HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04-82 ~ a Lakeville:, Minnesota Planning.Commission fleeting 4 February 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members, was taken. Present: Geisness, D. f1i11er, R 1`1i11er, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski, Rice. ' Also..present: Sid Miller, City Building Official; Frank Kriz, City Engineer; `Roger-Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, City .Planner.,.. The Chairman requested a review of the minutes from the 21 January 1982 meeting. It was noted that h1r. Grohoski should be added to the list of those :absent. Mr. Geisness stated that the majority of the first paragraph on page two should be indicated as his comments. Additionally, he noteda correction to the sentence "The applicant was eel; awarethat the realtor sold him industrial zoned property..." On page 3 the sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph was a-statement made by P1r. Geisness and should-be modified to so °indiCate. P1r. Zak noted.-that his `review of the minutes revealed that many of his comments were missing. P1r. Zak asked that P1r. Lehmann's statement hat he had no objection to the Zak request be added to the minutes. Mr. Harvey • stated he felt the statement should be added, but that fir. Zak should recognize that the minutes are not a'court or legal transcript. 82.17 Motion was made by D. Miller, seconded by R. Miller to approve the 21 January. 1982 Planning Commission meeting minutes as amended. The Chairman opened the public hearing on the application of Airlake Industrial Park, Hitchcock Industries, for a conditional use permit to construct under- ground fuel tanks on lot 6, block 2, Airlake Industrial Park Addition, for Consolidated Freight, 21930 Hamburg Avenue. Mr. Knutson attested to the validity of the hearing.' Mr. Jack Matsosky appeared on behalf of the applicant. Ne stated the fuel storage was now to be total gas instead of diesel fuel. He further stated the Fire Marshall had approved storage of both types of fuels. Mr. Grohoski questioned what were the surrounding uses and noted the f1anasha Corporation which is one neighbor, wi]1 likely have a day care center. Dennis Miller questioned security, to which Mr. Matsosky responded that the terminal was a constant operation. P1r. Robert Miller questioned the criteria which the' Firef~arshall evaluated. Mr. Matsosky responded: distance, materials, and safety. Mr. Grohoski asked what fire protection was provided. Mr. Matsosky stated extinguishers and equipment was on the site.. 82.18 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close thepublis hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,: Unanimous. t Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission; Meeting 4 February 1982 82.19 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend to the City Counci l the approval of the application of Airlake Industrial Park, Hitchcock Industries, for a conditional use permit to construct underground fuel tanks on lot 6, block 2, Airlake Industrial Park Addition, for Consolidated Freight, 21930 Hamburg Avenue. Roll cal] was taken on the motion: Ages: Unanimous. Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Lakeville Center, Inc. fora preliminary plat known as Central Square,. rezoning of .the. property involved in the plat from CBD-1 and B-4 to R-6, Pledium Density Residential, and for a P.U.D. conditional use permit to construct eight dwelling units, and to vacate a portion of a platted street right-of-way known as Upper 208th Street W. from Holt Avenue southeasterly to 209th Street W., located south of Gephart Warehouse, east of Holt Avenue and north of 209th Street. Mr. Knutson stated proper notification. has been provided. Mr. Glen Klotz appeared on behalf of the applicant and explained the plans and.. presented building elevations. He stated their primary interest was housing for the .elderly, but lacking any public assistance occupancy was open. He further stated that in the future, housing to the east would be pursued.- Mr. Licht reviewed the 29 January 1982 staff report. Mr. Kriz stated that in • addition the staff was requesting a fifteen foot easement on the last easterly lot. This would assure future access. Mr. Mike Anderson, a resident on Holt Avenue, raised several questions on design and orientation to which Mr. Klotz responded. Mr. Halprin, also a residept of the area, stated he had no objections to the proposed development.. The Commission questioned if the legal description was for. the present subdivision plus the future development area. It was indicated that the. .whole area was. to be included. Staff was-directed to verify this situation. 