HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-82 ~ Lakeville, P~innesota Planning Commission Meeting • December 16,.1982 Patrick Harvey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.-in the .Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. _Present: Heald, D. NT.iller, Harvey; Johnson, Grohoski. Absent: Geisness, Rice Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim :Robinette, Public Works Director; Nancy Enright, Councilwoman; Shirley Sorensen, Recording Secretary. Chairman-Harvey asked-for any additions and corrections to the minutes from the. December 2, 1982 meeting the the following changes were to be made: the last half of-,the last sentence of the sixth paragraph/~~~$tl~t be ',giving detailed information pertaining to their pipelines, (i.e. size, age, condition, material, transport) before the final plat stage.' On `page two the last paragraph should read 'Chairman Harvey opened the discussion on the application of Joda, etc.'. The last sentence of the third paragraph on page 3 should read 'Grohoski feels that the new State law is vague and aznbaguous.' 82.200 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Miller, to approve the December 2, 1982 planning commission meeting :minutes.,: as amended. Roll call-was aken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous Chairman Harvey opened the continued public hearing on the application of James Refrigeration/Pump & Meter Service for a conditional use permit to .install an underground fuel storage facility at the strip shopping center .near the Tom Thumb store at the northeast corner of 175th Street 'and Highway 50. Jim Robinette presented a drawing from the Minnesota Highway Department showing .that they did not. have. any .right-of way problems if gas pumps .are installed. The south driveway, while not ideal, was considered to be usable. Mr. .Robinette has a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday, December 21, 1982, with consultants, .planners, engineers and anyone-with concerns regarding this application, and particularly relating to stacking of pumps. Mr. Robinette asked that we .tab le this to the January 6, 1983 .meeting,` Grohoski's concerns are the same as before, regarding accesses and unloading of trucks. Concern was. also expressed about parking spaces for visibility of pumps and stacking of pumps. Mr. Harvey stated he thought that all entrances on to Highway 50 be closed. It was asked if there would be any barrier in the middle of Highway`50.. Mr. Jerry Wicklund, 176th and Highway 50, asked about large trucks having enough room to go in and around the stores and wondered how-the Highway Department could. possiblyproject the traffic in the future, when considerable development is ex- pe.cted in `this area. •82.201. Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Miller, to table making a recommendation on this application until the January 6, 1983 meeting. 4 .1 Lakeville, Minnesota • Planning Commission. Meeting December 16, 1.982 Roll call was taken on the emotion. .Ayes: -Unanimous Chairman Harvey cal ed for the review of a proposed>ordinance amending the Lakeville zoning ordinance establishing dwelling unit_ restrictions for resi- dental housing,.distinguishing: types of housing., regulating its use, and authorizing its location in various zones, and review of amendments suggested for it by Councilmember Sindt. Mr. Roger Knutson had submitted a draft ordinance and commissions members .suggested a few changes/additions to it. A copy of the revised draft is attached * Some discussion :followed. 82.202 Motion was made by 'Miller, seconded by Johnson, to recommend to City-Council approval of the proposed-ordinance amending the Lakeville zoning ordinances establishing dwelling unit restrictions for residential housing, as read by .Roger Knutson, with the amendments. Roll call was taken on the-motion. ..Ayes.: Unanimous Chairman Harvey called for approval of the final plat of Orchard.Lake Estates Addition located near the corner of Kodiak Avenue and 175th Street. Commission members weren't sure they_had seen the final plat and the Ynformation they did -have does not agree with the phasing... They felt there was some confusion and this matter .should be tabled. 82.203 Motion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Miller, to table consideration of the approval ;of the final plat or Orchard Lakes Estates to allow the developers the .opportunity to: 1. Be present. 2. Clarify the phasing pertaining to'the number of lots. 3. Provide a final plat form to .the. staff and planning coAanission in a timely manner prior to the-next-meeting, on January 6,.1983. Rolf .call was taken on ,the motion. Ayes: Miller, Harvey, .Johnson, Grohoski Abstain Heald As clarification, Grohoski stated that the information that they received, as it pertained to the proposed final plat, varies substantially with the infor- mation contained at preliminary plat stage and/development agreement, and, specifically., pertaining to the phasing. Chairman Harvey .called .for discussion on an ordinance amending the :Zoning ..Ordinance by adding section 23 pertaining to wind energy conversion 'systems. , Mr. Ken Maxa asked i£ Commission members had received information from Minn. Dept. of Energy and Planning regarding zoning.laws. as pertaining to-wind energy. systems and they stated they had. Some .discussion followed. .204 btotion was made by Grohoski, seconded by Johnson, to table making a recommenda- Lion on this item to allow. for the Natural Resources Committee to complete their .discussions and findings, and to allow staff to implement he recommends- Lions of the Natural fiesources Committee and any citizen input that is applicable.. -2- til J S L" Lakeville, Tiinnesota • Planning Commission Meeting December 16, 1982 Ro1L call was taken on :.the motion. 'Ayes Unanimous Mr, Robinette made a presentation and had discussion with the planning commission members relating to problem areas as they see them, discussing setting procedures for future processing of their material. Mr. Robinette addresses the commission on how signs for zoning changes and platting might be accomplished, as the planning commission des-ices. He indicated he would be writing a memorandum to the City Council regarding .this ..matter. Mr. D. Miller asked about the Community Center Building .being talked about and. was told that a committee will be formed to look into it. Future agenda items: 1. Organizational meeting to elect a new chairperson 2, Conditional use permit and variance/Jack Young property 3. Orchard :Lake Estates final plat approval Mr. Patrick Harvey, 'as outgoing chairman, said thanks .for the honest, con- scientious concern the commission members have had for the ongoings of the commission meetings. He said he has-truly en3oyed chairing these meetings and looks forward to-future meetings. Mr. Robinette stated he had received a letter from Mr. James.Siegle and would be .getting some information-ro commission members. Motion was made ,by .Heald to ad3ourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 10:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, rohos ,Acting. Secretary ATTEST ,Ch i man • Cl~l~'R4'.~ ~14?N~dJ ~ * Attachment -3-