HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-82 , Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting • 20 May 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:3© p.m, in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Heald, D. Miller, Harvey, Grohoski, Rice. Absent: Johnson, Geisness. Also present: Nancy Rnright, Councilperson; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Sid `tiller, City Building Inspector; David Licht, City Planner; Jim Robin- ette, Public Works .Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary.. Mr. Harvey mentioned the fact that Kenneth Zak was in our audience and was not listed on our agenda,. so asked for discussion as to whether he should stay. It was suggested that we not place Mr. Zak on the.. agenda.. until after clarification of his pending ordinance change. The Chairman asked for approval of the minutes of the 6 May 1982 meeting. rir. Harvey questioned the last sentence of page 2, third paragraph of 82 .b 8, the word appropriate should be allowed. 82.72 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to approve the Planning Commission • meeting minutes of the b May 1982 meeting, as amended.: Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.73 notion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to table the public hearing on the application of Glenn & Chris Steigerwalt and Uaniei and Elenore Halt to vacate tiie proposed Ken Con Drive on the east side of Kodiak Avenue between 17450 and 1743© Kodiak Avenue, until further notice, as they have been unable to contact Twin City Development, owners of adjoining property. Rohl call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to amend the 1981 Comprehensive Pian, Policy Plan Development Frame- work, as it relates. to areas within the 1990 urban service area and sewer allocations. Mr. Roger Knutson, City Attorney, stated that this was a duly publicized. hearing. 82.74 Piotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.75 notion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to recommend to the City Council to approve the application of the. City of Lakeville to amend the . 1981 Comprehensive Plan and that it be forwarded immediately to the rietro Council. ,1 ` Lakeville, I"Iinnesota Planning Commission Meeting . 20 May 1982 Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Russell Streefland and Robert Peterson for an amendment to the 1981 Comprehensive -Plan, Policy Plan Development Framework, as it xelates to areas within the 1990 urban service area and sewer allocations.. P1r. Roger Knutson state~I that this was a duly publicized hearing.. Mr. Dave Licht said this i~,n/~ttypical policy, but a unique situation that meets all the criteria and should be approved. 82.76 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.77 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to recommend that the City Council approve the application of Russell Streefland and Robert Peterson to amend the. 1981 Comprehensive Plan and that it be forwarded immediately to the Metro Council. 82.78 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, recommending approval of Orchard Lake Estates final plat subject to the four recommendations of the • city's Engineering staff. Those recommendations being: 1. That the street width be 32 feet on all streets #rom back of curb to back of curb. 2. That the two curves along the proposed 176th Street be revised to a minimum radius of 272 feet. 3. That the 15 foot drainage and utility easement shown on outlots A, C and D be increased to 20 feet. 4. That the-drainage and utility easements for Phase I be revised... to show l0 .foot easements along all exterior tat lines. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous 82.79 Motion was made by ll. Miller, seconded by Rice, to recommend approval of the final plat of Niakwa Village 3rd Addition, with the followi~ig revisions per the City Engineers: 1. The proposed 162nd Court must be realigned to match the centerline of Upper 162nd Street West. 2. A S foot utility and drainage easement along the West .line of Lot 4 must be dedicated on the final plat. • 3. The proposed easement along the North line of Lot 4 should be changed to 20 feet South and TO feet North of the lot line.. -2- )s, Lakeville, Minnesota. Planning Commission Meeting 20 May 1982 • Koll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous The presentation was not ready on Foxborough Thfrd Addition, by Northland Mortgage Company. rir. Dave Licht. gave a report on Planned Unit Development zoning and P.U.D. conditional use provisions, uses and requirements, and spent some time answering questions the commission members had ©n this subject. rr. Rice thanked Mr. Licht for his report, also Mr. Knutson, for his comments. It was decided to use the wording 'Conditional Use Permit P.U.D.'. Chairt~an Harvey asked that someone from staff look into the ordinance re- garding an owner going back into farming at anytime, and report back at the next Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Licht will check and see what is fn the .ordinance now and see. what needs to be put in to make this point .clear. rir. Rice .questioned the street not being in far the new bank, to be Qpenng on June 14th. Mr. Robinette said a temporary access will be put in. ~3t was mentioned that a time limit should be set, perhaps, for filing plats. Future agenda-items: • 1. .Application from Cynthia Justen far a Beauty Shop in her home at 8415 Upper 20bth ST W. 2. Amend Zoning Ordinance pertaining to minimum lot area to allow for the division of property into a parcel of one acre or larger. when the sale of an existing house. is involved on the parcel. 3. Kequirements for a special home occupation; auto body repair business. 82.80 Motion was made by Rice to adjourn the meeting., Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes:.. Unanimous The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:03 p.m. itespectfuily submitted, e oho i, Acting Secretary ATTE atrick Harvey, Ch an -3-