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. City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 19$1
Chairman Pat Harvey-opened the-Planning Commission meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers.
Roll call was taken: Present: Geisness, Antolik, Harvey, Johnson, Enright, Miller.
Absent: Rine .
Also Present: Roger. Knutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, City Building, OfficiaF;
David Licht, City. Planner; Alan Brixius of Northwest. Associated Consultants, lnc.
Mr. Harvey asked for review and comment on the Planning Commission minutes of 19
March 1981. Mr. Harvey noted that a publis hearing to rezone the Naegele property
from R-1 to B-4 was not shown as being closed in the minutes.. This relates to motion 81.45.
The minutes will indicate a continued public hearing. Mr. Knutson stated that it should
be added to the minutes. Mr. Harvey asked that the March 19, 1981 minutes show a motion
by, Miller, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing on the. Naegele request to rezone
=r,>m R-1 to B-4.
8i ..50 Motion was made by Miller, seconded byAntolik to approve the minutes as amended.
• Roll call was taken on the motion: A es: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application. of Tillges Construction
Company, lnc. to .rezone Lot 1, Block 3 and lots 5 through 14 in Block 2, Viking
.Square Addition,... from R-4 to R-5 and a conditional use permit to construct dwellings on
Lots l through 5 Block 3 and Lots 5 through 14, Block 2 with more. than two dwelling
units per structure.
Mr. Knutson stated that the hearing had been duly advertised.
Mr, Felix Tillges stated that -some of his property is zoned for duplexes and someaoned
for quadraminiums. Some of the duplex lots contain sufficient lot area to accommodate
triples. Mr. Tillges is requesting the land. be rezoned to allow triples, however, some
doubles will;be required on the smaller lots.
Mr. Licht stated thdt the land be ow Mr Tillges' property is zoned high density. Mr.
Tillges' initial 'request proposed duplexes., however, some of these .lots have sufficient lot
area to handle triples. Development has .not changed significantly. We recommend
approval of the rezoning. The conditional use permit request has been filed because Mr.
Tillges is proposing quadraminiums and townhouses rather than fourplexes and threeplexes,
and under the current ordinance quadrarniniums and townhouses because of their. design
and access are a conditional use in the R-5 zoning district,
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 1981 - i
Mr. Licht stated Lot 1, Block 2 is currently zoned R-4 and the Planner s
report suggests that this lot may also be rezoned to R-5 to make it compatible with
the adjacent zoning. Mr. Harvey asked if the Commission would take action on this
tonight. Mr. Licht stated that it would require an additional- public hearing. Mr.
Harvey said the notice for public hearing on this lot has already been published. Mr.
Licht stated that Pat McGarvey must have picked upon the recommendation in the
planner's report.. Tonight's items will not go before the City Council until April. 26th,
so the Planning Commission can consider this rezoning at its next meeting.
81 .51 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing.
RoII call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
81.52 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Antol ik to recommend approval to rezone
Lot 1, Block 3 and Lots 5 through i4 in Block 2, Viking Square Addition from R-4 to
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
81.53. Motion ~s made b Enright, seconded b Miller to recommend a royal of a eoncitional •
Y Y pp
use permit to construct. dwellings on lots ?through 5, block 3 and (ots 5 through 14, block
2 with more than two dwe ling units per structure, provided that. the lots meet the lot area
requirements in the City ordinance and the layout being subject to the review and
approval of the City Engineer and City Planner.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes; Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Robert Peterson for a
conditional use permit to build a new house on lot.2, block 2, Ken Con Estates 1st Addition
within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake, at 17470 Kodiak Avenue.
Mr. Knutson stated it is adulyauthorized public hearing.
Mr. Bob Peterson stated the zoning is proper. The site is not serviced with public sewer
and water, an on-site well and septic system must be used. A drop box or tier septic
system must be used because it is such a high lot..
" City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, .1981
Mr. Harvey asked if percolation tests have been done. Mr. Peterson stated that his
engineer would be doing them tomorrow.
Mr. Harvey asked if this request must go to the Natural Resources Committee. Mr. Miller
stated that because of .the site location away from the lake it down°t have to be presented
to the Natural Resources Committee.
$1.54 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness to close the public hearing.
Rall call was-taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Antolik asked what type of home are you building. Mr. Peterson responded multi-level.
81.55 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness to recommend approval of a conditional
use permit to build a new house on lot 2,-block 2, Ken Con Estates 1st Addition within 1,000
feet of Orchard Lake, at 17470 Kodiak Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
• Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Lowell Sannon for a
conditional use permit to build a house on lat block 4, Ken Con Estates 1st Addition,
within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake, at 17326 Kodiak Avenue.
Mr. Knutson stated it was a"duly authorized public hearing.
