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Planning Commission Meeting
November 3, 1983
Steve Grohoski, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Lakeville Gity Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken.. Present: Geisness, Heald, Miller, Sizer,
Grohoski. Absent: Johnson, Rice
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner.;.
Jim Robinette, Community Development Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording
Chairman Grohoski asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
minutes of the October 20, 19$3 planning commission meeting.. Geisness asked
that. the last paragraph on page one be changed to 'Commission members cael-
comed creative design for a better living environment in Lakeville and we
should encourage developers to bring such plans to the City. This proposed
development appears to be creative and out of the ordinary. .While not agree-
ing to all specific aspects of the plan,. the developers were. told they should
proceed etc.'
83.173 Piotion was made by Sizer, seconded by Millen, to approve the minutes of the
October 20, 19$3 planning commission as amended.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Grohoski opened the continued public hearing on consideration of an
ordinance requiring screening of trash containers in multiple residential
districts. Discussion followed and commission members suggested one (I)
change be made in the draft ordinance. That change being. in the next to the
last sentence,. changing 'secure lids' to `a tight fitting lid'.
83:174 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to close the iiublic hearing.
I2o11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
83.175 Motion cJas made by Sizer, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council
appnoval of the draft ordinance .for trash containers with the one change.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman .Grohoski called for the review of staff documentation and staff
recommendations on an ordinance revision for accessory buildings.
Mr. Robinette presented a 10 minute. video film on some of the accessory
buildings existing in Lakeville today. Discussion followed on the following
items. 1. Setbacks
2. Limiting large accesso ry buildings to agricultural and
large lot residential districts
3. Proportion building size to lot size
4. Building size be tied to the zoning, plus maybe some
conditions put on the conditional use permits
5. .4aintaining conditional uses on large accessory buildings
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
November 3, 1983
6. Evaluating each large building separately, the lot
size and what size building can be put on it
7. Bringing already existing buildings into conformance
8. Enforcement - some of which has been done. recently,.
but slowly
9. The new law requiring the recording of conditional use
permits with the County
10. Putting a condition on a conditional use permit whereby
the building would have to be removed if the property
were to be subdivided
11. Setting restrictions to fit the zoning district
12. Height of buildings
I3. .Saw no need to tie accessory building size with size of
primary building
14. Set limit on number of buildings
15. Felt the conditional use permit should specify that
buildings be maintained in an orderly manner
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Radunz, 18807 Orchard Trail, were in attendance, as they
have an application before the City Council to put up a 50x100 riding arena
on their property, and were interested in what the commission's thoughts
were regarding the ordinance revision for accessory buildings. They still
feel they should be allowed to build the large building on their property.
Commission members would like to see several draft ordinances before the
next meeting, which is the public hearing, Chairman Grohoski directed the
Staff to put together at least. three different ordinances, incorporating
the items discussed. He also suggests. that we clarify the including of
the square footage of attached garages when figuring the accessory building
Future agenda items:
1. Public hearing-on accessory buildings
2. Final plat of Lindens First Addition (Dodd Ridge)
3. School bus garage antenna permit
Items coming up on the agenda for December 1, 1983 meeting are the public
hearing on the wind generation ordinance and a conditional use permit for
a day care: center at God's Family Church.
Those commission members desiring to go to the December 9th Planning Seminar
are: Geisness, Heald, Miller, Grohoski, Robinette and Sorensen, secretary.
Lakeville, Minnesota
• Planning Commission Meeting
November 3, 1983
83.176 notion was. made by Sizer to ad3ourn the meeting, seconded by biller.
.Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Miller, Secretary
St ven G., Groh sk , Chairman