HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-82 r Lakeville, Minnesota - Planning Commission Aieeting 12 June 1982 Charles Johnson, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30'p-.m. in the Lakeville. City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present:` Geisness, I). Adler, 3ohnsan, Gro}ioski, tteald. Absent : Rfce, Harvey. Also present: Sid. Miller, Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; ..Anne Bronicen, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Public Works llirector; Shirley Sorensen,.Recordipg Secretary. The Vice Chairman asked for additions, changes, or corrections to the minutes:.. from the 3 June l9$2.meetng. Air. Geisness felt that the minutes should reflect not.. only the facts and the actions we take, but also a sense of the discussion that. goes into those actions. Atr. Grohoski had some additions to t}ie minutes, ttie first being t#ie paragraph toward the bottom of page 2, be- ginning 'ir. Knutson said', before the last sentence startins 'Mr. Grohoski . stated" he woulrt insert `.Although he feels that the City: should. encourage entrepreneurial ventures and provide for the start up of new business ventures in the CiCy, `tr. Grohoski stated this particular use is too intensive a use for a residential area.' The words'partcular use"were added to the. last sentence. Secondly, en page 3 before the first Paragraph the following should be added, 'ln the interest of a fair and complete consideration of the request before tie Commission, Alr. Grohoski discussed the possibility of exploring a compromise.' Ms. Heald'"sEie felt the 4th paragraph on page 3, the last sentence should be changed to 'I'~e concensus of t}ie commission members is that this con- cept could be a viable addition ,to Lakeville.' 82.89 Alotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Aiiiler, to approve the Planning Corsnission meeting minutes of the 3'June.1932 meeting, as amended. Roll call was taken on t}ie motion. Ayes : Unanimous Vice Chairman Johnson opened. tt~e public }searing on the application of (:onsumers llevelopment~Realty for a preliminary plat,. Uak Ridge` Heights, and a rezoning of the property from t:-2, Single Family, to It-4, Single and Two Family Residence, located east of lighw.-cy 5(1 and north.. of the tJoodridt;c Estates Addition. ' A1r. Kober Knutson stated that this is a duly pubJ.cized hearing. 1`ir, Carv Tushie Save. the presentation for Consumers.Kealty & Uev. Co. (Atr. Steve. (:rohoski's company). P1r, Grohoski stated that he is the owner of the Property and was }sere to answer any questions that. might ccxne uP, [hat ,qtr. '1'ustlie might not be able to anscaer and that he woui.d be abstaining from voting on t}pis issue. .Air. A}. J. Helkenn, 138U5 Junelle Path, owner of adjoinint; Propcr.ty asked where ttir sewer would drain into and was. told it would be hooked up to- tlie existinb sys em in Ua~: !!ills. i~tr. }}elkenn also asked about Projected • runoff because it runs .into his property and w:~ told by_:tr. lobinette that the City would Probat~ly purchase t}ie property from a storm sewer func} for the necess:~ry Ponding, according to Ct~e C:omPre}iensive Storm Sewer. !'lan. Also, there ~ ~ ,.f. Lakeville, Mfnnesota Planning Commission 1•ieeting 17 June 1982 would be some bermfng done between proposed development and }ielkenn's property.. 1`ir, llelkenn stated that this low land was_not designed as a holding pond. He also mentioned he hoped that these new home owners would not object to being next to his cows. Mr, Helkenn said he felt that it was OK for Air. Grohoski to get the rezoning on .this property, for the .building. of daubie homes, he has no objection to it. `tr. Kon Gerk, 9935 W. 138th: St,, owns property to the north and west of proposed development and wanted to know where the power would came from. .because ©f Iack of power in this area now, I`tr, Grohoski stated that he had contacted the necessary people. and was: assured there would be adec}uate power, I•ir. &erk asked Itr. Grohoski w}iat tiffs reason was for .going to double lots and Grohoski explained it as a transitional zone between single family and the B-4 Histrict. *~ir. Gerk would prefer. to see justiuxury, large lots instead of double lots. After much discussion, rir. Gerk feels very strongly that putting; in twin Domes will lessen .the value of his property considerably, but rir. Grohoski differs with that statement. 1`ir. Gerk is strongly opposed to this rezoning af'the uak Ridge Heights p1aC, Mr, Steve Sizer, 1Q2fl0 W. 175th St,, asked about cost estimates for running... sewer in and what percentage of the plat would. be duplexes. PIr, Tushie said there. would be 16 duplexes and 32 singles in this proposed plat.. dir. Sizes also asked about purchasing a lot outright and using own contractor, :tr, .Grohoski said he does sell lots outright, but reserves the rig}~t to approve the contractor, making sure they are a reputable :company.. Mr. Jerry t~ickland, Realtor, wt}o lines on Highway S0 has just sold a piece- of property in Uak Hills, adjoining this proposed Uak Ridge Heights Levelop- _ meet, and asked about the size of the duplex lots, that this might be setting a precedent for future building in the Lakeville area, the fact that they are so-much lamer than the minimum requirements. fits. Roger ilnutson stated that tine c}iaracter of an area is looked at in determining the size of the lots. Ptr. Yat }larvey arrived at 8:3G p.m. iir, t.~ickland stated that he is in favor of twin. homes, etc., but is concerned that the minimum lot requixesncnts might. be raised in the future. sir. Tom Grouch,. 