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Lakeville, Minnesota
.Planning Commission Meeting
15 July 1982...
Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to .order. at 7:30 p.m. in the
Lakeville-City. Council Chambers.
Moll call of members was taken. ]?resent; Geisness, D. Miller:, Harvey,
Johnson, Grohoski, Rice. Absent: Heald.
Also present:: Sid Miller, Building Inspector; Tom Scott, City Attorney;
Uave Licht, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley
Sorensen, Recording Secretary.
The Chairman asked for additions or corrections to t}te minutes of .the 17
June 1982. meeting. Mr. Grohoski stated that motion 82,91 on page 3 should
have acid 'Alotion was made by Harvev to table this matter until....' not
continue public hearing._ iv}r. Johnson stated that the Sth paragraph on page
3 should also have said:'1~!r. Johnson expressed concern about the .children in
the development-because of no play area being designated.':. Air. Johnson also
mentioned that the_3rd paragraph on page 4 should have had in it that ':Air.
Johnson was concerned about access. into park on east end of the development.'
82.94 Alotion was made by nice, seconded by Johnson, to accept minutes of the 17
June 1982 Planning. Commission meeting, as amended.
Roll call was .taken on the emotion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman. Harvey opened discussion on the applications of Consumers Realty and
.levelopment Company to rezone a parcel of property frotn K-2, Single-family
Residence, to K-4, Single and 'two-family Residence, as proposed for the vak
lzidge.Heights plat, and for. a preliminary plat approval. Atr. Gary Tushie,
.representing Consumers. Realty & I1ev. Go., explained that changes that had been
suggested have beentnade, per the meeting with planners and engineers. Air..
Gesness stated there was not sarong rationale..for the double lots and has
reservations about them. ;~Ir. Geisness is jusf not in €avor of .mixing single...'
family homes and doubles. A}r. ll. Aliller asked about the gas provision and was
told .that all the conditions have been met. Mr. Alder also asked about one
lot being smaller and was. told .`that all are within thestandards now.
Air. Johnson stated that he would still like to see some park land or play area
for the children. tic. Rice feels good about'l'~cievelopment as long as provisions
have been meta. Air.'Geisness suggested that. other buffering could be used, other
than the twin homes. sir. Licht suggested that maybe this should be called a
transition, rather than a buffer..
Mr. Harvey suggested that we have a "laolicy, philosophical discussion on mixing
of singles anddoubles" -perhaps put this item on our next meeting. agenda.
82.95 Motion was mace by k:ice, seconded by I). Miller, to .recommend that the City
Coutlcil approve the rezoning on a parcel of property from 1t-2, Single-family
residence, to K-4, Single and Two-family residence, as proposed for the yak
hidge Heights plat..
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
15 July 1982.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Atiller, Harvey, Johnson,.
Rice. Abstain: Grohoski
The date on the. revised plat. is June 30,.1982,
82.96 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Harvey, to recommend that City Council
approve the revised .plat for Oak Ridge Heights being the staff has been
satisfied on all the recommendations, the .Lune 30th map and the July 7th
report from. Dave Licht's office.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Afiller, Harvey, Rice
i~iay: Johnson Abstain: Grohoski
Air. Johnson's nay was because he feels that going for a more intense use of the"
land should require some area for park and/or recreation use.
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Lakeville Center,
Inc. to rezone three Parcels of property located east of Holyoke Avenue and
•south of 28th Street from CBD-i, Industrial., and CBD-C, Commercial, entirely
to GBD-C, Commercial; B-4, General Business, and R-2, Single-family, to R-6,
i~iedium_llers ity Residential; and B-4, General Business, and R-2, Single-family
Residential, to R-5, Single-family, Two-family and Aiedfum Density Residential.
Air. Tom Scott, City Attorney, stated that this is a duly publicized hearing.
Air, Bli riacklin, representing Lakeville Center, Inc., stated that a report
had been submitted asking for rezoning, and he explained what the intent was
here. Dave Licht said there is no survey map on this property and that there
would have to be subdivision of the property after the rezoning.
Mr. Geisness stated that he has no severe reservations on this rezoning, Iv1Y,
D. Aiilier asked if parcels 2 and 3 would be senior citizen high rise. ar. Vic
Kohlnhofer, 11426 E. 245th St., stated that the senior citizen's complex that
they would really want would be built on those lots behind .the stores (on Holt).
