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• City Planning Commission P1eeting
15 October 19$1
Planning Commission Chairman Patrick Harvey called the meeting to order at
7:30 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Antolik, Harvey, Pliller, Rice.
Absent: Geisness, Johnson.
Also Present: Council persons Betty Sindt and Nancy Enright; Frank Kriz,
City Engineer; Sid Miller, City Building Official; Roger Knutson, City
Attorney; David Licht, City Planner.
The Chairman requested comments or amendments on the 17 September 1981
Planning Commission meeting minutes.
81.172 Motion was made by Rice, secopded by Antolik, to approve the Planning Com-
mission meeting minutes of 17 September 1981.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Antolik, Harvey, Rice. Abstain:
P1i ] 1 er.
Chairman Harvey reopened the continued. public hearing an the preliminary plat
of Argonne Park located near I-35 and Highway-50: P1r. t+layne Tower of suburban
• Engineering, the applicant's consultant on the project, appeared before the
Commission and outlined changes from the original plat plan which included
lot size and design, street patterns, utilities, and grading and drainage.
Upon questioning by P1r. Antolik, P1r. Tower indicated that they were working
with the DNR on the ponding and outflow and final resolution of the matter
would be obtained through a required permit. Pls. Ella Foulkrod, a resident
and property owner south of the railroad tracks questioned the crossing and
payment for signals. Mr. Tower indicated that money would be escrowed 'for
the project's portion of the crossing. Mr. Paul Krause indicated that the
entire project would be pursued at one time. P1r. Rice questioned whether side-
walks were needed in the area. P1r. Licht stated that staff has suggested side-
walks from the motel site 'into the Power Center, plus a 20 foot easement along
Highway 50 is also required. This could later be utilized for the continuation
of a bike path. Commissioner Robert Miller asked about the status of the EAW
and the permit for a railroad crossing. PAr. Licht stated that a draft EAW has
been submitted. Further action on this matter by the staff was awaiting general
direction of City officials on the acceptability of the proposed plat. The
railroad permit has also been requested by the City Engineer's office. With
regard to the crossing, the. staff was willing to accept the location as shown
or as an alternative one to the southeast. Ms. Foulkrod questioned what would
be built in the project, to which P1r. Tower outlined B-4 activities which are
allowed. P1r. Licht also pointed out the ICD District which covers much of the
area and the activities and procedures which are followed under this designation.
Mr. Glenn Nord indicated that a satelite bank and motel are currently being
planned. Additionally, a professional office building is also being .considered.
Lakeville, Minnesota
.City Planning Commission Fleeting
• 15 October 1981
E1.173 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik, to close the pubic hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Harvey questioned the compliance status of the Power Center conditional
use permit and whether soils in the area prevent problems for blacktopping
or if it was too late in the year to blacktop. P1r. Kriz stated he was aware
of no special soil problems, but had not looked at the site. He further stated
blacktopping could be completed. P1r. Nord stated that this was a neighborin g
project which should be kept separate from the request at hand.. Mr. Harvey
questioned who were the owners of the property in the present request. Mr.
Nord stated that there was some, but not total overlap with the Power Center.
Mr. Nord further noted that the plat had-not been filed on the Power Center
due to an estate problem and the sellers were causing the difficult. The estate
has now been reopened and the matter should be resolved in the near future.
41.174 Plotion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik, to recommend to the City Council
the approval of the preliminary plat application for Argonne Park subject to the
conditions set forth by the staff in their respective reports dated 2 October
1981 and 12 October 1981, and provisions for necessary escrow funds to cover
street or railroad crossings.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The applicant was advised that the matter would be considered by the City
Council at their 2 November 1981 meeting.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Jack Lankas, representing the tleadows Subdivision.
Mr. Lankas outlined a proposed change in density and housing type for the
northern portion of the Fleadows Plat bordering the former railroad right-of-
way. He indicated he and his partners had acquired 50 feet of the right-of-
way bordering their property. While no streets are suggested for modification,
the developer is requesting'Commission comment on placing a tier of townhouses
and quads along the north of the plat and a buffer area of twin homes bQtween
the quads and the single family units to the south. The quad and town units
would be association controlled. The revision suggested is envisioned to create
a balanced housing mix. F1r. Plark Miller, resident of the area, questioned traffic
routing. P1r. Bob Nicholson also a resident of the area, questioned whether a
through street would be created eventually to Dodd. He further asked about
drainage for the area, to which Mr. Kriz and Mr. Lankas responded. As a general
comment, Mr. Nicholson stated he questioned the increasing of the density for
-the area. P1r. Lankas stated the density now being suggested is 3.8 units per
acre which is viewed as low density. He further stated the quad units would
range in the $70,000 price, range by the time they would possibly be built. Mr:
Dan Becker asked the timing of the development of the twin and quad units. Mr.
