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Lakeville, Pli nnesota
_ Planning Commission Meeting
7 January 1982
Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at .7:35 p.m. in the
Lakeville Gity Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: ?tiller, Geisness, Ha?^vey, Johnson,
Grohoski. Absent; Rice
Also present: Council Person Enright; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Sid
Miller, City Building Official; David Licht, City Planner.
The Chairman opened consideration of election of Commission Officers for 1982.
82.01 (lotion was made by Johnson, seconded by Grohoski, to nominate Patrick Harvey
as Chairman.
82.02 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to close nominations.
Roll call vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Miller, Geisness, Johnson,
Grohoski. Abstain: Harvey.
82.03 Plotion was made by Harvey, seconded by Grohoski to nominate Charles. Johnson
as Vice Chairman of the Commission.
82.04 Motion was made by Pliller, seconded by Harvey to close nominations.
Roll call vote was taken on the motion. Ayes; Geisness, Harvey, Grohoski,
Pliller. Abstain: Johnson.
82.05: Motion was made by Pliller, seconded by Johnson, to nominate Marvin Geisness
as Secretary of the Commission.
82.06 Motion was made by Pliller, seconded by Harvey, to close nominations.
Roll call vote was taken on-the motion. Ayes.: Harvey, Johnson, G~hoski,
Miller. Abstain:. Geisness.
The Chairman called fora review of the 3 December 1981 and 17 December 1981
Planning Commission meeting minutes.
82.07 Plotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to approve the 3 December
Planning Commission meeting minutes.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Johnson, Grohoski, Geisness, Harvey.
Abstain: Miller.
In reference to the 17 December minutes, P1r. Grohoski noted the misspelling
of the word "duely" on page 1. Additionally, the .last sentence on page 4 under
the discussion of the'Linder project, P1r. Grohoski stated that this should
read: "Mr. Grohoski asked what kind of financing of public improvements was
being considered. Mr. Gair stated some kind of City assistance was being sought."
Lakeville, Minnesota
- Planning Commission Fleeting
7 January 1982
82.08 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Grohoski, to approve the 17 December
1981 Planning Commission meeting minutes as amended.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Grohoski, Fuller, Harvey, Johnson.
Abstain: Geisness.
Chairman Harvey opened the discussion on the zoning ordinance requirements for
10 acre minimum lots on existing platted commercial or industrial property
where there is no city sewer available. It was noted that this issue was being
raised by the City Administrator based upon a number of recent requests and
contacts which his office had received. F1ra~ Licht noted. that. this matter had
an extensive history of discussion and evaluation. He further emphasized the
importance of this issue in City policy through the zoning ordinance and
comprehensive plan. F1r. Harvey stated the City had recently updated the
....zoning ordinance where this matter had been considered and questioned if it
was now the City's or individual owner's responsibility to bring the matter back
far reconsideration. P1r. Jack .Young, owner of a l.h acre industrial zoned parse l
west of I-35 and south of 70th, indicated he had purchased his property in
approximately 1976 and had made ,three proposals to City staff on its development.
His proposals, however, were never followed through on by staff. He also questioned
why the Zak Property to .the north of his land .was zoned residential.. Mr. Harvey
explained the background on the Zak property and asked if Mr. Young had received
notice of the public hearing on the matter. Mr. Young stated he had received
notice, but paid no attention. Mr. Harvey advised Mr. Young to contact F1r.
F1cGarvey if he wished a specific proposal to be considered and to complete a
formal application. Fir. Young indicated he would make contact with Mr. ~•1cGarvey
within a week and file the necessary applications.
The Commissioners discussed who should be responsible for he costs involved in
processing reconsideration of the 10 acre requirement.
82.09 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Geisness, for the Planning Commission to
initiate consideration of a zoning ordinance text amendment for Section 11.12 and
all. other applicable sections, plus possible comprehensive plan. amendments.
Roll cail•was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Miller,. Geisness, Johnson, Grohoski.