Mr. Lowell Sannon stated that his situation was similar to Mr. Peterson's in that his lot
is located across the street from the lake .
Sid Miller stated the major concern should be for pollution of the lake. No pollution
problems are foreseen. This should. be left to the inspection department.
Mr. Harvey asked if the slough on the lot empties into the lake. Sid Miller responded that
the home site is 3 feet above the water level and the septic system can be located on a ridge.
Harvey stated there is already fill on the lot. The lot drops off 8 feet to the wetlands. He
doesn't feel the lot can handle development. Sid Miller stated the site will require filling.
Harvey asked why fill an area that doesn't drain. Mr. Geisness asked Sid Miller if the lot
can be filled and developed. Mr. Miller replied #hat the site can be filled, but it will
be quite costly. Mr. Licht stated that fill in any wetland area will require an additional
conditional use permit and a wetlands impact statement. Sid Miller stated that this was
the inspection departments work. Bob Peterson stated that the .water level generally down°t
change year to year. Mr. Geisness said that the City inspection department should be relied
• on to do their job. Mr. Harvey stated a concern for the second buyer of the home built on
fill . Mr. Miller stated that the lot would be engineered and fill compacted to insure a
buildable site. Mr. Licht stated precautions should be taken to insure negative impact on
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting •
April 2, 1981
....wetlands. Mr. Miller said he would have the City Engineer review all the plans
and perculation tests.
81..56 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
81.57 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Antol ik to recommend approval of a
conditional use permit to build a house on lot 8, block 4, Ken Con Estates 1st Addition,
within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake, at 17326 Kodiak Avenve contingent on thorough
review by the City Engineer regarding infringement on wetlands.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey brought up the next order of business, a request from Dan Schmitt for
an extension in their conditional use permit on the-start of constructionfor a bus garage
at 21116 Holyoke Avenue .
Mr. Geisness asked what length of time is being requested. Sid Miller said tha# Mr.
Schmitt was not aware of time (i mi t . Mr . Mi (ler suggested one year . Mr . Harvey stated •
the neighborhood has not changed significantly and the extension of the conditional use
permit should not result in any conflicts.
81.58 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Geisness to recomrr~nd approval of a one
year extension of a conditional use permit on the start of construction for a bus garage
at 21116 Holyoke Avenue.
Roll call was taken on .the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville to
amend the zoning ordinance pertaining to Section 44 "ICD" Interstate Corridor District;
Section 5 Administration -Variance and Appeals; Section 11..6 Minimum Floor Area per
Dwelling Unit; Section 43 General Industrial District -Accessory Outside Storage Con-
ditional Uses; Section 30 - R-5 Residential District Requirements for Townhouse and
Quadraminiums; Miscellaneous Amendments of a minor nature.
Mr. Knutson stated that. this was a duly authorized public hearing.
City of Lakeville
. Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 1981
Mr. Ron Helmer, Northland Mortgage, stated he was interested in Section 11.6 Minimum
Floor Area Per Dwelling Unit. He stated that 960 square foot requirements prohibit
smaller affordable homes. Today's cost of housing, cost of land, and cost of money have
made the current housing costs unaffordable to most families. Some alternative to less
expensive housing; lower land costs, smaller housing units.
Mr. Helmer stated that so many feet cost so many dollars. Also sewer and water, energy
and conveniences drive up housing cost, however, these factors are here to stay. Orin
Thompson is now providing one bedroom twin housing with floor areas of 750 square feet.
One bedroom owner-occupied units are attractive to young couples and single people who
want to own a housing unit rather than rent. This certain segment of the market should
be approached. The smaller housing type allow for different architectural types.
Mr. Helmer stated that Lakeville doesn't require garages, but felt requiring at least a
single car garage would be more preferable to provide a place for the storage of bikes,
lawnmowers, and add to the aesthetics of the building. Large homes are not always
beautiful and small homes are not always. ugly.
Mark Nagel displayed floor plans of houses around 800 square feet and twin home units
i with one unit of 750 square feet and the other unit at 1,1-00 square feet. Mr. Harvey
stated that the front doors on these units .take up a disproportionate area of the house.
Marshal) Lceks stated thafi the addition of a double garage will reduce the appearance of
disproportionment. A home costing $70,000 requires a household income of $27,000 to
afford housing payments. Small housing units provide a reasonable means to reduce housing
costs .
Mr. Miller stated that there is a trend today to give less and expect more. Mr. Lceks
replied that people want certain housing luxuries aril reduced energy costs, and they
will accept smaller, compact homes that have style. Mr. Knutson asked how much will
a reduction of 200 square feet save. Mr. Loeks replied, depending on the desired
conveniences,. $10,000 to $13,000.
