HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-82 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting September 16, 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in .the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Koll call of members was taken.. Present: Heald, Harvey, Grohoski, Rice. Absent: Geisness, D. Miller, Johnson.. Also present: Sid Miller, Building Inspector; Roger Knutson, City .Attorney; David Licht, City Planner; Frank Kriz, City Engineer,, Shirley .Sorensen., Recording .Secretary. Chairman Harvey asked for additions and corrections of the minutes. from the September 2, 1982 Planning Commission meeting. Grohoski asked that the first sentence of motion 82.133 on page 2 be changed to 'Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Grohoski, requesting-that the motion to recommend approval be amended so that no current access be allowed on to Hiway 50' etc. Also, he asked that. the following explanation of his nay vote of motion 82.137, page 3, be added, 'Mr. Grohoski explained that his nay note was because adequate. time had. not been given for discussion and consideration. of this item and that he considered the amendment unnecessary and not in the City's best interest...' 82.138 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Grohoski, to approve the minutes of the September 2, 1982 Planning Commission meeting, as amended. Roll call .was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the gublic h€;aring on the applications of Margaret Barrett for a preliminary plat of a 55 acre parcel of property north of 175th Street-and. west of Ipava Avenue ad3acent to the Christina Huddleston Elemen- tart' School property; and to rezone a portion of the lots from R-2, single .family, to R-4, ..single and two family residence, and R-5, single family, two family and medium density. residential district. Mr. Roger Knutson attested to this being a duly publicized. hearing. Mr. David Owen made the presentation of the preliminary plat and rezoning applications, and explained that the sewer service there is large enough to handle this entire area. Ms. Heald asked why they are asking for rezoning on Outlot A, to R-5, when it is not going to be developed at this time. Mr. Owen stated it had to do with the marketing of the land. Mr. Licht stated that everything conforms to the Comprehensive Plan, a few changes have to be made but nothing that can't be handled. Mr. Kriz staged that drainage can be controlled with the runoff, that the sanitary sewer is allowing for future extension going north, and that a collector street can handle up `to 80tJ0 trips, and at present handles only-1800. Mr. Mel Lehmann, 17576 Ixona, was spokesman for over 300 :people who had signed a petition opposing .the rezoning of this property, saying it deviates from the original .comp. plan. '82.139 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to receive this petition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission Meeting September 1b, 1982 Mr. Lehmann stated that the Comprehensive Plan has been changed and they would like nothing but single family homes in this area. They feel that the traffic will increase too. much with doubles and multiple dwellings. Mr. Lehmann feels that the Commission has a real responsibility to assess this situation, that it is not to be taken lightly. He feels that Lake- ville is going to become known as a community who changes zoning at a whim. Mr. Terry Pattie, 10082 W. 175th St, feels that I75th St. cannot handle 8000 cars per-day, it has become busy now and with. 230 units added it .would just be too much. Also, he stated that alot of cars go faster than the 30 mile per hour speed limit. He opposes this .development if it is not nice like Dakota Heights. Mr. Mike Harris, 17570_Italy Path, stated that they liked the open area, ` are concerned about overcrowded schools again, the type of townhouses to be built,`if there would be proper police protection for that many additional people, and asked what the commission's recommendations are based on.° Mr. Harvey explained that health, welfare and safety hazards are their primary concern. Mrs. Pauline Ho1t,;178b0 Item Ct. So., asked. whether. they had a plan 'as to type of homes, who dictates type and quality, whether there would be any covenants on-this land. Mr. Jerry Lejchar, 17770 Item Ct. No., commented on the traffic that would be generated on 175th St. and the ability to get out of that area and esp. on to Hiway 50. Mr. Frank Kriz said that they should be starting work next week on Ipava and 185th Streets, to be blacktopped. The upgrading of Hiway 50 and 35W intersection has been under study for over a year. Mrs. Karen Tibodeau, 17620 Italy Path, asked if anything would be stipulated as to an owner living in the home, she was concerned about transient population affecting the school, teachers, area as a whole. Mr. Licht stated that the City cannot control who rents or owns what property within the City. Mr. Jim Strande, 17565 Italy Path, was wondering why the City is considering R-5 zoning in this area and went onto say it must be to satisfy the needs of the developer. Mr. Harvey stated that an owner has the right to request a rezoning on any par- cel of property within the City. Mr. Jack Holt, 17860 Iten Ct. So., stated that he is adamantly .opposed to this rezoning of R-4 and R-S and asks that the commission have a negative reaction to it, rather than positive. Mr. Arlym Lamb, 17540 Italy Path, stated that he is against this development because he feels it has a negative affect on the neighborhood. Mrs. Janelle Nelson, 17411 Java Ct, commented on the ability of the schools to absorb this many additional students, already the new school is filled .and has some split classes. Mr. Dave Licht will check with the School District to find out what their thinking is, whether the additional .students can be absorbed into the new school or not. Mr. Lejchar asked exactly how much weight the opinions from the public carry,. as far. as the. commission members decisions are concerned. Commission members-stated that they take all the comments very seriously before making a recommendation, also reports from staff. Mr. Gro- hoski asked who would be signing development contracts, since there is no .developer here yet. Mr. Knutson said that .3f a dev, contract wasn't signed it would not be considered for approval. -2- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting September 16, 1982 Mr. Grohoski asked Mr. Owen about the timing on the different phases and.. was told possibly next year on phase 1. Grohoski asked Frank about the three ponding areas=and was told the two larger ponds would be connected to the storm sewer. Mr. Owen stated that this will be addressed in the final plan. Mr. Grohoski added that he does not feel good about the R-5 zoning, without a plan to look at, also that this area is in Planning Dis- trict 10, the highest valued land in Lakeville, and low to medium density. He feels R-2 is good zoning for this area, but would like to see larger lots here. Mr. Rice stated that he has difficulty rezoning anything and has a little problem with double houses in a row. $2.140. Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to continue this public.. hearing until the next Planning Commission meeting, October 7, 1982. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous .Chairman Harvey opened .the public hearing on the applications of J. Brooks Hauser/Scott Builders, Inc. for a conditional use permit for gasoline fac- ilities with a convenience food store at the southeast corner of Cedar Ave. and County Road No. 46; and for a preliminary plat of Outlot A and B, Donnay's Valley Park Addition. Mr. Roger Knutson stated that this is' a duly public- • zed hearing. Mr. Jack Welch made the presentation for J. Brooks Hauser/ Scott Builders and said this will be a prototype of what they have built in other communities, a concrete decorative block building. He stated that the County will allow a culvert and access on to 160th St. only. Mr. Dave Licht said this is zoned B-4, the most intense commercial use of property, and that this application is a permitted use. Mr. Rick Horton, 7467-162nd St, asked if an environmental study had been done.: He asked also about the water table and. damage if a fuel tank ruptured. He was told that the State Fire Marshall reviews the underground storage tanks, so it is State regulated.. Mr. Horton asked, also, if they really felt there would be enough people to patronize a store open 24 hrs. per day. Mr. Welch stated that it would not be open 24 hrs, right away. Mr. Cameron Hinke, 16245 Gladiola Ave, feels guilty about not knowing that this was zoned B-4, the most intense commercial use of property, many years ago. Mr. Hinke is opposed to the plan altogether, and feels there is alternative land elsewhere. Mr. Paul Oxley, 7395-162nd St., asked. if Mr. Hauser has done a market study. Mr. Welch stated they had and that it takes the combination of service station and convenience store to make it. They .look at traffic count & type of houses in the area.. It was mentioned that some of the Superette's in other areas are not kept~'np .and look messy on the outside. Mr. Welch said that some. are leased out, but that this would would be owned by them (Hauser). Mrs. Nancy Hinke, 16245 Gladiola Ave, asked how the zoning was changed on 162nd and Cedar, where the double .homes are. Mr. Mark Fryberg, 7405-162nd St, is opposed to anything being built that will give us more traffic in the area. Mrs. Mary Fryberg commented about the large number of children in the area and is concerned about their safety, as far as the underground fuel tanks being that close to them. It was explained that these tanks are no :more hazardous than the gas line that runs through their subdivision. -3- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting . September 16, 1982 Mrs. Kathy Gorg, 16212 Gladiola Ave, wanted to know the distance from the proposed store and Valley Park - 482 ft. - and Mrs. Marilyn'Oxley, 7395- 162nd St, wanted to know what was going in to the south of the. .convenience store - called a 'strip center'. Mr. Welch explained that any number of different shops could go in there. .$2.141 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to continue this public hear- ing until the next meeting, October 7, 1982. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the continued public hearing on the application of Minnesota Valley Free Lutheran Church for a conditional use permit and a variance to .construct a parsonage and a church building at the southwest corner of the intersection of Highview Avenue. and 160th Street. Pastor Tjelta showed us the new plan,. drawn by an architect, and explained changes that had been made. The. parsonage will not be built at this time, but at such time as water and sewer are available. 82.142 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to close the public hearing, • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.:143 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Rice, to .recommend approval of the conditional use permit to allow for a church in a residential area on the corner of Highview and 160th-Street. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.144 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Heald, to recommend approval. of the con- ditional use permit for PUD on this site at Highview and 160th Street after public sewer and water is available, for the parsonage, to allow for two principal uses on a residential parcel of land. Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Gene Jacobsen presented the final drawings, for final plat approval, for the Lake-Vale Townhouse plat of George Branton located south of 202nd Street and west of Holyoke Avenue. Mr. Dale Wille also answered questions. Discussion followed and Mr. Grohoski stated he wants to see a final draft of the by-laws and development agreement before final action. 82.145 Motion was made to table action on final .plat approval for the Lake-Vale Town- houses until-the October 7, 1982 meeting to allow staff to supply us with a final form agreement,.. townhouse by-laws and any other documents pertaining. to the Lake-Vale Townhouse plat. Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Heald. • Roll call was .taken. on the motion. Ayes: Heald, Harvey, Grohoski. Nays: Rice -4- r Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting September 16, 1982 Mr. Rice said his nay vote was because he doesn't feel it is necessary for him to see all. the legal documents, that is what we have lawyers for and that part of the planning system is to be worked out later and not gait of the final plat. He believes that is .what we have a staff for. 82,.146 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Heald, to table item ~~7, a review of a proposed ordinance amending Title 10, Chapter 1, of the City of Lake- ville Code pertaining to subdivisions. Roll call was takenonthe motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.147 Motion was made by Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Harvey ad3ourned the meeting at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, eve Grohos ,Acting ecretary ATTEST Pat ck Harvey, C irman • w