HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-83 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 1983 Steve Grohoski,. Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, in the Lakevil a City Council Chambers. Roll call. of members was taken. Present: Geisness, Heald, Sizer, Johnson, Grohoski. Absent: Miller, Rice Also present: Gary Fuchs, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner;, Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. Chairman Grohoski asked if there weze any additions or corrections to the minutes of the September 15, 1983 planning commission meeting. 83.155 riotion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer, to approve the minutes of the September 15, 1983 planning commission meeting. as read. Roll.. call .was taken on the motion. Ayes; -Grohoski, Johnson, Sizer, Geisness.. Abstain: Heald Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for a conditional use permit fora an accessory building for Lee J. Johnson at 12330 210th Street West. Mr. Fuchs attested to this being a duly publicized hearing, with the proper. mailed and published notices having been given. Discussion followed regarding a landlocked property owner behind-this property, also., the. east boundary of thin property is incorrect on the map that we have. 83.15b Motion was made by Heald, seconded by Sizer; to close the. public hearing. Roll call was taken on the: motion. Ayes; Unanimous 83.157 Motion was made bq Geisness, seconded. by Johnson, to recommend to the Gity Council approval. of the conditional use permit for. an accessory building for Lee J. Johnson at 12330 210th St W, subject to the two recommendations in the planner's report of September 12, 1983, as follows: 1. No home occupationbeing conducted on or from the'site. 2. A minor variance is appliedfor, processed and approved.. Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayesc Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for a conditional use permit-for an accessory building for John LaFavor at 9808 185th Street West. Mr. Fuchs attested to this being a duly publicized hearing,. .that mailed and published notices have been ..given.. Mr. LaFavor stated that he would be putting up a new building.,. to replace one EU:~?e torn down.. There is an existing home occupation permit on this property.. The commission members have not seen a drawing showing just where the buildings are that exist on the property now,. and where the new one will be built. Mr. LaFavor indicated on the blackboard where the: buildings are. Lakeville., Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 1983 83.158 Motion was made by Heald, seconded by Geisness, to close. the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous Discussion followed regarding perhaps limitingnumber of animals, subdividing of property, difficulty in sewering the area, site plans, height of building, and time limit for putting up a building after issuance of a conditional use permit. 83..159 Motion was made by Heald, seconded: by Sizer, to recommend approval to the City Council of this conditional use permit for an accessory building for John LaFavor at 9808 185th Street W, subject to the following 6 conditions: 1. The activities on the site being continued to the present limitations and level of .operation. 2. The application, processing and approval. of a minor variance for an accessory building exceeding 15 feet in height. 3. No additional livestock.. 4. The present building be taken down prior to building of_new construction. -5. Conform to all City Regulations and Codes. 6. Submittal of site plan prior to City Council review. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the continued public hearing for a preliminary plat by Stanley Harris at the intersection of 188th Street and Orchard Trail of four single family lots.. 83.160 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Grohoski has several concerns regarding this plat: and feels the ,council should be made aware of them, as follows: 1. Underground electrics 2. Storm drainage easements 3. Installation of concrete curb. and gutter 4. Subdivision ordinance requiring .street lites 83`.161. Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council approval of the preliminary plat of the Harris Addition consisting of lots 1 through 4, Block 1, per the drawing by Gene. Jacobson, Surveyor, dated 19 Sept. 19$3, said recommendation subject to the correction on the preliminary plat of all easements to the 10 foot requirements; further subject to recommendations of_ the. City Planner, City Engineer, City Attorney or City Administrator, and, in- eluded in the-recommendation for approval, a note that the City Council consider any deviation from the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance which may resul t .from approval,of this plat. • Roll.:call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous -2- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 1983 Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing"for a conditional. use permit to move a single family home and garage onto a lot at 10225 West 175th St.: Mr. Fuchs attested to the .proper mailed and published notices having been given.. Mr. Nelson said he would like to move a very modern three bedroom rambler.. on to a 1 1/2 acre lot on 175th Street, along with a 24x24 garage. The house was built in 1974 and measures 57 1/2 x 25. Some pictures were passed around of the house and Sid explained that the garage was newer and in good condition. The house would be placed on a full foundation. Mr. Nelson was told that the house would have to meet the City Code as well as the State Building Code. It was pointed out that the applicant must be aware of what might be involved n bringing it up to code. He indicated.