HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-83 Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
September 1, 1983
Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, in the
Lakeville City Council Chambers..
Roll call. of members was taken. Present: Heald, D. Miller, Grohoski,
Geisness. Absent: Sizes, Johnson, Rice.
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner;
Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley Sorensen.,. Recording Secretary.
Chairman Grohoski asked if there were. any additions or corrections to the
August 18th, 1983 planning commission meeting minutes..
83.146 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Heald, to approve the minutes from
the August 18, 1983 planning commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Miller, Geisness. Abstain.:
Chairman Grohoski opened discussion on the. review of the wind generation
ordinance and Ms. Heald stated she would like to see the possibility of
putting these towers in residential areas, but would like to see more in-
formation on this subject first. Miller stated that he Liked the sample
ordinance from Maple Grove the. best of all the ones they have .read. Geis-
ness feels towers are inappropriate in any area other than R-A, or perhaps
in business areas, with some restrictions. He feels strongly that. they
should be kept out of residential areas, that maybe this is just experimental
and we don't need to get into it at this time. Grohoski asked Mr. Knutson
to provide us with a copy of the Burnsville ordinance on wind generation
systems, since they have one tower-there already.
Mr. Robert Powell, 11774 205th St W, was in attendance and said he had been
doing studies on these towers for five years, keeping records of electricity
used, etc., contemplating construction of one at some point. Therefore, he
was very much in favor of towers being allowed in residential areas and since
he only has three acres, that there. not be a larger Limit on size~o£ property.
He stated. that the Minnesota Energy Agency suggests checking the wiad velocity
before installation of a tower is even considered, because of the topography
of .the land. Mr. Powell was questioned at some length regarding cost, what
blades are made of, height of towers, grids, and anti-climbing devices.
Mr: Robinette said that as far as safety is concerned there is no problem.
He also said the Natural Resources Committee will be .having additional meet-
ings on this subject and we will get more information from them. Mr. Robinette
will contact Dakota Electric to find ..out where the existing towers are located
in this area....
Chairman Grohoski tald.Mr. Powell that we appreciated his comments at our meet-
ing; from data he has been. acquiring. over the past five years.
This-matter will be put aside until our next meeting.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Omission Meeting
• September 1, 1983.
Chairman Grohoski opened the continued public hearing. on the Harris plat
located southeast of the intersection of 188th Street W and Orchard Trail
and, at the developer's request, it was asked that this matter be tabled.
83.147 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded. by Heald, to table review of the
Harris plat until the September 15, 1983 meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Under other business Mr. Robinette said that James Siegle has been given
until November 1, 1983 to vacate the building he has been using for auto
repair, on Hamburg Avenue. There are several other body shop violations.
in Lakeville that are being. checked out, as well as some fence violations..
Chairman. Grohoski asked about the entrance to Tom Thumb, at 175th and Hiway
SO, being closed after the tanks have been put in and was told it would be.
Miller asked about the sign committee's findings and Grohoski said the
committee's thoughts are being typed right now and they will have one more
Future agenda items:
1. Three storage sheds - one close to Scott County line, one for
John LaFavor and one. for Lee Johnson:.
2. Planning commission's review regarding: horses and horse barns-
buildings over 1,000 square feet, etc.
83.148 Motion was made by Geisness to adjourn the meeting,
Voice vote was. taken on the motion.
Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Miller, Secretary
S even G. Gr os i, Chairman.