HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-83 s • Lakeville, MN 55044 Planning. Commission Meeting November 17, 1983 Steve Grohoski, Chairman,. called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the. Lakeville City Council Chambers.. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Geisness, Heald,: Miller, Sizer, Grohoski. Johnson and Rice are no longer members of the commis- sion. Also present: Roger Knutson,. City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner; Pat Harvey, Councilman; Jim Robinette, Community .Development Director; Shirley .Sorensen, Recording Secretary. Chairman Grohoski. called for additions or corrections to_the minutes 'of the November 3, 1983 meeting. 83.177 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Heald, to approve the minutes of the November 3, 1983. planning commission meeting. , Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened. the public hearing for a conditional use permit and height variance for a radio antenna at the School Bus Garage at 21160 Holyoke Ave S. Mr. Knutson attested. to thisbeing adult' publi- cized hearing. Mr. Schweich was in attendance to explain the need..for this antenna and where it is to be located. 83.]78 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Miller, to close. the public.: .hearing. Roll call way taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.119 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Sizer, to recommend to the City Council approval of the conditional use permit and height variance for a .radio antenna at the School Bus Garage, with the stipulation that it may not be used for other than school related matters, and communication with school. buses. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski asked if it would be .all right to move item.#7 up ahead of item ~5, as the Radunz's were in attendance and no other members of the public were here for the. other public hearing. Chairman Grohoski caa,led for the discussion and recommendation of alternative proposal of Mr. and Mrs. Radunz to install a roof overhang on their accessory building. at 18807 Orchard Trail. Mr. Brixius 4, Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting November 17, 1983 • explained what. is in their latest report, regarding this addition of an overhang, instead of building another building.. Mr. Radunz explained. that they would prefer to have a sided building, rather than just an overhang. Discussion followed for approximately one (1) hour. 83,78Q Motion 'was made by Geisness, seconded. by Miller,.: to,recommend to City Council approval of a conditional use permit for enlargement of Mr. Radunz' present building, conditioned upon combining the two parcels of his property into one and the following. recommendations from the. planner's letter dated: November 10, 1983: 1. The on-site storage. of animal solid wastein a sanitary manner and screened from adjoining. properties. 2. Maintenance of effective fly and insect control. 3. Removal of animal waste from the site in,a sanitary_m_anner and_in compliance with City and State laws and regulations. 4.- No boarding of animals on, the site which are not the property 'of .the e ownerroccupant. • S. The, boarding of no more than eight. horses on the site and the keeping of no other nondomestic animals on the site. 6. No change in use of the existing or proposed accessory building without the processing of anew conditional use permit. This building to be usedfor ariding arena only. 7. The.accessory building must be removed if this land is subdivided in the future.` 8. No home occupation permitted. 9. No additional accessory buildings be permitted on this parcel. Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called for final plat approval. of Linders First .Addition (.Dodd Ridge), since the representative for .that plat was in attendance. Mr. .Mike Gair thanked the Staff for the: prompt attention to this matter and getting it placed on our agenda. Discussion followed. 83.181 .Motion was made by Heald,. seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council approval of the final plat of Linders First Addition, called. 2 Lakeville, Minnesota. Planning Commission. Meeting November 17, 1983. • Dodd Ridge, with the condition that they provide. an easement for a temporary cul de sac at the end of Finch Path, and that the street naming and numbering be included and conform to requirements of Dakota County Highway Department, also subject to any recommendations by Engineer, Attorney, Planner. or City Administrator.* ,Roll call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski opened. the public hearing on revision of ordinance requirements for accessory-buildings. Mr. Knutson attested to the .proper legal notices.-having. been given. Discussion followed on the following items Limiting square footage on detached garages, definition of farm buildings, maximum.building requirements, per cent of lot size for accessory building area, number of accessory buildings, building height and set back requirements, side yards„ and setting maximum limit under which a conditional use permit .can be issued. 83,782 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Geisness, to continue this public hearing on accessory buildings until our December. 1, 1983 meeting., at which time Mr. Knutson will have put together some-of the suggestions that have been made tonight. Voicevote was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called for discussion and review of, zoning ordinance on 10 acre- requirement for unsewered lots. 83.783 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Sizer,:to recommend to City Countil that therequirementfor unsewered lots remain as is. Voice vote has taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous Future agenda items: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment change on Linders First. Addition. 2. Wind. generation ordinance review.. 3. Valley View Church of God day care center conditional-.use permit request. • 3 A - Lakeville,. Minnesota Planning. Commission Meeting November'17, 1983 ti 83.184 Motion-was made by Sizer to adjourn the. meeting. Voice vote was taken. on the motion. Respectfully submitted, Dennis Miller., ,Secretary ATTEST: Ste en G. Grolltsl Chairman • *Attachment to file copy ofminutes 3 4