HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-82 } Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 3 3une 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, ca3led the meeting o order at 7c3Q p.m. in the .Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Heald, Geisness, D. Miller, Harvey, Johnson,. Grohoski, Rice. Also present: idancy Enright, Couneilperson; Betty Sindt, Councilperson; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator; Roger .Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, Gity Planner; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary; Sid Miller, Buildng.Inspector.. i~ir. Geisness stated our appreciation of the two council members, t3ancy Enright and Betty Sindt,..attending our meeting.. The Chairman asked for additions and corrections to the 20 riay 1982 meeting.. Mr. Rice stated the month was incorrect on page 2 and rir. Harvey stated th last line of the 4th paragraph should .have been 'clarification of his end- ing ordinance change.',. instead of his application. 82.81. ~`iotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to approve the Planning .Commission meeting minutes of the 20 May 1982 meeting, as amended. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, D. Miller, Harvey,. Rice, Grohoski. Abstain.:. Geisness, Johnson Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Cynthia A. Justen far a special home occupation permit to conduct a beauty salon at 8415 Upper 206th Street. Mr. Roger Knutson, City Attorney, stated that this was a duly. publicized. hearing.. 82.82 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing. Roll nail was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous $2.$3 yiotion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to recommend approval of the application of Cynthia A, Justen for a special home occupation permit to conduct a beauty salon at 8415 Upper 206th Street and to put up a sign. Kol1 call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of tite City of Lakeville to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 167, Section li.l2, pertaining to the minimum lot area for unsewered lots to allow for the division of property into a parcel of one acre or larger when the sale. of an existing house is involved on the parcel, provided that the house was constructed .'prior to November 7, 1977. Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting . 3 June 19$2 Mr. Knutson stated that this. is a duly publicized hearing:. Mr. McGarvey explained the things that have hapgened aver the years regarding lot sizes.. Mr. Vernon Jensen, 20432. Hamburg Avenue, stated that he would like to see this ordinance changed to the lesser acreage. Mr. Knutson's draft of a new ordinance indicated the minimum lot size would be three acres and Air. Grohoski said he would suggest that this be changed to one acre or larger, as was stated in the .public notice. Item ~2 would not be changed at all.. 82.84 nation was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to close the public hearing. hall call was, taken on the motion. Ayes.: Unanimous Air. Harvey mentioned that the draft should be amended to read,`Habitable single family homes constructed prior to 7 :Javember 1977 may reduce their lot size to a minimum of one acre or larger if the property divided off will result in a parcel of ten (14) acres or more.' 82.85 Aiotion was made by Kite, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend approval for • amending Ordinance No. 167, Section 11.12, 1 to: Add the fallowing sentence ~to;the existing paragraph.- Habitable single family homes constructed prior to 7 November 1977 may reduce their lot size to a minimum of one (1) acre or larger if the-property divided off will result in a parcel of ten. (10) acres or more. Koli call was taken on the motion.' Ayes: Geisness, Johnson, Grohoski, Kice. Nays: Heald., ll, Aiilier, Harvey. Ais. Heald and Air. ll. i~tiller feel the i0 acre minimum lot size set in 1980 should remain, that changing it to a one acre would jeopardize what the City .has done in the past. Air. Harvey does not like inconsistency and fails to see a difference in subdividing of property. He feels the l0 acre minimum is f ine . Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 167, Section 1~.4, by adding a section that would set foxth requirements for a special home occupation; auto body repair .business. iir. Knutson said this is a duly publicized Bearing. Air. James Siegle, 16775 i;annon Ave, said he is interested in buying property from Air. Jensen with an existint; buildinb on it, in wiicii he would like to run a one-man auto body repairbusiness.. Air. Kice asked Alr. Sid Aliller if we now have auto body shops in residential areas and he said we do not. Althoubh he feels that the City should encourage entrepreneurial ventures and provide for the start up of new business ventures in the City, Air. Grohoski stated tizis particular use is .too.. intensive a use for a resi- dentiai area. ~86 Alotion was made by trice, seconded by Grohoski, to close the public hearing. Roll. call was taken on themotion. Ayes: Unanimous ? t a Lakeville, Minnesota ' Planning Commission Meeting 3 June 1982 In the.. interest of a fair and complete consideration of the request before the Commission, Mr. Grohoski discussed the possibility of exploring a compromise. Mr. Geisness stated that he feels that we cannot make enough comgromises to cover justifying this application for a special home occupation permit, rir. Rice mentioned that the Commission had expressed their'oppasition i.n .earlier Planning Commission. Meeting minutes. 82,87 Mr. Rice made a motion, seconded by Pir. I1. Miller, to recommend denial of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance No. 167, Section 10.4, adding a section that would set forth requirements fora special Name occupation; auto body repair business. Roll call was taken on the: motion. Ayes: Unanimous Under other business a Mr. Jim Larson, 17805 Dodd Road, presented an idea he had for a Plobile Home park for retired citizens. The concensus of the commission members. is that this concept could be a viable .addition to Lakeville: Jim Robinette gave a report on the back lot at the Power Center and said that progress is being made. there. Commission members feel that maybe the City Council should start some action, so that the blacktopping will be done. Future. agenda .items: 1. Steve Grohosk's rezoning of Oak Ridge .Heights Subdivision 2. .Review concept plan of George Branton 3. Rezoning for Lakeville Center on old railroad property,on.7/1/82.. 82.88 Motion was made by Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote.-was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous The. Chairman. adjourned the meeting at 10:3© p.m. Respectfully submitted,- r ruin Geisness, Secretary ATTEST.' r Patrick Harvey, Chairman -3-