'The Commission also questioned if the site was bisected by a dedicated street. Mr. Kriz as well as Mr. Kolnhoffer stated they had both .checked into this matter and found no street right-of-way. 82.20. Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski. to close the.publc hearing. Ro71 ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. . The Commissioners asked for a review of floor plans;•~~co.p..es of~which were supplied by Mr. Klotz. 82.21 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded-by Rice to recommend to the City Council that the requested street right-of-way be vacated. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Grohoski, Johnson, Rice, Geisness, D. Miller. Nays: R. Miller. • 2 • Lakev'i1le, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting ; 4•February 1982 82..22 Motion was.-.made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to recommend approval of the requested rezoning based upon the findings as outlined in the Planner's report dated 29 January 1982: Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Johnson, Grohosk Rice, Gei sness, D. Miller,.Harvey. Nays.:.: R. Miller. 82.23 Motion was made: by Geisenss, seconded by Rice, to recommend to the City Council the approval of the requested conditional use `permit P.U.. D. based upon the findings as outlined in the Planner's report dated 29 January 1982. Roll call was taken_on the motion. Ayes: Grohoski, Rice, Gei-sness, D. Miller, Harvey, Johnson. Nays: R. h1i11er. Mr. R. Miller stated that while he d,id not object to the proposed development, he was hoping for an elderly housing. complex to be constructed onthe site. 82.24 Motion was made by Grohosk seconded by Geisness, to recommend to the City Council approval of the requested. preliminary plat contingent-.upon:: a. The Park and Recreation Committee is to review the proposed plat and • determune what land: and/or cash contribution is required for park dedication.. b. :The applicant must submit a site grading and drainage plan for review and `approval by -the City Engineer. c. :The applicant should work closely .with the City Engineer ao provide for adequate.-street right-of-way to service possible future-development' areaseast of the applicant's site. d. A 15_foot access easement be established on the easterly lot as recom- mended by the-Eity Engineer. e. All plans be thoroughly reviewed and .subject to the approval of the:City Engineer. _ Roll call wa~'taken~~on'the motuorl.`'Ayes: Rice, Geisness, D. Muller, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski. Nays: R. Miller. The applicant was advised that hi's requests would be considered by_.the City Council at-their. l6 February 1982 meeting. a i ,y ~ 3 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting . 4 February 198..2 The Chairman opened .the public hearing on the application of John Young for a variance to build in an unsewered area of less than l0 acres, and a P.U.D. conditional use permit for more than one principal use of a structure on a parcel of property located at 215th Street and Keokuk Avenue. Mr.: Knutson attested to the validity of the hearing. Mr. John Young appeared on behalf of his application and proposed..development. He commented that the Planner's report was. very thorough and recognized the hardship created by the gravel mining conducted by the State during the con struction of I-35. Mr. Young stated that the property was purchased in 1976. It took,. however, until 1979 to clear up easements on the parcel in question.. He then highlighted'tfie plans for the property development which are intended to emphasize solar energy sources. Mr. Fred Lehmann, property owner to the west, appeared and stated that Mr. Young's initial proposal was for an energy conservation project in conjunction-with the University of Minnesota. He stated that he approved this original concept,. but now was uncertain in view of plan changes.' According to Mr. Lehmann, the closeness of the proposed buildings is a question. Mr. Young stated that the grant for energy conservation which was being pursued is now gone. He intends to pursue an energy conservation-project on his own.: Mr. Ken Zak, property owner to the north, questioned the use of the proposed • buildings, to which Mr. Young responded that office and warehousing was to be provided to accommodate. his business activities. Mr. Zak stated he was con-` cerned about truck traffic on .Keokuk .Avenue in that it is a gravel,-road... Mr. :Harvey stated truck raffic appears to be a-valid question, but the project is zoned industrial. Mr. Zak also questioned whether the road. was wide enough::: for truck traffic. Mr. Young stated the maximum truck he has is a 2 ton. Mr. Grohoski pointed out there was no guarantee large trucks would not eventually, utilize the sito and use Keokuk Avenue. Mr. Young commented that his intent was to show how development should occur. He stated:Mr. Zak's 'house with a west and'northexposure is an example of how not to do things. Mr. Knutson stated the basic question.