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Cit~+ of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
May 7, 1981
Chairman Harvey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll call ~s taken; Present: Geisness, Antolik, Harvey, Miller, Enright, Rice.
Absent: Johnson
Others present; Roger-Knutson, City Attorney; Frank Kriz, City Engineer; Sid. Miller,
City Building Official; Alan Brixius, City Planner.
Mr. Harvey noted that. the April 16, 1981 Planning .Commission minutes were approved
at the April 23, 1981 meeting. He directed the Commission to review the April 23rd
meeting minutes.
Mr. Geisness stated that on page 2, last paragraph, the word "they"should identify
the Commission, also the first two sentences should be revised to read as follows:
"The Planning Commission should address what kind of goals the Commission wants in
housing and establish broad guidelines with policies to reach these goals." He stated
that the Commission should focus discussion on the question of savir~s.
Page 3, paragraph 4 - Mr. Geisness stated that he didn't think Mrs. Enright had
• disagreed with him. Mrs.. Enright stated that she didn't think there was a down trend
in home ownership. Mr. Geisness said that he had material that supports his position.
Mr. Geisness noted that on page 4, first paragraph, the word "they" should. identify
"the Ci "and on page 4, paragraph 5, his comment should read as follows: "The
market demand should decide, he is in favor of reducing the impediments to the market,'
Mr. Rice requested that the Planning Commission see the Planning Commission .minutes
prior to the City Council seeing them.
Mr. Harvey stated his comments on page 3, last paragraph should read as follows: "The
feeling is that the current inflation rate will nat continue indefinitely, not making the
conclusion that this is wrong, but it may. change..
81.88 Motion made by Rice,. seconded by Antolik to approve the April 23, 1981 Special
Planning Commission meeting minutes as arr~nded.
RoII call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey stated that agenda items 4 and 5 would be postponed until later in the
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
May 7, 1981
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of Klotz Construction, Inc.
for a cor~itianal use permit to build o house within 1,000 feet of Orchard Lake and for
a variance in setbacks from the lake and street at 12000 168th Street W.
Mr. Knutson stated that it was a duly publicized meeting. Mr. Harvey stated that the
applicant has not provided sufficient information for staff review and the request should
be continued fa' the next meeting. He also felt the request shovldbe reviewed by the
Natural Resources' Committee. Mr. Rice and Mr. Geisness agreed. "
81.89 Motion was mule by Geisness, seconded by Rice to continue the public hearing at the
next Panning Corrtmissian meeting and the request should be referred to the Natural
Resources Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion; Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearirx,~ on the application of Keith L. and Susan
Biers far a special home occupation to operate a small engine repair business at 16466
Ionia Avenue.
Mr. Knutson stated that it was a duly publicized hearing. •
Mr. Geisness asked if there are any. neighbors nearby. Mr. Harvey stated that there are
not any neighbors adjacent to the property. Mr. Geisness asked about future development
that may make the home occupation incompatible and if this is the case, the home occupation
should be removed. Mrs. Enright stated that the permit could be approved far a length
of time.
Mr. Harvey noted that sigrx are not permitted with a home occupation and some signing
does currently exist. Sid Miller stated that the applicant had just relocated from a B-4
district and wasn't aware of the ordinance. Mr. Knutson said the signs must be removed.
Mr. Rice asked the applicant if he was willing to remove the signs. Mr. Biers stated he
world remove the sign, however, he asked if he could get a permit for signs in the future.
Mr. Knutson stated it would require an ordinance amendment.
Mr. Miller asked the applicant about the type of business and if he had a container for
storage of oil . Mr. Biers stated it would be lawn mower repair and he had a 100 gallon
drum for of ( storage .
Mr. Geisness stated the signage concern is a matter of equity,. the code should be
enforced uniformly.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
• May 7, 1981
8T .90 .Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
81.91 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the special
home occupation permit for one year and contingent on the home occupation being in
full accordance with the zoning ordinance.
Roll call was taken. on the .motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Harvey .opened the public hearing on the application of Sue iirkholz to vacate
a part of the Town road in Arland .Park Addition now known as 172nd Street.
Mr. Knutson. stated it was a duly publicised hearing.
Mr. Bill N4cicklin stated he was an attorney representing the application. The area
requested to be vacated 'rs part of the 172nd Street and is currently- not being used . The
area is wooded and sloped. Mr. Macklin presented photographs of the area to the
Commission. Mr. Harvey asked the applicant to define the areas. Ms. Birkholz
• identified the areas in the photographs.
Mr. Kris stated that the street is south of the area to vacated. The vacation still leaves
a 66 foot right-of-way for the street which is standard for residential streets. There are
no public utilities under this area.
