HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-83 R a Lakeville,. Minnesota Planning. Commission Meeting _ December- 1, 1983 Steve Grohoski,. Chairman, called the meeting to order.at.7:00 p.m. in the. Lakeville.City Council. Chambers.- Chairman Grohoski welcomed. our two new members, Jo Lambert and_Diane MacGibbon, and asked them to tell a little bit about themselves. Roll call of members was taken. Present:. Geisness, Heald,. Miller, Sizer, Lambert, Grohoski, MacGibbon. Also present: Roger.Knutson,,City Attorney;: Alan Brixus, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Community Development Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary.. Chairman Grohoski called. for additions or corrections to the minutes. of the November 17, 1983 planning commission meeting. The following changes will. be made: 1. Page 2, add at the end of the first paragraph the words 'for approximately one (1) hour.' ~ 2. Page 3, in the 3rd paragraph, after the first sentence, add that the .'City Attorney attested to the proper legal notices having been given.'. In the 4th paragraph add 'on accessory buildings',after continue public hearing. Delete entire last paragraph on page., 3. 83.185 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Heald, to approve- the minutes of the November 17, 1983 planning commission meeting, as amended. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Miller., Grohoski, Geisness, Sizer. Abstain: Lambert, MacGibbon Chairman. Grohoski opened the public hearing for a conditional use permit. for Valley View Church of God to operate a Day Care Center at 8130 160th Street West and Mr. Knutson attested to this being a duly_publcized . hearing.. No one was here representing the applicant at this time.. so_Chairman Grohoski. said we would come back to this item later. Chairman Grohoski opened the public hearing for an ordinance governing the. installation of wind driven electrical.generators.~ Mr..Robinette: _ gave an update,.. a brief history of what has happened. previously,: what action has been taken and the reason for the draft ordinance at this - time,. for our two new commission members.- . Lakeville,. Minnesota- Planning Commission.. Meeting _ December: 1, 1983 . Mr. Ken Maxa, 235th_& Dodd Blvd., and- representing Jacobs Wind-Electric. Dealer,. stated that the height of a.wind generation system is determined .J by trees,. buildings, etc. and. that for someone to put up a wind plant- - and not have it sited properly is just asking for problems. He went on to say that the tower has to be put above the trees or it will be of no use and. the public is done an injustice by the restrictions we have in . our draft ordinance. Mr. John Youngdahl, 508 Juliet, also from Jacobs Wind Electric, feels that the ceiling. we have proposed for these towers is too restrictive and can run into complications. Mr. Jim Maybach, 11960 W. 162nd St, asked, what is required, as far'as, the State Building Code or Electrical Code. He was told that. there-are strict requirements to be met. Mr. Robinette stated that the Natural Resources Committee felt. that the lower standards would accommodate the towers-in most areas. Discussion followed for two and a half. hours on the following items:' Noise, closeness of towers, size of property, blocks of land, 'insurance, site inspections, height of systems, aesthetics, zoning districts, rotor dimensions, and cooperatives.. • Geisness mentioned that there were five people in our audience,. two of them being dealers of wind plants,. the other three, being present for other agenda items. • 83.186 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Heald,. to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski called out a few of the items in the draft ord Hance where there. were differences and asked for compromises among our members. The height. of the system was finally arrived at 175 feet to be used. as a maximum,. but Geisness would not agree to it being that high. , The other item with discrepancy is what the minimum size should be on a parcel. being considered for construction. of a wind. plant. _ Chairman Grohoski stated. that he felt that it was the commission's responsibility to decide and pass on a firm recommendation, as to the size of parcel question, to the City Council.,. rather than leaving- the question open-ended for the City Council to wrestle with.. Mr. Knutson will make some changes in the draft ordinance: prior to our December 15th , _ meeting, at which time the commission. will make its recommeadation.to the City Council.. _ ~ - • i 2. n c Lakeville, Minnesota ' Planning. Commission. Meeting 'December 1, 1983 - Chairman. Grohoski opened the public hearing-for a. Comprehensive"Plan" ' change .for Dodd. Ridge Pla (Cinders First Addition) and Mr. Knutson attested to the proper published and mailed notices having been given.. g3~187 Motion was made by Geisness,. seconded by Miller,,.to.close.the public hearing. , Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.188 Motion was made by Heald, seconded by Miller, to recommend to City Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan change for Dodd Ridge Plat ' (Cinders First Addition).. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Grohoski reopened the public hearing for a conditional use permit for Valley View Church of God to operate a Day,. Care Center.. Carol Stoos, 16520 Flagstaff Way, was in attendance and explained what they would like to do. Mr. Knutson stated that the City, Council".cannot. approve this application at this time. because there-is no water/sewer in this area, and that is a requirement,: according. to our ordinances.. City Staff explained that it was necessary to determine planning commission: feelings for an ordinance. change before further action. could be taken.. 83.189 Motion was made by Miller,.. seconded by Sizer, to ,close. the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Discussion followed regarding amending our ordinance pertaining to this ' application.. 83,190 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Sizer, to tab a making a recom- " mendation for this Day Care Center, to allow Staff time to .come. up with some rewording for a new ordinance or a change. in present ordinance,"and that the public hearing be held on the same evening as-this recommends- - tion is made,. probably the first meeting in January. ' Ro1T call. was taken on the motion. Ayesz Unanimous: n Chairman. Grohoski. opened the continued public hearing on an ordinance ' amending. the zoning ordinance ~~167 pertaining to accessorg buildings.. A _ short discussion followed on the _ordinance drafted_ by: Mr__.Knutson. _ Commission members wanted .the.. following-changes made: 9.4 item ~2 A:_ garage, not exceeding 900 sq ft,..shall be etc. Also change the:. word.:.. i buildings, in the: last line, to garages.. 9.4 item~3` Make. two sentences instead. of one. 9.4 item ~8 Delete-entirely-and items #9'through..i1 ~ 3. : n . ~ ~ " ~ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission. Meeting. December 1, 1983 will.. be put somewhere else.. 83.19E Motion. was made by Sizer, seconded by Geisness, to close the public hearing Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes:- Unanimous ' 83.192 Motion was made. by Sizer, seconded by Heald, to recommend to City Council approval of the draft ordinance ~~167 pertaining to accessory buildings, as amended by this body.* Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 83.193 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Lambert, to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Grohoski adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, \ • Dennis Miller, Secretary ATTEST: S en G. o oski, Chairman Dxaft ordinance X167 pertaining to accessory buildings., as amended. _ 4_