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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
18 March 1982
.Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting. to order at 7:30 p.m, in
the Lakeville .City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: D. Miller, Grohoski, Rice,
Harvey. Absent: Geisness, Johnson, R. Miller.
Also present: Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City
Attorney; Robert Nelson, Councilman; Alan Brixus, City Planner; Frank
Kriz, City Engineer; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary.
The Chairman asked for comments or amendments~to the minutes of the
4 March 1982 meeting.
82.43 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to approve the Planning
Commission meeting minutes of 4 March 1982.
Roll call was taken an the motion. .Ayes: D. Miller, Grohoski, Rice.
Abstain: Harvey.
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Gerald
and Mary Ackerman for a special home occupation permit to operate a
pre-school program. in their home at 20$28 Isle Avenue West.
• rir. Knutson stated that this was a duly publicized hearing.
82.44 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to close the public
Roll call was taken. Ayes: Unanimous
82.45 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to recommend to the City
Council the approval of the application of Gerald and Mary Ackerman for
a special home occupation permit to operate a pre-school program for
three years.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: 'Unanimous.
The Chairman opened the public hearing on the applications of Russell
Streefland and Robert Peterson for a preliminary plat known as Orchard
Lake Estates, rezoning for a Planned Unit Development, conditional use
.permit, a shoreland conditional use permit for that portion within 1,000
feet of Orchard Lake, a.petition to vacate certain streets in Club Park
Addition No. 1, located southeast of Kodiak Avenue and 175th Street.
Mr. Knutson stated this was a duly publicized hearing.
Mr. Jim Hill, representing the applicants, presented the preliminary plat.
• and exhibits. AIr. Walter Muhlenhardt, owner of adjacent property, was
concerned about access after vacating of streets. Mr. Hill said there
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
18 March 1982
was no access to the east as far as he knew. Mr. Larry Bakken, property
owner to the west, agreed. to vacating of the streets - 176th and part of
Emerson. Mr. Muhlenhardt was concerned about anyone getting landlocked.
Mr. Grohoski was. concerned about access to the 6 lots in Phase 3, if
176th .Street is vacated. He also asked about street widths being 32',
as required. Mr. Hill explained the easements running through lots 21, 22,
and 23.
82.46 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller to close the public
Roll call was taken. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. D. Miller mentioned street widths being a problem and asked about
drainage.. rir. Streefland explained that he is trying to clean up the
whole area. Mr. Grohoski was concerned about vacating 176th St, but
Mr. Roger Knutson said that Mr. Byron Watschke, owner of property to
the .south, has agreed to and signed the petition to vacate the streets.
Mr.,Kriz stated there is a workable solution to the drainage problem..
82.47 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Harvey, to recommend approval for
vacating ail of Whittier, part of Tom Moore, all of Tennyson Terrace,
and part of Emerson, leaving the part south of 175th down to lots 4 & 5.
• Roll call. was taken. Ayes:. Unanimous
82.48 rir. Grohoski made a motion, seconded by Harvey, recommending approval of
- the shoreland conditional use permit for that portion within 1,000 feet
of Orchard Lake, conditioned upon acceptable determination of the DNR.
Roll call was taken. Ayes: Unanimous
82.49 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Harvey, to recommend approval. of
the preliminary plat known as Orchard Lake Estates, subject. to the recom-
mendations contained in the Planner's memo dated 11 riarch 1982, and further
subject to the engineering approval of the necessary storm ponding on the
north edge of the property and further the recommendation of the enginee r
on the street width to be contained in the plat, of 32 feet.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous-
82.50 Motion was made by D. Miller, seconded by Harvey, to recommend approval of
-the Planned Unit llevelopment conditional use permit.
RoII call was taken on the motion. Ayes: D. Miller, Harvey, Grohoski.
Nay : Rice
Mr. Grohoski's aye had a condition on it - he is philosophically oppose d
• to utilization of P.U.D. fora plan or an area .that contains one primary
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• 18 March. 1982
use and can be better. accommodated in a conventional zoning district.
Mr, Mice's nay was for the same reason.
These applications will appear on the agenda of the 5 April 1982 City
.Council meeting.
Mr. U. Miller was wondering if there was some place to go for the
questions. that should be asked when someone comes before the Commission
with a plan. Councilman Bob Nelson said that packets are being made ug
for the express purpose of streamlining this type of activity - to save
both time and money.
Mr. Rice .asked about the 'No Smoking' signs that are to be put up in the
Council Chambers. Mr. Bob Nelson commented on the Zak rezoning and the
Young variance. The Council has directed the Planning Commission to look
at the future land uses for the area south of 210th Street and west of
I35 and to make recommendations to the Council concerning land uses and
aggropriate zoning.
Mr. Harvey said that Mr. Sid Miller will be checking out all the signs
when the ground dries up.
• Future agenda items:
'Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Orchard Lake Estates.
Mr. Rice thanked Councilman Bob Nelson for attending our meeting.
82.51 Motion was made by Rice to adjourn. the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
.eve Grohoski, Acting Secretary
Patric Ha vey, Cha rman