HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-82 Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting "
August 5, I982
.Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m, in the-
Lakeville City Council Chambers.
.Roll call of members was taken. Present: _Geisness, D. 1`liller, Harvey,
.Heald, Rice. Absent:. Grohoski, Johnson
Also presents Sid "filler, Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;-
Dave Licht, City Planner; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director; Shirley
Soxensen, Itecordin~ Secretary.
82.107 ifotion was made by Rice., seconded by D. stiller, to accept. ttie minutes of the
l5 July 1982 Planning Commission meeting.
loll call was taken on ..the motion. Ayes: Geisness, D, Miller, Harvey, Rice.
r'lbstain: Heald
Chairrian Harvey opened- the continued public ltear$ng on the application of
George Branton `for a preliminaryplat and a planned unit. development con-
ditonal use permit for a plat located on the..south side of Highway SO
.(202nd Street) and east of the i3ettilehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, and
a variance in the length of the cul-de-sac. '*ir. Dale kTi11e, a Landscape
• Architect & Site Planner,. representing Pir. George Branton, explained that
they had .met all the criteria that teas been reduired.
1`ir. Steve Grohoski. arrived at 7;37 p.m.
:ir. hiee stated ~~fter reading the Natural. Resources Report that he is satisfied
that conditions have been met. iis. Heald ctuestioned the access and .was told
that 1;~tUot had .been contacted regarding a by-pass bane, or de-acceleration
lane. ,~ir. Grohoski asked about cul-de-sacing when the first phase is to be
put in.
$2.108 ciotion was made by nice, seconded by Geisness, to close the pu}~lic hearing.
Zoll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
82.109 ..`lotion was made by Grohoski, seconded uy Rice, recommending, that the City
Council approve the variance in the excess length of the cul-de-sac for 2ir.
George.Branton's preliminary plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Aves: Unanimous
82.110 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by iZice, recommending that the City
Council approve the preliminary plat for the Lake-Vale project, subject to:
a. 1'he designation of snow deposition areas and approval by Public
Works Director.
b. Approval of all grading; anal. utilities plans by the City Engineer.
c. Approval of flood plain alteration by DNh.
~i. Submission of a landscape plan.'
e. Provision by the developer for t}ie temporary cul-de-sac while
building Phase I.
Lakeville, Iwiinnesota
• Planning Commission Meeting
August 5, 1982
f. lU foot drainage and utility easements be placed along all base
lot lines.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
82.111. ciotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, recommending that the'City
Council approve the. application of George Branton for a conditional use.
permit planned unit development, subject to
a. The designation of snow deposi ion areas and approval by Public
Works Director.
b. Approval of all grading and utilities plans by the City Engineer.
c. Approval of flood. plain alteration by JvR.
d. Submission of a landscape plan.
e. Provision by the developer far the temporary cul-de-sac while
building Phase I.
f. 10 foot drainage and utility easements- be. placed alonb all base
lot lines.
iZo1I call .was taken on the motion. Ayes Unanimous
82.112 ciotion was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to continue the public
Bearing on ti?e application of Aiinnesata Valley Free Lut}reran Church for
a conditional. us e..permit and a variance to construct a parsonage and-a
church building at the southwest earner of the intersection of Highvew
Avenue and 16Utki Street. until the 19 August 1982- meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Aves: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing; on the application of Stanley I.
Harris for a conditional use permit to build a garage providing,over 1,000
square- feet of combined garage space at 18800 Orchard Trail. I~ir. koger
.Knutson .stated that this was a duly publicized hearing.-
82.113 i•Iotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by mice, to close the public hearing.
Kolb .call was"taken on the motion. Ayes: :Unanimous
52.114 '?otion was made by trice, seconded by Heald, recommending that the City
Council approve the a~plicatian of Stanley 1. }larris fir a conditional use
permit to build a narage providing aver 1,000 sctuare feet of caml~ine<3 garage
space at 188017. urcharc} Trail, with t}ie stipulation that it not' be used far.
a house occupatiod,
k:oll call was. taken on the motion. ~\ves: Unanimaus
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearin}; on the application of LeKoy
~dstrand for a variance in-the side yard setback to build an .addition to a-
garage at 16225 Gladiola tlvenue west.: i<ir. Knutson attested that this is a
duly }yubli~ized hearing...