Nays:' Har~rey.
The Chairman opened the discussion and review of the concept plan for Niakwa
Village Phase Three located east of Foliage Avenue and north of Florida 4Jay.
William Johnson, developer of the project, appeared before the Commission and
explained the revised plans. He further stated the major reason for the change
in the project was marketability of the units. The Commission discussed various
aspects of the development and questioned what processing would be necessary.
Mr. Knutson and Mr. Licht explained that a change in the planned unit development
conditional use permit and agreement would need to be considered.. This would
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Fleeting
7 January 1982
require a new application, public hearing and notice to neighbors. On an
individual basis, Commissioner Pliller indicated he was favorable to the change,
but did have some questions on detail. f~1r. Geisness stated he was oven minded
to the change and looked forward to public input. F1r. Johnson stated he was
favorable to the PUD modification. Plr. Grohoski indicated his agreement.
Fir. Harvey stated he did not have too much of a problem with the concept, but
did have some reservations pertaining to development details.
Chairman Harvey reopened the continued public hearing on an amendment to the
zoning ordinance to allow children's day care centers within commercial and
industrial zoning districts. The Commission re Viewed and discussed the Planner's
draft of the proposed amendment dated°22 December 1981. Plr.'Lictrt stated tha t
based upon subsequent staff discussions, a provision to Section'? was being
suggested.- This clause would assure the day care facility was responsible for its
own protection and would not be the responsibility of neighboring property owners.
The clause suggested as Section 7. D. would read as follows:`- "Internal and
external site land use compatibility and sufficient peripheral-area protections
shall be the responsibility of the day care facility." Mr. Gary Tholkes of
the Minasha Corporation stated he agreed with the Planner's report and suggestion.
82.10 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing.
Rohl. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
82.11 C~ioton was made by Geisness, seconded by Miller, to recommend to the City
Council approval of the amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow children's
day care centers within commercial and industrial zoning districts as contained
in the Planner's draft dated 22 December 1981 and with the. adoption of Section 7.
D, as recoiflmended by the'Plann~r.'
Roll caul was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Johnson, Pliller, Geisness.
Nays: Grohoski.
Mr. Grohoski stated that the reason for his vote was that he had not seen nor
heard any pervasive evidence that placement {~f.day care facilities within
an industrial area would. be a positive factor in the overall health, safety
and welfare of the majority of the citizens of Lakeville or the City as a
who1 e.
Under other business, Flr. Grohoski stated that the City~Council~had discussed
the excessive use of the consulting~~staff notably the City Planner and that he
had been asked to bring this. matter to the Commission.: P1r. Harvey stated he
felt strongly on the matter and that staff work was appreciated and saved the
City from major expenditures in the long run. Mr. Grohoski stated he generally
agreed: Mr. Geisness indicated he felt the City must have planning and was the
basic question one of confidence in the present planner or one of ability to
pay. He stated he would like to know fees and costs. Mr. Pliller stated that
. there were possible times when professional advise was not necessary.
Lakeville, P9innesota
Planning Commission Pleeting
7 January 1982
Mr. Harvey reported that he had toured the City with Mr. Robinette to view
examples of good and bad screening and fencing. He asked if other members
were interested in a similar tour. A generally favorable response was
received and it was suggested multiple family housing. be included and also
that other committees be asked along. P1r. Knutson stated that if such a
tour was arranged, public notice would be required. Staff was directed to
inform P1r. Robinette.
Per. Harvey noted that a PUD rezoning request had been filed by P1r. Ken
Zak apparently to allow an auto body shop on his property:. P1r. Harvey
further stated that past staff reports, plus Commission and City Council
actions on previous requests would have appeared to provide P1r. Zak with
an indication of the City's position. P1r. Geisness concurred, indicating
very specific direction was given.
Mr. Grohoski indicated he would not be at the 21 January meeting.
82.12 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
P ruin Geisness, Secretary
P ric a ve Cha rman