~s~,possible util~i~ation.of the property and what is reasonable. A.second question was has the .State deprived the owner of a developable. property. . , , _ _a ; _j Mr. Young stated he was willing to work with the City on an acceptable alternative, His main intent at this point. is to gain.direction. He stated that`. his engineering tests. indi,cated'no problem with on-sito sewer capabilities. Upon being questioned. y t.he< Chairman, Commission members generally concurred that the proposed deve~opment~was too intense for the site. 4 r • Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 4~~ebruary .1982 82.25 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller'to close tfie public hearing. Roll ca17 was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. A rereview of Corr~rrissioners' opinions resulted in a general consensus that development as proposed is too intense.. The majority of the Commissioners stated a willingness to consider a variance to the 10 acre minimum lot size for unsewered, nonresidential development. In this regard, however, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Grohoski pointed out concern for precedent being established plus a need to thoroughly consider such modifications in standards. The Commissioners suggested that Mr. Young and his consultants meet with the City Planner in order to determine what might be a feasible development and use on the property. Mr. Young indicated his agreement. -82.26 Motion was made by R. Miller, seconded by Rice, to table further discussion of the matter until the l8 February meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous. Mr. Denni Miller indicated that he had to leave..for work and: departed from the • .meeting at`10:20 p.m. 82.27. Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Harvey`to continue the meeting past the 10:30 p.m. deadline. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski. Nays: Rice, Gesness, R. Miller: Mr. Harvey reopened-the continued public hearing on tfie application of Laverne E. Linderfor a preliminary plat known as Linder's First Addition located east of Flagstaff Avenue, south of 170th Street and southeast of the Dodd Park Addition, consisting of various type multiple dwelling units. Mr. Michael Gair appeared on behalf of the applicant and indicated that all details of the project had`been 'resolved with the City Engineer, City Planner, Natural Resources Committee'*and Park, and Reer~eation Committee. He stated further that the Tease on the existing. house was a'month`to month agreement. This was clarification previously asked for by the Commission. He also stated the developer was willing to provide a tQt lot if the City so desired. 82.28 Motion was made by-R. Miller, seconded by.Rice,to close the publ`ic~hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: _"lJnan~imoys`^ ~ 5 1, , Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 4 February 1982- 82.29 Motion was made by R. Miller, seconded by Rice, to recommend to the City Council approval of the application of Laverne E. Linder for a preliminary plat known as Linder's First Addition located east of Fl-agstaff Avenue, south of 170th Street and southeast of the Dodd Park Addition, consisting of various type multiple dwelling units, subject to the conditions noted in the staff's reports and recommendation: Roll call was taken on the motion. :Ayes: Harvey, Grohoski, Rice, Geisenss, R. Mi11er. Nays: 'Johnson. Mr. Johnson stated his objection was that no park was. being provided within the development. Mr. Grohoski stated he voted for the project, but questioned-the speed of the recommendation.. Mr. Licht stated he appreciated the concern and with respect to the applicant and Commission an informal discussion of the preliminary plat would be arranged for the next meeting. Mr. Licht further emphasized the project would have .to come back to the Commission for fjnal plat, rezoning and comprehensive plan .amendment. Chairman Harvey requested that if Commissioners were not 'able to attend a meetin 9 <that either he or Mr. McGarvey`s~office be so notified. Mr. Knutson stated he would not be present at the next meeting. 82.30 Motion was: made by.Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.. The Chairman adjourned the meet at 10:30 p.m. Respe ully submitted, J e R ~ _ ~ 9arvin P. Geisness, Secretary ATTEST:.. P ric G. Harvey, Cha rman 6