Mr. Harvey asked why not vacate the entire easement. Mr. Kriz stated that- other
property owners haven't requested it. Mr. Miller asked what other property owners
will be requesting this vacation. Mrs. Birkholz stated the property owner 600 feet down
the road ~y request if,.buff the easement doss not extend down to 202ru1 Street.
Mr. Knutson suggested that the Commission approve. the vacation of the applicant's parcel
and .have the Engineer study the remainder of the easement for .possible future vacation.
Mr. Kriz recommended that the vacation be made contingent upon a 10 foot drainage
easement being maintained afong the street...
81.92 Motion s made by Enright, seco~ed by Rice. to close the public hearing.
Roll. call was taken. on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Geisness asked how often this type of request occurs. Mr. Knutson stated approximately
• once a year. Mrs. Enright stated that street vacations usually occur in areas that were not
laid out properly.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Mirwtes •
May 7, i 9~ 1
Mr. Kr~~on stated that land is not owned by the City, the easement allows the City to
utilize the lard far specific use.
81.93 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the vacation
contingent on the-Engineer's recommendation for the 10 foot drainage easement.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes; Unanimous
Chairman Harvey stated that the Commission will move on to the consideration for
allowing far mare flexibility indwelling unit minimum size requirements and for houses
and multiple dwelling units with lesser square footage requirements in Lakeville. Mr.
Harvey noted that the Planning Commission minutes of April 23rd indicate that the
public hearing had been closed. Mr. Harvey noted that the same people were here as
there were at the last meeting.
Mr. Rice noted the April 30th memo from the planner suggesting that the Planning
Commission take some action. Mr. Knutson explained that if na action was taken the
issue would be forwarded to the City Cenci! after 60 days. Mr. Knutson stated the
Commission can sand it to the Council ~vithovt a recommendation.
Mrs. Enright said the starting point is whether ar not there is a need far smaller hoa~.sir~. •
Mr . Ge lenses asked Mr . Harvey to state his position .
Mr. Harvey stated that he felt that sufficient time has not passed to determine if the
economy will justify a change in the ordinance. He doesn't feel the current inflation
rate will contirwe. He feels that upon lowering the housing size someone will take
advantage of his neighbors by building smaller housing units in a r~eighbarhood of larger
houses .
Mr.r,eisness stated tha# the vote at the April 23rd- meeting indicates a rimed for a more
vigarous scientific approach to fact finding. Mrs. Enright stated that her studies indicate
a rimed because of population, er~rgy, household, and economic trends.
Mr. Mi11er stated that there were homes in Valley Park below the 960 square foot
requirement. 'His home was 915 square feet.
Mr. Geisness stated that he weed that there is a er~eed for smaller housing if the City
can prevent instant slums. He also agreed that the interest rates may decline. He was
changing his position on the issue to a) low more time to past to permit a mare indepth
stay and allow for abetter evaluation of current economic trends..
- - City of iakeville
• Rlanning Cmnmission Minutes
May 7, 1981
Mrs. Enright said cutting the 960 square foof requirement by 60 feet will not create
negative impacts. Sid Miller concurred, saying that smaller housing doesn't create
slums.. Mr. Robert Miller stated that there aren't any slums in Valley Park.. He felt
the people there maintain their homes as well as anyone in the City.
Ken Carlson of Northland Mortgage stated that the Commission should take some action
along the I ine of the planner's report . The sizes the planner suggested are reasonable .
Mr. Knutson stated in many cases government drives people to the poor house. The
Planning Commission has the opportunity to reduce housing costs and added interest.
Mr. Kriz stated maintaining the lot size will help prevent the slum look.
Mr. Harvey stated he firmly believes the economic situation will change.
Ron Helmer stated that thestrikers in the building field are asking for more money.
This continues to increase housing costs.
81.94 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of suggested
• housing sizes as they read in the March 27, 1981 planner's report.
Mr. Geisness stated that the Commission should not be pressured by near term factors.
:Planners are good mechanics in the formulation of recommendations. The Commission
must make the decision and they should not blindly take the recommendation. He
questions whether a $3,000 savings would actually-increase sales.
Mrs. Enright stated that a 900 square foot home would not deter the appearance of
the neighborhood .
Mr. Rice asked how long the ordinance has required 960 square .feet? Mr. Knutson
stated since 1971 .
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes;. Miller, Enright. Noyes: Geisness, Antolik,
Harvey, Rice .
81.95 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Geisness to recommend the ordinance not be
changed `wi'thout further study .
.Roll call was taken on the motion:. Ayes; Antolik, Harvey, Rice, Geisness.
Noyes: Miller, Enright.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
May 7, 1981
Mr . Harvey asked for comments on the vote .
Mr. Rice stated the ordinance is fine the way it is, it has not been brought up -since 1971.
