnson called for discussion on the proposed wind generation
ordinance.. After the Natural. Resources Committee. have made their comments
on this draft ordinance the planning commission will conduct further reviews..
Under other business Mr. Geisness asked about. the 'dishes' being located in
public right-of-ways and Mr. Robinette stated there is no ordinance regulat-
ing that right now.
Mr. Sizer still feels the. packets. should not be delivered by the police, there-
fore, he will pick his packet up at the police station.
• 83..145. Motion was made by Sizer,.seconded by Miller, to adjourn the meeting,
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Vice-Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Miller,. Secretary
Charles A. Johnson, is airman