- he was aware. 83.162 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Geisness, to close the public hearing. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.163 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Johnson, to recommend to City Council approval of the conditional use permit to move Mr. Dean Nelson's single family home and garage from Brooklyn Park to Lakeville, with an amendment that the City Council see a site plan before taking any action. • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing to consider an ordinance mending the zoning ordinance ~~167 requiring the screening of trash containers in multiple residential districts. Mr. Fuchs attested to the proper. published notice having been given. Mr. Robinette gave us the background on the need for an ordinance regarding trash: handling equipment. Mr. Dave Edlefsen, 20685-207th Court, whose property adjoins the 207th Street Townhouse complex that has been a continuing problem for some time, brought pictures he has taken over the last .three years and stated that he would cer- tainly appreciate something being done about the mess that has surrounded the trash container. at these townhouses. Following are some of the suggestions for changes in the draft ordinance, addition of Section 11.14: 1. The. equipment must be capable of preventing wind delivered debris:.. 2. Equipment kept in a good state of repair. 3. The accessory building for purposes of trash. container shall .meet: minimum. setback. requirements. 4. The property owner of record shall be the. responsible party for purposes of this ordinance. Mr. Fuchs. will take this information and have the draft ordinance rewritten. This public hearing will be continued until the Octoher 20, 1983 meeting, to give staff time to redraft the proposed ordinance regarding trash containers.. -3- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 1983' Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for a conditional use permit far four buildings on Lot 2, Block 11, Cedar 70 Business Park under Planned Unit Development. Mr. Fuchs attested to the proper mailed and published notices having been given. Mr. Bernie Grubisch, representing Cedar 70, was in atten- dance to answer questions. Grohoski stated that he had not received the information he had requested at the time the first two buildings were put up, and promised, regarding the Williams Pipeline that runs under this property. He wants to know what the pipe is made of, how large it is, what runs through it, when it was put"in, etc. 83.164 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.165 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council approval of the conditional use permit for the .four buildings on Lot 2, Block 11, Cedar 70 Business Park, subject to the 3 modifications listed in the. Planner's report of September 28, 1983, as follows: 1. The developer should avoid the planting of trees within the Gedar Avenue right-of-way as shown on the submitted landscape plan. 2. The developer constructs a curb around all paved areas as directed in the Lakeville Zoning Ordinance, Section All off-street parking areas "shall have a perimeter curb barrier around the entire parking lot..." The curbing is shown to end in several areas on the dimensioned plan (Exhibit C). 3. Verification of the recording. of the 25 foot access easement along the east portion of the .property is provided... Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Johnson, Sizer, Geisness. Mays: Grohoski Grohoski's nay was to highlight his concern about the D ~ ~ o Ln t giving us information regarding-the pipelines in this. area when asked,. and it had been promised. Other Business: Mr. Robinette stated that. the City Council. desires the planning commission hold another public hearing on the wind generation ordinance, as there is still a concern and. we must be ready.. The planning commission shouldalso consider an ordinance that deals with the satellite dishes that we are seeing more and more: of, these days. iir. Robinette stated he has met with the pastor of the Bethlehem Church, re- garding the screening. required. -4- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 1983 He also stated that policy has been that only the attorney's office makes practical policy changes to development: agreements. Mr. Robinette told the committee that in the future the attorney would be writing draft ordinances to incorporate those items. that were deemed necessary by the Staff and Com- mittee. This would provide language that .the attorney was comfortable with and reduce problems of misunderstanding the ordinances. 83.166 Motion was made by Sizer to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was. taken on the motion. .Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 10:37 p.m. Respectfu ly submitted, - ` - Dennis Miller, Secretary ATTEST 1 ~k~~ Stev G. Groh sk , Chairman -5-