Air. Licht mentioned that there was not enough land in those parcels to put the
type of building. needed for the senior citizens'.. .Air, Johnson feels that perhaps
parcel 3 should go to a lesser density than R-S.
Air. Grohoski asked how many people got notices, as therecaas no one in the:
audience,concerning this rezoning. It was felt we need to put up signs when'
there is to be rezoning, as has been done on occasion in the past.' Atr, Harvey
stated he had asked i~ir, ;•icGarvey, City Administrator, to put signs up. Atr,
Jim iiobinette stated that he was not aware that signs were to be put up, Air,
Grohoski asked if the Wright's, who live between these lots 2 and 3, had been
contacted and Atr. Kohlnhofer stated that they had. Mr. Alacklin stated they
really did not know what type of housing, or b uilding, that would be done on
these parcels, but wanted the rezoning done.
82.97 aotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by i:ice, to close the public hearing.
Air. Mice questioned closing the public hearing without a map
showing just what parcels were involved,.etc.
-2 - _
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission. Meeting
15 July 1982
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Genevieve Ringeisen, 20764 Holt Ave, stated that the neighbors got a map
and letter regarding this rezoning, but it was vague for .the laypeopleto
understand. Mr. Licht said that rtr. McGarvey had had. several calls and of
those, they did not `object to this .rezoning. Mr. )`facklin stated that he
thought.. Mr. itlcGarveyhad told him. that: the Wright's had called..and talked
to him and apparently didn'tfeel. a need to be at this meeting. Mr. 1!fackln
has .survey of parcel one and three, which .were put up for the members to see.
Dir. Harvey felt we should have a survey map before proceeding.
82.98 Motion was made. by Rice, seconded by Johnson,.recommending that the City
Council approving the rezoning as mentioned previously.
rir. Geisness stated that he felt. this is in keeping with the area it's in,
the downtown area is a little more intense use.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Geisness, Johnson,: Grohoski, Rice
....Nays: Miller, Harvey
:1r: ,1i11er's nay was because he would like to see measurements instead of the.
• drawings they received, he feels'he is going in .blind with this application.
Pir. Harvey's nay was because he wants some idea of what is expected, what-i
planned, and exactly what the measurements are on apiece ofproperty. He
also questions a fairly dense property use, .surrounded by single family homes
on three. sides.
Chairman Harvey opened the public `hearing on the application of George Branton
for a preliminary plat and a planned unit development conditional use permit
for a plat located on the south side of Highway S0 (202nd Street) and east of
the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran. Church, and a variance in the length of the
cul-de-sac. i`ir. Scott .stated this is a duly publicized hearing..
A new plat map wasgresented by Mr. George Branton showing six fewer units and
stating that they had complied with set backs, as requested.. Mr. Harvey asked
if this had, gone to the Natural Kesources Committee and Park & Rec. Committee
yet and .was .told. they had. not. The units range from 960 sq, ft. to 100$ sq. ft.
rir. llale tJille, representing Mr. Branton, explained tite 30 ft minimum set back
which is a City Ordinance'requirement, that has been. met andthat a portion of
land is available for dedication to the City. 'they intend to put up screening
where necessary and maybe some kind'of a trail system through, and tied to, the
open spaces in this area.
Ttr, George I`fountin, 20375 Highes Ave, was concerned about drainage, wondered
about water goinfi in the back of his place and the back of the proposed plat.
cfinnilot is looking at this plat and will probably make turn lanes, etc, as long
as they will be working on highway. 50 .next year. 'tr. Licht explained that it has
been taken into consideration, in the drawing up of this plat. mark. Heinz, 20370
iughes, also asked .about drainage and the plantings. A drainage Swale is not in
Lakeville, Minnesota
.Planning Commission Meeting
15 July 1982. •
the-easement. rir. Licht gays it must be maintained if it is to work.
Mrs. i~fernyce Steberg,. 20275 Holyoke, who owns property next to the waterway,
was wondering how far away you have to stay from. the waterway. It is called
a protected waterway. She asked if they would be filling in the land at all
and ;ir. Licht said they cannot modify the drainage in that area. It-.was
mentioned that the engineer had addressed this problem in his report and men-
tinned three holding ponds upsteam as a solution. sirs. Steberg hoped that.-
this will be considered before this plat is built. She stated that 52 .families
are slot for such-a small area.. hir. Robinette has discussed this drainage
problem with the engineers and they will be taking a very concerned look at
final grading plans, to make sure that problems such as Mrs. Steberg mentioned
will not happen. Because of dates and scheduling of meetings, it has not been
brought up at Natural Resource and Park and Rec. meetings. ~Sr. Harvey mentioned
doing this bonding in conjunction with this plat and rir. Robinette said it will
be. Pastor Dummann, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, just wanted to'make sure. the
City is keeping everything up to .codes, etc..
firs. Francis. Kraft, 8780 202nd St, is also concerned about the waterway. ;dry.
