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Planning ..Commission. Meeting
4 March 1982
Charles Johnson, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order at .7:38 p.m.
in the Lakeville .City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. .Present: D. Miller,: Johnson, Grohoski,
Rice. Absent: Geisness, F~arvey, R. Miller.
Also present: Sid Miller,. City Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, Gity
Attorney; David Licht, City Planner; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary.
The Vice Chaiz;pan requested 'a review of the minutes from the 18 February
1982 meeting . '
Those minutes should have been submitted by Acting Secretary, Charles
Johnson. Mr. Rice s-fated that in the middle of the last paragraph an page
one it should read he 'likes this plan much :better than the previous plan'.
Mr. Grohoski stated that motion 82.32 on page 3 should read, `The site has
inadequate access.' Mr. .Johnson: said the amendments to the minutes, the
Sth paragraph, should have. added after the word Flagstaff, which is a ma or
arterial way.
82.37 Motion was made by Rice to approve the 18 February 1982 Planning Commission
meeting minutes. as amended,
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Johnson, Grohoski .Rice. Abst i
a n.
D. Miller.
Vice Chairman.Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Dr.
Cindy ,i. Carlson Silbernagel for a special home occupation conditional use
permit.: to practice chiropractic. services at 16278 Florida Way.
Mr, Knutson said this was a duly. publicized hearing..
Dr. Carlson clarified the proposed hours for this occupation as being Wed-
nesdays from 9:00 a.m.-5:00. p.m,, evenings from 6100 p.m.-9:00 p.m. and
Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Mr, Licht pointed out some of
the particulars regarding the. pros and cons of special home occupation
permits acrd stated that Dr. Carlson does meet the ordinance requirements.
This permit would be up for review and. passible renewal after one year.
llr. Carlson offered a rough draft of a l' x 2` sign for the front of her
Mr. aarv Gesness arrived at 7:45 p.m.
82.38. .Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken. Ayes: Unanimous
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 March. 1982 •
Mr. Rice asked about putting up a sign in a residential area and Mr. Knutson
said it is OK. Discussion followed as to sign being for identification only,
not advertising of products. Dr. Carlson mentioned this would be strictly a
part time business, building to full time in the future and then moved to a
commercial area. at that time.
82.39 Motion was made by Rice to recommend to the City Council approval of the
application of Dr. Carlson for a special home occupation conditional use
permit to practice chiropractic services at 16278 Florida Way, with the
exception that the applicant be alloraed to put up a sign, as proposed.
Mr. Grohoski seconded the motion with an amendment stating that the_sign
would be put on the house strictly for identification and not for selling
of products.
Roll call was taken: Ayes.: D. Miller, Johnson, Grohoski, Rice. Nays:
Mr, Geisness said the reason for his nay vote was because he feels the one
patient at a time restriction that was part of Dr. Carlson's application
would not lie enforceable.
The applicant was advised that this application will be brought up at the
15 March 1982 City-Council meeting.. •
Vice Chairman called for discussion on final plat for Central Square.
82.40 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to recommend approval of
the final plat on Central Square, located east of Holt Ave. and north of
209th Street.
Roll call-was taken: Ayes: Unanimous
Vice Chairman called for United Properties/Central Telephone Company to
present their concept plan for a Planned. Unit Development for an office-
storage facility at the northwest corner of Dodd Boulevard and Cedar Ave.-
Mr. Licht explained that they had a P.U.D. on another piece of property
but have decided it was not. the best place to locate, so now are looking
for input regarding building at this new site.
Mr. Bruce Palmer from United Properties stated that they own or manage
-.over 2 million dollars worth of property. at present and showed drawings of
some of them. This site they are looking at is 11 acres and they would like
to put up 2 buildings on it.
Mr. Roger Knutson, City Attorney, mentioned that his partner has an owner-
. ship interest in this property.
Mr. Dan O'Brien further explained the intent of this development, to in-
clude yard .storage, warehouse facilities, office function, phone store and
* See attachment _2_
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 March 1982
parking facilities. They have worked hard to conceal the-yard storage
from view. The second building would perhaps be office-warehouse, built
at a later date.. He explained they had studied the storm drainage
situation at length and is asking for input from the committee, their
reaction and opinions on this .site., etc. Mr. Palmer asked if P.U.D. is
the way. to go. Central Telephone wants a facility as soon as possible..
Mr. Licht mentioned that they should come before the Planning Commission
first. Water)-Sewer service would probably come from Foxboro ugh ox Dodd
Mr. Geisness asked about tt?e prior P.U.D. site. and Mr, Palmer explained
that it just wasn't a good location and the type of facility they want is
better suited to the terrain-at this new site,. where Dodd BI.Y:d! meets Cedar
.Avenue. Mr. Geisness also asked about the landowner's intended use of the
.property. Mr. Licht said-this area has not been."defined as far as land use.
Mr. D. Miller is against this project because he l ves close by and fears
another industrial .:park starting, also increased traffic. He also mentioned
.the. stored equipment being an eyesore. Mr. O'Brien mentioned several poss-
abilities regarding screening the yard. storage. In answer to the traffic
problem, Mr. O'Brien didn't feel there would be that. much from the Central
Telephone operation...
Except for Mr. D. Miller the general consensus of the committee is that
this is a pretty good .concept for this corner and warrants further con-
sideration. There are a few points to be addressed before a preliminary
plan would be reviewed.
AIr. Grohoski addressed Air. Sid Miller regarding the snow-covered cars. and
boats, and Mr, Miller said he had not loeatedall the. owners. Regarding
the body shop in a garage, Mr. Sid Miller said the doors were always closed
on the three. occasions .that he was there.
Mr. Grohoski mentioned that the application of Ken Zak to rezone a parcel'
of property will be reconsidered at the next City Council meeting and he
feels that the Planning Commission needs to be aware of the situation and
reiterate our position. Mr. Johnson suggested that. staff contact council
members individually to make their points more clear.
82.41 - Aiotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, that the Planning
Commission. understands that a matter previously before the commission, i.e.
the Zak P.U.D. request is going to be reconsidered at an upcoming City
Council meeting and be it hereby resolved and brought to the attention of
the City Council that the Planning Commission hereby resolutely affirms
its findings and recommendations as previously submitted. A great. deal
of time and effort went into making the recommendations and no further
evidence has surfaced to adversely influence these recommendations.
Roll .call was taken: Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
4 March 1982
Future. agenda. items:
-Renewal of home occupation permit for Mrs. Ackermann's Mursery School..
Platting north of Lake Villa
.82.42 Motion was made by Riee to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous
The Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:10 g.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ma in P. Gefsness, Secretary
Charles Johnso ce Chairman
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