Lankas stated development would proceed northward from the existing development
due to cost of improvements. Commissioner Robert Puller questioned why not
twin homes in the area suggested for quads. Mr. Lankas responded that a mix of
Lakeville, Plinnesota
City Planning Commission Meeting
15 October 1981
units due to uncertain economics was being proposed. He stated that he anticipated
5 to 6 years before reaching the area for quads. P1r. Rice stated the concept
looked good, but questioned rezoning and spot zoning in the area. Commissioner
Miller stated he had no objection to the plan. Mr. Antolik also indicated no
objection. Mr. Harvey expressed concern with multiples in a single family area.
The proposal will result in the need for buffers to the north of the Pleadows
project. Commissioner Miller questioned the maximum densities in various districts
to which Mr. Licht responded. Ms. Kathy Lewis questioned if the units would be
federal subsidized. P1r. Lankas stated they would not be rental units qualifying.
for such programs and they would be too costly. Per. Lankas further stated he
wanted to show everyone what is being proposed and have everyone understand the
suggested revision. Mr. Harvey stated the two/two split of the Commission was not
accomplishing the objectives of providing direction. P1r. Knutson stated the absent
members could be polled. Mr. Licht advised that possibly a rezoning application
would get the most direct response, plus serve to give notice to the neighborhood.
Mr. Harvey stated he would rather see a determination made now rather than at a
later point following more development.
Mrs. Betty Sindt, Council liaison, appeared before the Commission and asked if
there were questions of her or past Council actions. Mr. Antolik noted operational
difficulties of the Commission lacking one member and asked when a new appoint-
ment would be made. Pers. Sindt indicated her simpathy with the problem and stated
• the appointment would be made following the election and appointment; of the Mayor.
The continued public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance,
Section 11.4, as it pertains to pole/metal buildings was opened by the Chairman.
.The Commissioners reviewed the alternatives submitted by the City Planner.
81.175 Plotion was made by Rice, seconded by Miller, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
.81.176 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik, to recommend to the City Council
enactment of the amendment to Section 11.4 of the Zoning Ordinance: titled
Architectural/Design Alternative as outlined in the City Planners report dated
28 September 1981.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Licht reported to the Commission on the status of the Comprehensive Plan
and requested that a public hearing be established for formal consideration of
all proposed revisions which have taken place since September 1979.
81.177 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik, to hold a public hearing on 19
P~ovember 1981 to consider all proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan `'and
supporting documents which have been formulated since September 1979.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Lakeville, Minnesota
City Planning Commission Meeting
15 October 1981
Mr. Licht requested that the Commissioners bring their Comprehensive Planning
Reports to the meeting on 5 November so that the material could be updated.
Mr. Licht distributed information to the Commission on a proposed application
form, procedural outline and enacting resolution governing Comprehensive Plan
amendments. He stated this material would be submitted to-the Council for
formal action at their 2 November 1981 meeting.
Mr. Rice expressed his appreciation to those City Council members attending
the meeting this evening.
Mr. Harvey questioned Sid Miller on the status of a house on Italy Avenue which
is two-thirds completed and in bankruptcy. P1r. Sid Pliller stated he was aware
of no problems. f9r. Harvey .questioned Sid Miller further on the storage of
backhoe equipment at Northwest Gravel and whether this was a violation of their
conditional use permit. Mr. Sid Miller stated he had not checked into the file
but had discussed the matter with P~lr. McGarvey.
Commissioner Antolik asked the status of the Aid Homes, Inc. project and whether
the City had any control over such group care facilities. Mr. Knutson and
P1r. Licht outlined the background on this matter in addition to indicating-
legislation prevented the City from having any special review of the development.
• Mr. Atnolik stated he was bothered by the lack of follow-through on the Pgwer
Center conditional use permit and other such violations. He stated, however,
that the Planning Commission had done its part and policing was up to'others.
Mr. Harvey stated, however., that he felt it was the Commissions responsibility
to identify and raise violations if observed.
Mr. Kriz stated that lot survey requirements for building permit applications
would be presented and reviewed with the Commission at their 19 November meeting.
81.178 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:.15 p.m.
Resp ctfully submitted,
r ~
hn Antolik, Acting Secretary
• ,trick Harve Ch rman