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City. of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting.
March. 5, 1981.
(Revised March 19, 1981)
Chairman Harvey opened the Planning Commission meeting at 7x30 p.m.
Roll call was .taken: Present: Miller, Antolik, Harvey, Johnson, Enright, Rice.
Absent: Geisness
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, City Building"Official;
Alan Brixius, City Planner.
Mr. Harvey asked for any discussion or revisions of the Minutes of .the February 19,
1981 Planning Commission .meeting.
Mr. Rice stated that he would like to have more than one day to review Commission
meeting minutes in the future.
81.34 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Rice to approve the February l9, 1981
Planning Commission minutes.
. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Gerald and Mary
Ackermann for a special home occupation permit to operate apre-school program at
20$28 Isle Avenue, Lot 2, Block 5, Ciays Acres.
Mr. Knutson stated that this was a duly publicized hearing.
Mr . Harvey asked for any comments from the audience . No .comments were received .
Mrs. Enright said she thought it was a good idea. Mr. Robert Miller asked for clarification
of the proposed activity. He asked if this was similar to a day care facility. Mrs.
Ackermann responded that the pre-school will not provide day long care, rather their
program would consist of classes for 2 1/2 hours in the morning and 2 1/2 hours in the
afternoon .
Mr. Harvey asked for a motion to close the public hearing.
81 .40 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting •
March 5, 1981
Mr. Harvey stated that the surrounding neighborhood had a positive attitude toward the
pre-school program. Mr. Antolik asked if the pre-school presented any parking problems.
Mrs. Ackermann replied that the children would be picked up on Isle and it would take
approximately 5 minutes for each stop.. Also car pooling is being promoted to reduce
traffic . Mr. Anto) ik asked if the traffic would conflict with the school buses . Mrs .
Ackermann replied that the pre-school schedule would not present any conflicts with the
school buses . Mr . Johnson stated that he supports the project . Mr . Robert Mi (ler stated
that he is unfamiliar with this type of program, however, he is not opposed to the program
based on the recommendation of the Commission members. Mrs. Ackermann said that she
has run an activity center for 11 children previously, which presented no traffic problems.
81.41 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Rice to recommend approval of the Special
Home Occupation permit.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Enright, Rice, Miller, Antolik.
Abstain: Johnson
The applicant was advised that the matter would be considered by the City Council at their
March 16th meeting. The Planning Commission requested Mr. McGarvey to schedule
Mrs. Ackermann`s request ahead of the Renaissance P.U.D. request. •
Mr . Harvey asked i f there was any other business .
Sid Miller stated that the possible revisions of the required housing unit size are
being considered. Mr. Harvey stated that Northwest Associated Consultants had
just received this assignment that day and they will look into. the matter.
Mr. Knutson suggested that the Planning Commission initiate a public hearing, Mrs.
Enright supported. the suggestion, stating that it was a good idea.
Mr. Rice asked what are the current housing requirements, Mr. Sid Miller replied
960 square feet for two bedroom homes and 1,040 square feet for three bedroom homes
above grade .;.~Thl3re i's~a mistake' in•'the zoning ordinance, the.. requirement should read
first floor above grade. ~
Mr. Knutson said that the smaller housing sizes were being used in Edina.
Mr. Miller said he was surprised by the number of cities without housing size requirement.
~ .
' City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
March 5, -1981
Mr. Johnson asked if this should have been done with the rezonings. Mr. Knutson
said that if each section of the ordinance would have been reviewed with. this detail,
it would take years. Mrs. Enright said that there was a young man who just missed
meeting that requirement recently. Mr. Antolik stated that a home 26 feet x 40 feet
meets the 1,040 requirement. Sid Miller said that in the past the smaller homes were
common. Mr. Antolik asked what the cost per square foot is for housing. Sid Miller
said #hese figures are provided on a state schedule -main floor $34/sq.ft., basement
$10/sq.ft., garage $9/sq.ft., accessories such as a fire place add to the cost.
Mr. Knutson stated that Mr. McGarvey suggested the public hearing be set for April 2.
At this time several housekeeping errors found by David Licht will be cleared up. The
items include: permitted outside storage without screening in industrial zones; making
the ICD District conform .with the Comprehensive Plan, and consideration of an admini-
strative variance, minor variances that require no public hearing.
Mr. Harvey objects to the administrative variance., but will make h.is comments known
at the April 2 meeting.
• Sid Miller requested an annual review of the Zoning Ordinance, rather than constantly
revising the document.
Mr. Knutson suggested that the Commission initiate a motion.
81.42 Mofiori'was made by Enright; seconded by Johnson to initiate a public hearing for the
updating of the~Zoning Ordinance to correct housekeeping errors that have been found.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey asked about the status of the Comprehe,nsi~re Plan, Mr.~Knutson stinted that
there is a discrepancy with the Urban Service Area. ,Lakeville shows a~a-Urban service
Area of 15,000 acres. The Metropolitan C~unc~l .rpcomn9exxls designatr;~nc~a 2,000 acre
Urban Development Area. Any development outside this designs#ed area would' require
a plan amendment that must be reviewed by the Metropolitan Council . With property
owners throughout the 15,000 service area .paying sewer assessments, political and. legal
problems may result. -City staff has calculated that 2,500 acres will be developed by 1990.
The City will designate a 1.,000 acre development area and keep 1,500 acres in a land
bank to be allotted to development outside the designated development area.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting •
March 5, 1981
Mr. Harvey asked what if we don't conform to the Metropolitan Council. Mr. Knutson
replied no sewer laterals. The Metropolitan Councilwants to prevent adverse impacts
on the sewer system. The City has asked why use acreage. What it leads to is the
Metropolitan Council wants to control land use in the City. Lakeville will have more
flexibility. in the Comprehensive Plan than neighboring communities.
Mr. Johnson said the City is paying for the plan revisions. Mr. Knutson replied yes in
staff time. The Metropolitan Council's projections are self-fulfilling prophecies. They
want to control growth to reach their projections.
Future agenda items: Cooley/Naegele, Krause Subdivision
$1.43 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Johnson to adjourn the meeting.
RoII call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p . m .
Respectfully submitted, •
. Charles A. Johnson, ting .Secret
atrick Harvey, air n