HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-82 4 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting .November 4, 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Geisness, D. Miller, Heald, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski. Absent: Rice .Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Sid Miller, Building. Inspector; David Licht, City Planner; Betty Sindt, Council- . woman; Bob Nelson, Councilman; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary:; Jim Robinette, Public Works Director. Chairman Harvey asked for additions/corrections to .the minutes of the October 21, 19.82 meeting and the following additions have been made. Preceding the fifth line on page 2 should read 'Mr. Gonyea made the statement that' the billboards would be removed before a building permit is issued. The following is added at the end of the first paragraph on page 3 - Mr. Young also appeared and was in agreement and satisfied with the proposed rezoning to B-W. 82.1b8 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Heald, to approve the October 21,.1982 planning commission meeting minutes as amended. • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:.' Heald, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski, Geisness. Abstain: D. Miller Chairman Harvey opened the continued public hearing on the application of Margaret Barrett for a preliminary plat of a 55-acre parcel of property north of 175th Street and west of Ipava Avenue adjacent to the Christina Huddleston Elementary School property; and to rezone a portion of the lots from R-2, single family, to R-4, single and two family residence, and R-5, single family, two family and medium density residential district. Mr. Don Hess of Landplan, representing Mrs. Barrett, made an in-depth presentation, showing many visuals .regarding this development and answered questions from some of the 48 residents in attendance from the surrounding area. These residents are adamently opposed to any rezoning other than the. R-2 that it is now. Mr. Louie Helkenn, owner of .adjoining property, was concerned about where the storm sewer runs and the possibility of run-off, when building starts and the streets are put in. Mr. Frank Kriz stated they are aware of it and will deal with the run-off problem if there is one. Members of the commission pointed out that Lakeville does need different types of housing and that there can be high quality housing in R-4 and R-5 Districts. Mr. Hess mentioned that he was more than willing to meet with any (or all) of the residents to assure them that the Barrett's have good intentions and had. given all sorts of consideration before even starting to put this plat together. 82.169 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Grohoski, to close .the public hearing . on the rezoning application only. Grohoski's second was for the purpose of getting on with the vote, but has commenC to make later. 4 Lakeville, Minnesota . Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 1982 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.170 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to continue the public hearing on the application of Margaret Barrett for a preliminary plat. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.171 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Grohoski, to recommend to he City .Council to deny the application for the rezoning of the property from R-2 to R-4 and R-5.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Grohoski stated that he felt the R-5 zoning was inappropriate for that pares:',`. titular parcel of land but with proper design and planning the R-4 zone could well be incorporated in that area, not necessarily in the present layout, but in .some other workable configuration. Geisness stated that a lot of money. was spent getting our zoning ordinances set up and that he feels we need a lot of good reasons for changing the zoning on any property. Mr. Jerry Wick- lund explained a need for smaller homes, which would help keep their own property values up, but nobody seems to want. smaller houses in their neighbor- . hood. Chairman Harvey opened the continued public hearing on the applications of J. Brooks Hauser/Scott Builders., Inc. for a conditional use permit for gaso- line facilities with a convenience food store at the southeast corner of Cedar Avenue and County Road No. 46; and. for a preliminary plat of Outlot A and B, Donnay`s Valley Park Addition.. Mr. Jack Welch, representing J. Brooks Hauser/ Scott Builders, stated they had made some changes from the original presents- tion and said the accesses would probably be temporary. Mr. Roger Knutson stated that the development agreement would have it spelled out, as to the accesses being temporary. 82.172 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous 82.173 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Heald, to recommend to the City Council approval of the conditional use permit for gasoline facilities with a convenience food store at the southeast .corner of Cedar Avenue and County Road No. 46 subject to the six recommendations or conditions contained in Northwest Associated Con- . sultants report of 27 October 19$2. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.174 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, recommending City Council approval of the proposed preliminary plat of Outlots`A and B subject to the six recommendations or conditions listed on page 5 of Northwest Associated Consul- tants report of 27 October 1982. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous -2- Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 1982 Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of James Refri- geration/Pump & Meter Service for a conditional. use permit to install an underground fuel storage facility at the strip shopping center near the Tom Thumb store at the northeast corner of 175th Street and Highway 50. Mr. Knutson attested to this being a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Dean Lewis with Pump & Meter Service. asked that we table this matter, as some of the people involved they have not been able to get in touch with, prior to this' meeting. Mr. Helkenn feels we do not need another gas station here, also that the parking lot is not large enough as it is. Mr. Helkenn also suggests that we reduce the speed limit on Hiway 5~ in this area. Mr. Kriz stated that the concept plan that this applicant has is going to help this area right now, to make it better, according to what the Highway Dept. has requested.. Mr. Wicklund is concerned about the left turn lane into the bank, corning from the south, it will be hazardous,:more so than now, when slippery roads come. 82.175 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Grohoski, to continue this public hearing until December 2, 1982. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to amend the zoning Ordinance No. 167,. Section 46, amending the boundaries of the flood plain overlay district in accordance with a map. Mr. Knutson attested to this being a duly publicized hearing. 82.176 Motion was made by Grohaski, seconded by Johnson, to close the public hearing. Roll call was takem on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Mr. Roger Knutson made the presentation for the City of Lakeville. 82,177 .Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Miller, recommending City Council approval of the application of the City. of .Lakeville to amend the zoning Ordinance No. 167, Section 46, amending .the boundaries of the flood plain .overlay district in accordance with a map, as presented by Mr. Knutson. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Grohoski mentioned that :the City Council needs a volunteer to work on the committee to revise: the sign ordinance, and said he would if no one else was interested. 82.178 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded. by Miller, that. we recommend to the City Council that they accept Steve Grohoski to serve on the sign ordinance committee. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, D. Miller, Harvey, Johnson, Geisness. Abstain: Grohoski It was stated that the Klosters have withdrawn their application for a condi- tional use permit .for the installation of a wind energy system, however, staff will continue with report and getting ordinance in this regard. -3- Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 1982 Puture agenda items: 1. Conditional use permit for ADT Labs/Donald Clarke. 2. Re-plat of Acorn. Heights Addition 3. Discussion on manufactured homes 4. Site plan review for office-warehouse complex in Airlake 82.179 Motion was made by Geisness to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Harvey adjourned the meeting at 10:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, e M ruin P. Geisness, ecretary ATTEST: Patric G. Harvey, Chairman '