HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-82 b Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting • 15 April 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. an the Lakevalie.City Council..Chambers, Roll call of members was taken. Present: Harvey, Johnson, Grohaska, Raee. Absent: Geasness, D. Miller. Also present: Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Betty Sind#, Councilperson; Alan Brixaus, City Planner; Anne Bronken, City Planner; Pat McGarvey, City Administrator; Jam Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. The Chairman asked far additions or corrections to the minutes of the 18 March 1982 meeting.. 82.52 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grahoski, to approve .the Planning. :Commission meeting minutes of 18 March 1482.. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Harvey, Grohoski, Rice. Abstain: Johnson. Chairman Harvey called for discussion on the report from the Planning Consultant entitled "County Road 70/i-35 Rezoning Study Area" and possible recommendations to the City Council. Pir. Alan Braxius:stated that this area is predominantly agricultural and law density residential. .Dennis Afiller arrived at 7;37 p.m, Pir. Tony Hack, who owns property along the freeway, stated that he thought a person shouldbe able to do what he wants with his property. Mr. Lee Soberg, who lives on 215th St., questioned why we want the rezoning and. Mr. Ken Zak, currently trying to get a P.U.D., stated that no one would want that small a parcel for residential. Mr. Hack was wondering whether Mr. Zak and Mr. Young would get their P.U.D. 's. 82.53. Mr. Rice made a motion, seconded by Mr. D. Miller, that the. City publish a notice of public hearing for the purpose of rezoning of three areas of property in section 35, Twp. 114, Range 21 to an R-1 District. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous The Chairman opened the public hearing. on the application of Harold and Joan Johnson to rezone a portion of a parcel of preperty along Trunk highway 50, northwest of the doctors' office parcel, from B-4, General Business, and R-2, Single. Family Residential, to B-G,'General Business;. and a P.U.D. conditional. use permit allowing two principle buildings and two principle uses; and a conditional use permit for a daycare group nursery at 20088 Kenwood Trail West. Mr. Roger Knutson stated that this is a duly publicized hearing. • Lakeville , P4innesota . Planning Commission Meeting 15 April 1982 Mr. Roger Knutson stated that the zoning line is, in actuality, 100 ft. to the west of what is shown on some section maps. Anne Bronken, City Planner, said she would recommend that the City Council find. that the line is 1250 ft. west of Dodd Blvd. and the parcel of property adjacent to Highway 50, owned by Mr. Farker, is entirely within the B-4 zone. 82.54 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by D. Miller, to close the public hearing. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.55 notion was iaade by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to recommend-to the City Council that they make a finding that defines that the zoning line separates the B-4 and R-2 and is officially located 1250 ft. west of the center line of llodd Boulevard. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.56 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to recommend that a conditional use permit be approved on the daycare center as a legally non-conforming use in a B-4 District. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous ~.57 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to recommend. approval of a con- . ditional use permit. for a P.U.D.. allowing two principle structures and. commercial uses on one lot, with a provision for two curb cuts from Kenwood Trail for .only as long as .the daycare center is in operation. -Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the. public hearing on the application of James Siegle for a Flanned Unit Development conditional use permit for the purpose of having a residence and auto body repair business on a parcel of .property located at 20432 Hamburg Avenue. Tir. Knutson stated that this is a duly publicized hearing,. Mr. Knutson pointed out the fact that we have one of three ways to go with this application, since the application is not appropriate. 1. Mr. Siegle could withdraw his application. 2. The matter can be tabled and readvertised for a rezoning to P.U.D. from R-2 . 3. Recommend denial because it is not legal, due to the size. proposed being less than 10 acres, and the need to rezone. 82.58 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing. • Koll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous -2- Y Lakeville., Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 15 April 1982 82.59 Motion was made. by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to table the application for the purpose of allowing the applicant to submit an application for a P.U.D. rezoning. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Far View Sign. Company for a variance. to construct a billboard on the east side of I-35, where a former Acorn Motel sign .was located. Mr. Knutson stated this. is a duly publicized hearing. dir. Jack Lawrence represented the Far View Sign Company and stated that they wanted to put up a new, double-faced sign,larger than the old single-faced one. They thought everything was in order, according. to a former employee, Mr. Hosier, until they came in and taiked'to Mr. Sid Miller and Mr. Pat McGarvey. The old sign was non-conforming. Mr. Chris Gnerer, property owner, and Mr. Jack Nugent of the Far View Sign Company both spoke up in favor of the new sign. Staff pointed out that the permit Mr. Holster received was for the annual renewal to keep an existing billboard, not to replace one. Staff also pointed out that the owner of the old Acorn sign stated he took it down himself. ~2.6Q Motion was made b Grohoski seconded b Rice to close the ubiic hearn . Y ~ Y P g Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous 82.61 notion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend to the City Council that the variance for the sign be denied, being it is non-conforming and none of the conditions have. been. met. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There was discussion with Mr. Bud Jacobson concerning final platting and devel- oping on the remaining property in iiighview Estates Addition, formerly Woodbury. Mr. Terry Forbord of Jordan, Mini questioned why all these steps are necessary again and was told it is because of the time lapsed. Mr. Grohoski questioned having clear title and Mr. Michael Peters said they are working on that. The City Administrator pointed out that. a title opinion from their atto rney on the property would be required. Chairman Harvey asked for any other business. Mr. Lawrence Schweich, who lives south of the Vernon Jensen farm, wanted it known that he opposes Mr. Seigle running a body shop on that property. Also, Mr. Schweich mentioned other business being run on smaller than 10-acre parcels of land. Mr. Harvey mentioned that we have a ~racancy on the Planning Commission now • that Mr. Robert Aiiller has resigned. Mr. McGarvey said the Council will be interviewing a Ms. Judy Heald for this position. -3- r Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission Meeting. 15 April 19$2 Mr. Harvey. mentioned the length of the. agenda after skipped meetings and the planning .budget for the remainder of the year. Future agenda ~.tems: County Road 70/I-35 Rezoning Keapplieation of .James Segle Application of Terry Eyton to rezone a lot in Airlake Park 2nd Addition from I-i to I-2 for auto body repair business. 82.b2 Motion was made by Mr. Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Unanimous 'The Ghairman adjourned the meeting at 1Q;37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Charles Johnson, A ti Secretary ATTEST Patrick Harvey, C ai an -4-