Jack Langkus-asked the Commission to look at the total picture. In some of the existing
preliminary plat covenants, housing size requirements have been included.. To reduce the
floor area requirement would be unfair to these existing plats which require larger homes.
Mr. Langkus stated that the savings on a 200 square: foot reduction would be $7,000 to
Ron Helmer said 95°l0 of the people owning homes could not afford to buy their home
i f they were starting today
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 1981 •
Ken Carlsen said that his first home was 720 square feet and his second home was 1,200
square feet, and the home he owns today is slightly bigger. He added if he bought that
home today, his monthly mortage payment would be more than $1,000. Mr. Harvey
said less house far less dollars. Until cost of housing and cost of money go down, the
cost of housing is not in our .control
Mr. Geisness asked what is the housing demand in communities without floor area
regulations. Mr. Broback said in Rosemount it is 800 square feet with living space in
..the basement. This makes it more affordable to single people who cannot afford $1,000.
monthly paymen#s. Mr. Robert Miller said that in split entry homes, the area below
grade is not finished. Broback replied no, but it can be finished later.
Jim McBailland stated that the major concern for most home buyers is the monthly payments.
After the initial mortgage is decided, garages and other finishing work can be financed
through other programs. The objective should be to cut down initial mortgage costs and
provide units wi thi n I i mits that are affordable .
Bob Peterson stated that you cannot allow someone to build a $60,000 house between two
$130,000 homes. Developers should set requirements in.covenants. Ivlr. Knutson.. asked would
the price of the lot in thissituation discourage development of a less expensive home. Mr. •
Peterson said no it can happen. Ron Helmer stated that the use of restrictive covenants
is used in exclusive neighborhoods that establish floor area requirements. Mr. Licht stated
that it wouldn't protect existing plats that have no restrictive covenants. Mr. Knutson said
most developments in the past 5 years have covenant safeguards that establish floor area
requirements. Mr. Loeks stated that under these requirements, a 960 square foot home can
be built without any trim. Mr. Harvey stated that lowering the unit size would allow a
smaller unit to be built without. trim. Mr. Knutson said some cities use architectural controls
however, to determine what is acceptable is a question of taste.
Ken Carlson suggested that the City should consider allowing garage space to make up some
of the required floor space. Mr. Peterson stated -that if you want to provide affordable
housing, the garage is usually the first thing to go. Mr. McBaill.and spid the objective is
to reduce the minimum floor area requirement to provide affordable housing and. to pass the
savings on to the buyers.
Mr. Geisness asked what is our objective? This is an important issue that will influence
development in the future. Mr. Geisness suggested forming a study committee to study
this issue in depth. He felt that the committee should consist of residents and staff that
would bring. in outside experts to assist in the fact finding. Mrs. Enright stated that she
agreed that it is an important concern, however, felt thatthe Planning Commission was
. City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 1981
capable of making the decision. Mrs. Enright suggested scheduling a study session to
explore the need for small housing sizes. She said a study committee would not be
necessary. Mr. Geisness stated that he would I ike to invite professionals from outside
the scope of Lakeville to plan for the future of Lakeville. He suggested that a large
group can provide new insights and assist in fact finding. Mrs. Enrighf said that in a
large group it is harder to get a consensus and the process would take forever. She added
that the Planning Commission has a diverse membership that will assist in making the
decision. Mr. Geisness stated that he questions the scope of the fact finding. Mr. Robert
Miller stated that he can appreciate Mr. Geisness' concerns, however, felt the City
can decide for itself. Mrs. Enright suggested scheduling the study session for the 23rd of
April . Mr. McBailland stated that he realizes that it is an important step in Lakeville's
future, however, it will also be an important step for the first time buyer and to drag
this issue out will cause builders to go somewhere else. Mr. Harvey said that may yet
be our decision. We are attempting to plan for the future. Mr. Geisness stated the
City's position is not to promote growth, but to manage growth .
81.59 Motion was made by Antol ik, seconded by Geisness to table the public hearing on
Section 11.6 Minimum Floor Area Per Dwelling Unit until April 23, 1981.
• Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey stated that they would address the remaining amendments in order. The first
item is Section 44 "ICD" Interstate Corridor District. Mr. Licht stated that this amendment
would revise the transportation policies regarding interim uses and long term uses within the
"ICD" district.
81.60 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of Section 44
°ICD" Interstate Corridor District as it reads in the planner's report.
Roll calf was taken on the motion. Ayesc Unanimous
Mr. Harvey introduced Section S=Administration -Variance and Appeals for discussion.
Mr. Licht stated`that the amendment generally cleaned up the wording of this section and
added a provision for minor variances.. With the exception of wetland and shoreland, all
clear cut variances can be sent to the City Council for decision without a public hearing.