129QG Grandvie~~ i;t.. i3urnsvlIe, askec! about non rental lots.. which ;Ir. Tushie hoc} ieentioned and was wondering if .this was }>art of tlje rezoning. Pir. !;Hutson st<~ted this i~ not a condition of the rezonint request. ilr. Grouch stated that he thinks this. is a go©d use cif the land and ~,rould be in .favor of the. rezoning for this plat. :ir. ciike' Groven, 3730 lied l:obin Lane, i:ahan, owner of a lot in Uak 1ii115 1'}tird ~ldditign, wanted to know just khere yak Hi11s First Addition was in relation to tiji project and it was }jointed out to him on a map. :is. Colleen Fowler, 17700 JunelLe, collect :tr: Sid `tiller, 13uiiding Inspector, and wantec? to ,ro on record. as bcnfi very much in favor of this project. She was unable to attend this he<arin~. -2- i ~ Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 17 June 1982 Mr. Gary Tvedt, 17926 Ingrid Ct., wantedta go on record as being in favor of the rezoning far this project. .The City .has decided not to accept park land, but rather money in this case, from the developer, as the Park Dept. needs funds to keep up wi h the needs' in the parks it already .has. Air. Geisness asked about the gas Tine running under this parcel of land and Air. Grohoski stated that he had been in touch with the Mnnegasco people and that there would be no problem, Mr. Geisness was wondering if Steve knew when the Iast inspection might have been made.: Mr. Geisness has done some study recently on gas lines and stated that there are some dangers to be considered on Tinesinstalled before .1952 and that we have good reason to be concerned. 82.90 Aiotion was made by Geisness, seconded by Harvey, to close the :public hearing. !toll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness Miller, Harvey, Johnson,,_ Heald. Abstain:. Grohoski Air. Geisness expressed his concern about the gas line and also, stated he is not sure we need double houses in this area, there are enough places already having doubles in Lakeville. Alr. Harvey .asked about .the soils in this area and Mr. Robinette said that soil .testing would be taken care of at a later date, where necessary. Air. Johnson asked about the space left on some lots for a dwelling,. after the pipeline easement and Air. Grohoski stated that there was enough room left. A1r. Johnson also addressed the fact there would be no park lands in this dev.~ Air. Robinette statedthatthis is not a developer problem, it is decided by the Park & Rec. Committee.,. whether land or money is desired. Mr. Kobinette is going to arrange a specialmeetng between Park and ltec Committee members, Planning Commission members, and the City Council representatives to these committees. ~AIr. Johnson was concerned about. the_chldren in the dev, having no play area. Alr. llennis Aliller left at 9;3fl p.m. 82.91 Motion was made by Harvey to table this matter.' until the l July 1982. Planning Commission Afeeting. Motion was seconded by Johnson. Rolle call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Harvey, .Johnson, Heald. Abstain: Grohoski Alr. Geisness stated that he thinks we need to do more study on this plan and that at this .time he is not in favor of it, as presented. i~ir. Harvey stated that we need buffering between K-2 and B-4, but not between K-2 and K-4. FIe is not too. sure ttow he would .vote at this. time. Ms. Heald does not know how she would vote, needs to see the site-and do more study. Mr. Johnson said he would question .the use of the. property immediately to the west, but would probably be in favor of ttr. Grohoski's plan. -3- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Heeting • I7 3urte 1982 Mr. Grohoski said he appreciated everyone's comments and 'thank you'. Vice Chairman 3ohnson called €or Mr. George Branton to present his concept plan for townhouse units east. of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church .and south of Highway 50. Air. Branton stated the buildings would be 4-unit townhouses, with only one entrance to the development, a private street. Mr. Geisness has not had time to go over and look at the. site,-but would have been more ~.nterested in a condominium project. Air. Harvey said it is a good project, but has some. question about a private street. The basic plan is fine. Air. Robinette stated that perhaps the City could consider a SO' right: of way for the street, instead of the usual 66'. Mr. Grohoski stated that he, too, is concerned about the street width,. and right of way onto 202nd St. He feels we should have a recommendation from AfinnDot as to their desires as to right`of ways, ditches, etc., but: feels this plan is good far the area. Airs. Heald is concerned about the access on to Iberia and .feels we should have a letter from MinnDot with their recommend- ations. Air. Johnson was concerned about access into park on. east end of the dev. .Air. Robinette said the. Highway llept. would be working.: on the corner of Highway 50 and Holyoke in 1984 and that the road work. at 'John's Tavern' corner would be starting around August -lst. Air. Branton said 'thanks' to the. commission members. Future .agenda items: 1. .Church on 160th St. -Conditional use permit and variance- 2. Uak I:idge }}eights -Rezoning 3. Rezoning for Lakeville Center on old railroad property. ilr, liarvey commented that body shops will. be on the City Council agenda again Aionday night, and that our staff should be contacting council members to express our opinions. 82.92 ciotion was made by :ir. Harvey, seconded by Grohoski, to extend our meeting past the 10:30 deadline. loll call was taken on the motion.. .Ayes: Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski, Heald iJays : Geisness Dlr. Johnson asked about getting an easel to use in lieu of board that has been - used for displaying maps, etc. ~`ir. Robinette. said there is one in-the public • works bld};. that we can use. lr. tobinette will give .the Gty Council a report on the progress of the parking .lot at file Yower tenter. -4 - Lakeville, Aiinnesota Planning Commission riveting 17 June 1982 Vice Chairman asked ris. Anne Bronken, City Planner, to give her opinion on the Oak midge heights Ylat and Rezoning, and stxe feels that it is a good plan and that a transition was necessary. 82.93 `lotion was made. by Harvey, seconded by Grohoski, to adjourn tie meeting.. Voice vote was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous The Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting at 20:37 p,m. Respectfully submitted, 1`arvin Geisness, Secretary ATTEST • 9, r 1 f~ ~ Charles Johnson,.. Vice ,irman •