He said the peof?le buying are not asking for the revision.
Mrs. Enright said it is not very realistic to overlook the need for smaller housing. The
population, economic,. and energy trends suggest smaller housing.
Mr. Miller stated i°hat he feels the 9~ia square foot requirement as it exists, goes beyond
pro#ectng the health ar~1 welfare of the City.
Mr. Harvey stated that in truth, the welfare of the City is at stake. His comrr~:nts regarding
the ecor~my is the basis for his decision. He believes the current economic situation will
change .
Mr . Anto) ik: no comment .
Mr. Geisness stated he did his homework and recognizes the trend toward smaller living
area, however, he felt the issue was not studied in sufficient detail. He stated more time
for further study is needed . •
Chairman Harvey opened the public hearing on the application of the City of Lakeville for
variances from the setback from the lake and street, and for a cotxlitiar~a) use permit to
construct a public building in an R-1 zone and within the shoreland district for a restroom
fac i I i ty at Orchard Lake Beach at the west end of Orchard Lake .
Mr. Knutson said it was a duly publicized hearing.
Mr, Glen Johnson asked if this development would affect Lynch Path. Steve Michaud
stated no street change is proposed .
Mr. Harvey asked what type of facility was it? Mr. Michaud explained the type of waste
treatment system. He said it had been used in State and National Parks and the unit
would 6e maintained daily.
Mr. Harvey asked what if beer cans were dined into the facility. Mr.r Michaud said
the unit would be maintained daily and the waste storage area is accessible for mainter~nce.
The unit has a greater capacity than two satelli~fer and doesn't recjuireaa9r reuuol~'fruyinter~nce.
Mr. Miller stated that if the unit was serviced by public sewer, it still could als~a be
destroyed .
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
• May 7, 1981
Mr. Rice stated that this type of unit has been used in Sweden with good results.
Mr. Harvey asked has this been to the Natural Resources Committee. Mr. Michaud
said the request has been approved by all committee members,. except the Planning
Commission and City Council .
81.9b Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Aye: Unanimous
81.97 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the request
as reads i n the Apri ( 30, .19$1 planner's report .
Rol( call was taken an the motion: .Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey directed the Commission to the report on the status of City Compreher~ive
Plan review and approval by Metro Council .
Mk. Harvey asked why the formal review. Mr. Brixius responded that in 1985 the City
. wants Metro Council to review the sewer flow allocation and readjust it to give the City
a greater sewer allocation.
Any other bus'rr?ess .
Mr. Harvey noted an amendment to the Sign Ordinance that would increase the height
of a freestanding sign to 20 feet in an B-4, CBD-G and B-W zoning district.
$id Miller said it was probably an oversight.
Mr. Harvey asked if this amendment requires a public hearing. Mr. Knutson stated that
it didn't because it wasn't part of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Harvey asked the Commission
if they thought a public hearing was necessary. The commission consensus was that no hearing
was necessary
Mlr. Geisness asked if they wanted 20 foot signs down town. Sid Miller responded that the
existing signs dgwn town all exceed 10 feet in height.
81.98 Mo1~i,v~cts~nade by Ricer s~~or~ded by Geisness to recommend amending the sign ordir~nce
to increaseths maximum height of freestanding signs to 20 feet in the B-4, CBD-C and
B-~/ zoning districts.
• Rol I ca I I was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
• •
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Minutes
May 7, 1981
Mr. Harvey stated that he and Mr. Rice attended the City Council meeting and received
the following comments:
1 . Minority opinion are desired in the Plannir~ Commission minutes.
2. The Council had several compliments for the Planning Commission.
3. The Planning Commission should base decisions on the ordir~nce rather than
persor~l opinior~.
Mr. Miller sugt,~ested that Ordinance 17b, Section 5.15 Political Signs -the size of
the signs should be changed from 8 square feet to 30 square feet. He felt this would be
a mare pratiea) size and wanted the Commission to consider it.
Future agenda items:
Niawka Village II
Paul Krause Subdivision - 60 acres of B-4 area adjacent to Power Center
The City Engineers are proceeding with Highway 50-1-35 intersection study
Mark Anderson is proposing to plat three lots •
Klotz variance
Mr. Harvey stated that he read of aretarded-elderly home to be located on Iberia. Sid
Mi{ler said it would come before the Commission as a conditional use the 1st meeting in June.
Mr. Kriz stated .that the City has scheduled intersection improvements at Highway 50 and
202nd Street in 1983 and Dodd Boulevard and Highway 50 in 19$2.
81.99 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Urmnimous
Chairman Harvey adjourned the meeting at 9:57 p.m.
Respec ully submitted,
ruin P. eisrteas, Secretary
a nc Harve irman