The City Council would receive a staff report to assist indecision-making. Minor variances
would consist of hardship resulting from a change in the ordinance or setback. The proposed
amendment beginning at Section 5.14 establishes criteria for variances..
w y
.City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
April 2, 1981 •
Mr. Johnson asked if the City Council makes the final decision. Mr. Licht. replied that
the variance goes before the Council which can still require a public hearing if necessary.
Mr. Johnson asked if an application and fee are still required. Mr. Licht replied yes,
also staff reports wi I I be done for each variance request . Mr . Antol ik asked i f the
variances apply to items other than the building. Mr. Licht said yes. Mr. Knutson stated
that the variance is defined in the amendment.
Mr. Harvey stated he is concerned where the requirement may be ignored.. Mr. Knutson
stated that currently requirements can also be ignored . Mrs. Enright stated the amendment
simplifies the procedure, the variances are defined, and she saw no problems. Mr. Harvey.
asked how many cases like this wi I I we have . Mrs. Enright rep) ied not many, so we help
a few people. Mr. Antolik stated that it changed the entire variance section. Mr. Licht
stated that those changes were only to clarify the narrative. Mr. Geisness said he is
concerned with the amendment because it read provide adequate air and light. He felt is
should read air and sunlight to protect solar access.
81.61 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Johnson to continue the public hearing. on Section 5
Administration, Variance and Appeals for further consideration until April .16th Planning
Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous •
Mr. Harvey proceeded to Section 43 General Industrial District -Accessory Outside
Storage Conditional Uses.
Mr. Licht stated. the amendment would change outside storage in an "I-1"and 1-2" district
from a conditional use to an accessory use and the conditions regulating this use will be
placed in the General Provisions Section.
$1.62 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of Sec#ion 43
General Industrial District -Accessory Outside Storage Conditional Use as it reads in the
planner's report.
Roll call .was taken on the motion: Ayes: Geisness, Antolik, Harvey, Johnson, Enright
Nay: Miller
Mr. Harvey proceeded to Section 30 - R-5 Residential District Requirements for Townhouses
and Quadraminiums.
Mrs Licht stated that cur,~y~ntly quadraminiums and townhouses are a conditional use in an
R-5 d~istricf. The amendment would allow these uses as permitted uses in an R-5 district.
Previously the conditional uses were required for review on condominium agreements. .
, , .
' .City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
• April 2, 1981
Bob Peterson asked the difference between quadraminiums and townhouses. David Licht
responded, saying townhouses are row houses and can exceed 4 units. These terms are
defined in the ordinance.
Mr. Peterson stated that he wants to know where he stands as far as development. He
has different. floor plans and he doesn't know what he can use. Mr. Licht stated that his
concern will be addressed by Section 11.6 Floor Area Requirements, which will be
discussed on Apri ( 23rd .
Mr. Geisness stated the language should be for normal people. Mr. Licht stated the
definitions are in the ordinance.
81.63 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Johnson to recommend approval of Section 30
R-5 Residential District requirements for Townhouses and Quadraminiums, as it reads in
the planner's report of March 25, 1981.
Roll. call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
• 81.64 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Johnson to extend the meeting after 10:30 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes:. Antolik, Harvey, Johnson, Enright, Miller
Nay: Geisness.
Mr. Harvey proceeded to the miscellaneous amendments of a minor nature.. Mr. Licht stated
that these consist of 14 housekeeping corrections. Mr. Harvey said he had not received a
report .
81.65 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Antolik to table this item for the next Planning
Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey proceeded to the request of L.M. Loken to table consideration of the proposed
preliminary plat of Oak Shores 10th Addition.
Mr. Licht stated that Mr. Loken requested an extension and is waiving the time limitation
81.66 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Enright to tale the'~preliminary plat of
Oak Shores 10th Addition indefinitely ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
~ ~ • ':J
City. of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
Apri f 2, 1981 •
Mr. Johnson asked if conditional use permits must be renewed. Mr. Licht stated they.
must be renewed if not used within one year of approval or for a special home occupation.
Mr. Geisness asked why the Kawasaski garage and outside storage can exist in such sorry
shape. Sid Miller said it is a grandfather use and nothing can be done.
Mr. Harvey asked about the status of the Metropolitan Council review. Mr. Licht informed
him that he had submitted a land bank program to Metropolitan Council staff for review..
Mr. Knutson said the work is being conducted between staff to find an acceptable alternative.
Mr. Harvey stated his concern for citizenry input into these revisions.
Other Business: Mr. Johnson complemented Mr. Licht for doing such a good job taking
Future agenda items:
Tie Down Ordinance
Viking Square Rezoning
Conditional Use Home Occupation
Items tabled from tonight •
81.67 .Motion was made by Geisness, seconded. by Antolik to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
arles Jo nson, Vice ` hairman and
Acting Secretary
Pa is arvey, Cha rman