HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-82 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting December 2, 1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Heald., D. Miller, Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski. Absent: Geisness, Rice (Geisness came at 7:55 p.m.) Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, Building Inspector; Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim Robinette,, Public Works Director; Betty Sindt, Councilwoman; .Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. 82.189 A~otion was made by Heald, seconded by D. Miller, to approve the November 18, 1982 planning commission meeting minutes. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Heald, ll. Miller., Grohoski Abstains Harvey, Johnson Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the applications of Cedar 70 Business Park for a preliminary plat and for a planned unit development con- ditional use permit to build office warehouse buildings at the southwest corner of 215th Street and Cedar Avenue. Mr. Roger Knutson attested to this being a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Brian Wass and Mr. Gene Jacobson. answered ques- tions for the developers, mainly regarding accesses. Grohoski suggested that. we receive some documentation from the Williams Brothers Pipeline, giving de- tailed information pertaining to their ppelines,(i.e. size, age, condition, material,transport).before the .final plat stage. 82.190 Motion was made by D. Miller, seconded by Heald, to close the public hearing on the Cedar 70 Business Park preliminary plat and planned unit development- conditional use permit. Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey asked. that the commission members be given two weeks to study the information before the final plat comes before them for recommendation.. Discussion followed on some of the technical aspects of the project. 82.191 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council approval of the preliminary plat of Cedar 70 Business Park, subject to the rec- ommendations of the City Planning and Engineering Consultants and with a stipu- lation that the recommendation for approval be based on the re-location of the accesses off of Cedar Avenue, as shown, relocation so that access is further south and in alignment with the driveway areas located just south of butilding B. (Coincides with. the lot line between Buildings.i and 2.) Mr. Geisness seconded the motion, but felt it was. a bit ambiguous. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 2.192 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to recommend to the City Council approval of the planned unit development conditional use permit for Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting • December 2, 1982 the purposes of placing two buildings on one lot for the Cedar 70 Business Park, subject to the recommendations as previously stated in the recommenda- tionapproving the preliminary plat. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous .Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Joda, Inc. to vacate the street right-of-way and .all utility easements in the Acorn Heights Addition.. Mr. Knutson to this being a duly publicized hearing. Mr. Knutson stated that this is a legal technicality that needs to be taken care of. Mr. John Houston said it is to be called the Replat of Acorn Heights Addition. 82.193 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to .close the: public hearing.. Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous 82.194 Motion was. made by Grohoski, seconded by Heald, to recommend to City Council approval of the request of Joda, Inc. to vacate the street right-of way and all utility easements in Acorn Heights Addition (old Acorn Heights Addition plat) , • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the continued public hearing on the application of James Refrigeration/Pump & Meter Service for a conditional use permit to in- stall an underground fuel storage facility at the strip shopping center near the Tom Thumb'store at the northeast corner of 175th Street and Highway 50. Mr. Dean Lewis of .Pump & Meter Service and Mr. Alan Frank met &'discussed changing the location_of the gas pumps, which was done. Mr. Louis Helkenn, 17805 Junelle"Path, and Mr. Jerry Wicklund, 176th & Highway 50, both feel. that it is just too busy a corner to beadding gas pumps, and too small & .congested. Discussion followed on the parking problems, unloading of trucks, and suggested that the planners need to review this in more detail. The site plan and parking is one issue and the pumps are another. issue. Mr. Jim Robinette stated that the State is getting ready for 1984 construction at this corner and anything we decide upon might have to be changed :anyway. Commission members asked rir. Robinette to bring in the concept plan, check with the State and see if our concept plan can be worked in and get a report to us by the next meeting. 82.195 riotian was made by Geisness, seconded by Johnson, to continue this public hear- ing until. the December 16th meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened. the discussion on the application of Joda, • Inc. for final glat of Acorn Heights Replat. It was stated that the final plat meets all criteria for final recommendation. -2- Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission Meeting. December 2, 1982 82.196 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Geisness, to recommend to City Council approval of the Acorn Heights Addition Replat, sub,~ect to the five items as enumerated in Northwest Associated Consultants report dated 2 Dec.. 1982. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey called for th$ review of a proposed ordinance amending the Lakeville zoning ordinance establishing dwelling unit restrictions for res- idential housing, distinguishing types of housing, regulating its use, and authorizing its location in various zones, and review of amendments suggested for it by Councilmember Sindt. Discussion followed. Mr. Dale Friermuth, 172nd & Highview Avenue, stated he has a mobile home to put on a 2 1/2 acre piece of land and feels it would be an improvement to the property. Mr. .Knutson stated any relocated structure would have to have a conditional use permit. Lorelie Hanson, 17110 Heywood Ct., wanted to know what happens if they J.et in one mobile home in their development, how many more might be coming in, devaluating the. value of their "stick" built homes. Geisness .believes we have to be strict and set some rules and regulations. Grohoski feels that the. new State law is vague and ambiguous. 2.197 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by D. Miller to table further consid- eration of this proposed ordinance amending the Lakeville zoning ordinance until the December 16, 1982 meeting, to allow Roger Knutson time to do some study and draft an ordinance.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:: Unanimous Mr. Knutson stated that he felt he had good-input tonight, some 'good ideas. for putting something together. Mr. Jerry Wickland feels the City should provide some spots for this type of housing and a lot of this problem would be elim- inated. .Chairman Harvey opened discussion on the Metro Council guidelines for land use compatibility with aircraft noise. We acknowledge receipt of Northwest Assoc. Consultants report dated. 29 November 1982'departmental correspondence from Pat McGarvey dated 12 November 1982 with attachment from Charles Weaver, Chair- man of.Metro Council,. dated 9 November 1982. Commission members choose to take no action at this time. It was .asked. if Mr. James Siegle has. been asked to refrain from doing business over on Hamburg Avenue and Mr. Robinette stated that commission members would be getting. information on this in the near future. Chairman Harvey asked commission members what their feeling was regarding changing the meeting start time to 7:00 p.m. -3- J Lakeville, Minnesota . Planning Commission Meeting December 2, 1982 .82.198 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Grohoski, that as of the first meeting in January, 1983 the starting time for the planning commission meetings will be 7:00 p.m, and that the normal adjournment time be 10:00 p.m., unless ex- tended under the normal rules of the commission. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Johnson, Grohoski, Geisness. Nays: Heald, D. Miller.. 3ohnson asked about the meeting that was supposed to be set up between the planning commission members and the Park & Rec Committee. Future agenda items: 1. Mobile home ordinance 2. Orchard Lake Estates Plat 3. Wind energy ordinance 4. Barrett Addition S. James Refrig. - Tom Thumb conditional use permit 82.199 motion was made by Geisness to adjourn the meeting. • Voice vote was taken on the motion. Chairman Harvey adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, a in P. eisness, Secretary ATTEST ; Patrick G. Harvey, Chairman i -4-