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
• rlulus t S , I9 52
.52.115 Iv}otion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken an the motion... Ayes : tinani:mous
52.116 Motion was made by Mice, seconded by Geisness, recommending that the City
Council deny this request by Lel:oy Ldstrand far a variance i.n ttte side
yard setback to build an addition to a garage at 16225 G1adi.ola Ave. tdest,
because it .does not. show.a hardship.
itoll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: I7nanimous
Chairman Harvey. opened the public hearing on the application of Kraus=
Anderson Construction Co, for a conditional use permit for underground fuel
storage facilities and a convenience grocery store at the northeast corner
of Highway 5O and llodd }31vd. ;~ir. Knutson. attested r_o .this. being a duly
publicized }gearing. sir. Jon Pope, representing Kraus-Anderson Const. Co.,
stated that theq have County and State approval for file 2 curb cuts. 1'he
Commission members feel there needs to lie more discussion regarding access
availabilities to the remaining land. A ittaster Plan of future development
was requested fox this reason.. sir. Harvey explained that t}tis is a high
accident earner and needs more thought, careful. planning. regarding long
• term access, and anticipation of a potential problem. Several owners of
the property were in attendance here and one ~f them, Atr. Jim Bresnahan,
suggestec} that we continue this hearing and in the meantime have. a meeting
between staff, owners, etc.. fordi:scussing cai~at the possibilities are, also.
for making reconunendations.
82.117 aotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by ll, i•tiller, t~ continue this public
hearing until the 19 rlubust 19}32 meeting..
Moll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the <3pplicati.on of the City of
Lakeville for an amendment to the November, 1981,-Comprehensive Plan, Policy
Plan Development Framework, as it relates to areas within the 1990 Urban
Service. Area. Afr. Knutson stated this. is a duly publicized hearing.
82.118 notion was made by Rice, seconded by ;liller, to close the public hearing.
Koll call: was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Un<3nimous
82,119 .lotion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, recommending to tiYe City.
Council approval of the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment
to tl~e November, 1951, Comprehensive Plan, Policy Plan Development Framec~ork,
as it relates to areas caithin the L99~ Urban. Service xlrea.
• boll calf. was taken on tine motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Lakeville, Minnesota
Punning Commission Meeting
August 5, 1982
Chairman Harvey asked Mr.-Dave Licht. for his comments on the application
of the. City of Lakeville for an amendment to the zoning. ordinance. No. 167
reducing setback requirements on mobile home lots.. Mr. Licht read the
:proposed ordinance changes. The 20 foot :front. setback would apply to
.existing mobile home lots, but it would be changed to a 3Q foot front
setback for all new mobile home lots. The side. and back footages would.
remain the. same.
82.120 Motion. was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, recommending. that the City
Council-approve the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment
to the zoning ordinance Rio. lb7 reducing setback requirements on mobile
home. lots, as read by Dave Licht.
i:oll caii was taken on tiie motion. Ayes: Unanimous
SKr, itobert Stegmaer, owner of property in Lakeville, wanted tiie commission's
comments on whether it would be feasible far him. to build a mobile home park
on his land,. BD acres southeast of Gountryview Trailer Park. It would be
somewi~at different., in that. the customer would buy a lot, and put up either
a manufactured home, modular home, or a conventional. type home. Mr. Licht
recommended that he bring in a drawing, with some of his ideas on it, and
• present it to the committee for their consideration.
I•ir. i)ave_Licht presented aplan-from the }3arretts fir a development around
the new elementary school and asked far comments from the committee. IIe will
take those comments back to-the Barretts.
Future agenda,items:
1. ~`iinnesota Valley Free Ghurch continued hearing
2. Convenience store continued hearing
3. .`•Ir. Robert Stegmaier proposal
82.121 :lotion was made by nice to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote :,ras taken an the. motion.
Chairnian Ilarvey adjourned the meeting at '10:15 p.m.
Respe tfiilly submitted,
I• r~in.Geisness, Secretary
t ,1.1, ..j
P trick Harvey, Ch i an