HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-82 . y r . .,f. Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 6 May, 1982` Patrick .Harvey, Chairman, called the. meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers and welco~~ed our new member Ms. Judy Heald. Ko21 call of members was taken. Present: ll. Miller., Heald., Harvey, Johnson, Grahoski, Rice:. Absent: Gesness. Also present: Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, Gity Attorney;: Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shixley S©rensen, Recording Secretary. The Chairman asked far additions or corrections to the minutes of the 15 April 19$2 meeting. 82.63 Marion was- made by Rice, seconded by U. Miller, to approve the Planning Commission meeting minutes of 15 April .1982 meeting. Roll ca11 was taken on the motion. Ayes.: -U. Miller, Harvey, Johnson, Grohaski, Riee. Abstain: .Heald.. Chairman Harvey opened `the public hearing on the City of Lakevillers • proposal to rezone three areas in Section 35 on the west side of I-35 to R-1, Low Density Single Family. Pir. Roger Knutson stated .that. this is a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Alan Brixius, City Planner., explained the proposed. rezoning.. Mr. Fred Lehman, 11113. E. .237th St., owner of property south of 215th St. wanted to know what the zoning would be on his property, with the new zoning. rir. Tony Hack, 21219 Keokuk,asked about the ICU and how far the B-4 zoning was around the interchange. Ais. Viola Ellingboe, 8502 Upper 206th St., asked about rezoning in .the future. Mr. Harvey mentioned that sewer and water has to be in an area in order to develop smaller lots. Mr. . Kenneth Zak, 21490 i~eakuk, asked where he is left regarding his P.U.D. . request) if we .rezone to R-1. 82.64 Motion was made by Riee, seconded by D. riiller, to close the public hearing. Roll call..~aas taken ~:on the motion. Ayes : Unanimous 82.65 .Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, try recommend approval of , rezoning the three areas in question, ICU, I-land R-4, to .R-1, Low Den.- sity Single ~°amily. Rali ca11 was taken on the motion: dyes: Unanimous a.;:~ Chairman Harvey opened tkxe public hearing on the application of ferry-B~ton to rezone Lot l,: Block 3, Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition-from I-1 to r'~ k , t W1i. ,.9" V ~ r T Lakeville, riinnesota Planning Commission Meeting 6 May 1982 I-2 for the purpose of permitting the operation of an auto body repair and mach ne repair business... ir. Knutson stated that this is a duly publicized hearing.: Mr. Maynard Johnson., owner and operator of Airlake Industrial Park, .introduced Terry and Totn Eyton and explained the location and intended use of the property. Screening was discussed. .82.66 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Riee, to close the public hearing. Koll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Unanimous Alan Brixius mentioned landscaping and. the 13 parking spaces. .82.67 notion was made by Johnson, seconded by D. Miller, recommending approval for rezoning from I-1 to I-2, property in Airlake Industrial Park permitting operation of auto body and machine repair business, with proper screening. Kollcall was taken on the motion. Ayes.: Unanimous Mr. Kce's aye was made with reservations, as he does not .like spot rezoning. • rir. Grohoski looks forward to this. type of establishment being in .the i-1 district in :the future, without having to go through rezoning. Chairman iiarveyopened the public hearing an the.. application of Glenn and Ch ris_Steigerwalt and Daniel and Elmore Halt to vacate the proposed Ken Con Drive on the east side of Kodiak Avenue between 17450 and 17430 Kodiak Avenue, :ir. Roger Knutson stated this was a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Steigerwalt and Mr. Halt were asked why they were doing this and they stated it was to limit traffic flow in this area. This is a platted street that has never been built. Mr. Grohoski mentioned that Twin City Development should be con- taated regarding this vacating -they own outlot B, rir. Steigexwait and Mr. Halt will contact them. 82.68 Motion was made by Grohoski, .seconded by Kice, to continue the public hear- ing to the~20 May 1982 meeting to allow the applicants time to contact Twin City. Development, relative to vacating of Ken Con Drive. Kolb Call. was. taken on the motion. Ayest Unanimous .Item ~i6 on the Planning Commission Agenda is in error because the public hearing was already closed, on the application of James Siegle for a P.U.D. Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Koger Knutson stated that .this is not an allowed use of the :land at 20432 Hamburg Avenue. -2- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting • b May 1982.... Fi2.b9 Motion eras made by Kice, seconded by Johnson, to recommend denial of the P.U.ll. Conditional Use Permit because an auto: body .shop is not a condi- tional use in an R-2 District. ?to11 call was-taken on the motion. .Ayes: .Unanimous Chairman Harvey .asked Mr. Sid ~~iiller what could be done about that "blue" house on Italy Avenue. Mr. Rice would like to thank the .City for .putting up the `N0 SMOKLNG' signs in the Council Chambers. rir. Grohoski brought up the 10 acre minimum and Mr. Knutson suggests that a hearing be called to consider properties affected. Homes in a non- sewered area, constructed ..prior to the l0 acre requirement going in to effect, about 1977, could sell off acreage to end up with a minimum of one acre.. This would not.apply to houses built .after that date. Grohoski asks that the City Attorney draft an ordinance, get the wording down on this rezoning and have a public hearing. ,$2.70 Ptotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to request City Staff. to prepare a draft of proposed change in the zoning ordinances and call a public hearing thereon to allow for the .creation of less than ZO acre, i.e. one acre or more, site parcels of land containing a structure in residential use existing prior to the enactment of the 10 acre minimum portion of the zoning ordinance. of 1977. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous rir. D. Miller's aye was made with reservations. Mr. Robinette mentioned that he is willing to take. any of the commission members on a tour of screening in and around the City. May 27, 19$2 .was set as the date to do this, meeting at the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. An item needs to be put in the paper pror..to this date. rir. Sid Miller asked about the new law on manufactured homes. Mr. Knutson said it is ambiguous. rir. Robinette mentioned that Comprehensive. Plan changes will be made "in house" to save money. Mr. Sid. Miller brought up the possibility of the Cantral Telephone Co. Y.U.D. coming up at the 3 June 1982 meeting. Lakeville, riinnesota • Planning Commission Meeting 6 May 1982 .Future agenda items;. 1. lliscussion of P.U.D. by Dave Licht 2. Kenneth Zak P.U.D.. 3. Vacating of Ken Con Drive 4. Wayne Tower., Foxborough 3rd, rezoning because of changed lot sixes 82.71 notion was made by-Rice to adjourn the meeting... Voicevotewas taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. .Respectfully submitted, • e Charles Johnson, A 'ng Secretary ATTES' tri arvey, Chairman -4-