'Steberg also was wondering if a-fence would be put up, as kids would not know
where their boundary would be. l`lrs. Steberg also questioned who takes care of
the waterway. Pir. Harvey stated that if there: are no noxious weeds, it is just
left. Janet Mountin feels that with 52 units of people moving in it will be
like a beehive. :lr. Rice suggests that Natural l~esource and )<'ark & Rec. Committees.
see this before we do anything more..
Lir. Grohoski questioned ownership of driveways, also access to the park. He feels
these are problems that need to be addressed. before they actually happen. A Hame
Uwners Association will be taking care of grass mowing and snow plowing;. The
Highway 50 access will be reviewed by dinnllot, also, the speed. limit ~oould
probably be reduced.
iir. Branton has made a market survey and feels the $55,000 price range is workable.
etr. D. •iiller asked about the drainage on the south side of the plat and Lir. Rob-
inette feels that this drainage would be helped. by putting this development in.
1~Ir. Geisness is concerned about the traffic in the area and feels the fronts of
the buildings are uninteresting;.
.82.99 Motion was made by Grohoski,. seconded by Rice, to continue this public hearing
until the August 5th, 1982_meeting.
loll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Linnesota Valley
Free Lutheran Church for a aconditional use permit and a variance to construct a
parsonage anda churchbuilding at .the southwest corner of the-intersection of
Highview Avenue and 1bOtii. Street. Lira Scott attested to .this being a duly
publicized 1?earing.
z32.10U ;lotion was made by Johnson, seconded by Grohoski, to continue the meeting past
1U :30 p.m.
Lakeville, 1`finnesota
• Planning Commission Meeting
15 July 1982
doll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Miller, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski
..Nays : Geisness , lace
PaStDr Ralph Tjelta made the presentation €or the Minn. Valley Free Lutheran
Church. A11 the commission members agreed that it is just not the caay to go,
one parcel of land, with tcoo principal uses. Pastor Tjelta mentioned the
possibility of aparsonage-chapel building, also the building of just a church.
on this parcel.
82.101 i•iotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to continue this public hearing
until an unspecified time.
.Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the. application of .Rodger W. and
-June I:. Page for a variance on setbacks, front, side, rear and lot. area, and
a shoreland conditional use permit at 17284 Judicial Koad, for an addition to
their house, 2r. Scott .stated that .this is a duly publicized hearing.
82.102 ,lotion was made by Rice, seconded bv_ Gro}ioski, to close the public hearing.
loll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
(:ommission members recognize the need here for a stairway,`but would. like to
request that it be submitted to the Natural Resources Committee.
82.1U3 Motion was made by lice, seconded by Geisness, to recommend that the City
Council approve the variance on setbacks, front, side, rear and lot area, and
a shoreland conditional use permit at 17284 Judicial Road, for an addition
to the Page house, and that the chairman of the natural Resources Committee
be informed of this.
Roll call was taken onthe motion. ayes: unanimous
._82.104 ciotion was made by Geisness, seconded by Grohoski, to have the City Council
direct the City Administrator to erect Large, visable signs on property proposed
.for rezoning.
Roll. call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened .the public hearing on the application of the City of
Lakeville for an amendment to t}ie zoning ordinance No. 1(~7 reducing setback
requirements on mobile home lots. dir. Scott attested that this is a dulypub-
licized hearing.
105 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing..,
Ro11 call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous '
Lakeville, riinnesota
Flanning Commission meeting
15 3uly 1982.
82.106 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by U. Miller, to continue the discussion
because the ordinance is not corrects on No. 167.
Xoll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Several signs were mentioned as not having permits, but Sid stiller stated
that he is currently working on anon-conforming sign. inventory.
Future. agenda items:
Conditional use permit. for over 1000 sq. ft. of combined-.garage.
Respectfully submitted,
`?ta in Geisness, Secretary
t~TTEST : •
Fa sic arvey, airman