HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-80 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
P~Ianning Commission Meeting
7 February 1980
The meeting was called t{~ order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Johnson. Roll call was
taken. Present: Geisness; Antolik; Johnson; Harvey. Absent: Asmus; Enright;
Rice .
Also Present: Roger Knudson, City Attorney; Sid Miller, City Building Official;
Frank Kriz, City Engineer; David Licht, City Planner.
Chairman Johnson called for a review of the Planning Commission meeting minutes of
17 January 1980 and noted a correction to be made with regard to motion 80.17 and
the reference to the Foxblorough Plat being located "...approximately one-half mile
south of Dodd Road...".i This should read "north" of Dodd Road.
80.22 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Antolik to approve the minutes of the 17
January 1980 Planning Commission meeting as corrected.
Roll Call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
.The Chairman reopened the public hearing on the conditional use permit requests by
• Mr. Michael Gannon to pperate a pizza restaurant drive-up service and modify his
planned unit development permit on his property at the intersection of Holyoke and
210th Street. Mr. Licht';explained that his office had reviewed the modified site plan
for parking submitted by jMr. Gannon and that the arrangement had been found
acceptable. His office ad also checked with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
and on their advise, rec mmended a solid wood fence 42 inches in height along. the
northern border of the sit beginning 30 feet back from the property line on Holyoke.
Should Mr. Gannon wish to install additional landscaping, it was his prerogative.
Mr. Gannon stated that a agreed with the planner's report and all recommendations
to date with the excepti n of the hours of operation. Mr. Geisness expressed a concern
for lighting of the busine~s extending to residential property to the north. Mr. Gannon
responded that this matter had been addressed with the City Planner and that light
standards for the north side of the business would be placed on the north property line
and directed towards the business and away from the neighboring houses. Mr. Harvey.
stated a concern for nois control and identified other instances in the community where
a slatted chain link fenc was used as a buffer between residential and business uses.
80.23 Motion was made by Har ey, seconded by Geisness to close the public hearing .
Roll Cali was taken on the .motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mrs. Enright arrived at tlhe meeting at 8:15 p.m.
+ ~ I
Planning Commission Meeting
7 February 1980
80.24 .Motion was made by G isness, seconded by Harvey to recommend to the City Council
the approval of Michael( Cannon's conditional use permit request for adrive-up pizza
restaurant operation anal modified planned unit development permit subject to the
conditions recommende4~ in the City Planner's reports dated 14 January 1980 and
4 February 1980 with tl~e exception that the hours of the drive-up window operation
be left to Mr. Gannon but that should problems arise that the City reserve the right
to review and limit the time as may be necessary.
Mr. Gannon advised. thje Commission that he anticipated the main customer activity
for the drive-up windoVv to be noon lunches called in and picked up by employees from
the Airlake industrial park. Mr. Harvey questioned if liquor was to be served and if
there were any limitations due to the proximity of the church and schools. Mr. Gannon
stated only beer and w ne service was proposed . Mr . Knutson stated that neither city or
state law restricted the business due to the distance to the church or school .
Roll Call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
The applicant was advi eel that the matter would be considered by the City Council at
their 19 February 1980~'~meeting.
Chairman Johnson ope eel the public hearing on the application of J. Rapp Company for
a preliminary plat kno n as Fox Run, located on the west side of Flagstaff Avenue adjacent
to the Dodd Park Addition on the north. Mr. Knutson attested to the legality of the
hearing. Mr. Jon Rap aport and Mr. Paul Johnson were present. Mr. Paul Johnson
presented the plan to t e Commission and advised that the Park and Recreation Committee
had approved the park edication and contribution at their meeting on 6 February 1980.
Mr. Licht advised the ommission that the Natural Resources Committee had also approved
the proposal subject to review of a final grading and erosion control plan and resolution
of the gravel mining a Bement prior to approval of a final plat. Mr. Johnson stated that
it was anticipated that~the development would be phased over a four to six year period.
The first addition is pl~nned for improvement in 1980 and the second addition in 19$1 .
Mr. Johnson restated t eir interest to have City financing assistance with improvements
and also that the City xplore state aid contributions for the improvement of Flagstaff
Avenue. Mr. Johnson reviewed the problem of the State of Minnesota gravel mining
easement and the diffi ulty which had been encountered in resolving th is matter with
the state. Mr. Licht s ated that the staff's position had been that the applicant should
explore of I possible me ns to resolve this problem and that this had been attempted with
no success. It therefor appears that the City must become involved based upon a safety
concern if the .plat is a~proved and based upon its mining permit system. Mr. Johnson
questioned whether the;i City could restrict the state. Mr. Knutson advised that his opinion
was that the City had Bloch power. frank Kriz of Consulting Engineers Diversified advised
that there were modifications to the proposed water system serving the plat. He also
• Planning Commission Meeting
7 February 1980
stated his office's calculations for the urban section of Flagstaff improvement under
the responsibility of Fox dun was $54,550. Erosion control and grading plans were
also yet necessary for a f~nal recommendation. Mr. Antolik questioned whether there
would be duplexes in thi' development, now or at a future date. The applicants'
representative responded no. Mr. Licht advised that no lots at this time were of a
sufficient size to allow f r duplex or twin homes. Mr. Antolik questioned if the
.applicant intended to do the entire development. Mr. Johnson responded that builders
for the property were no being sought. Mr. Dick Kennis, 17070 Franchize questioned
the size and value of the homes to be developed. Mr. Johnson commented .that they
would be similar to those in Dodd Park'. Mr. William Finstern, 17090 Franchize Avenue
questioned if land was b ing reserved in the plat for the school district. Mr. Licht
stated that only City parr land was involved. Chairman Johnson asked whether utilities
can be provided to the development. Mr. Kriz stated that there was no problem as the
service extensions would!come from Dodd Park.
80.25 Motion was made by Enri~ht, seconded by Geisness to close the public hearing .
Roll Call was taken on tNe motion. Ayes: Unanimous
• Mr. Licht advised for thg record that a technical correction was required in that the land
to be dedicated as park s~ould be indicated as an outlot and fee title conveyed to the
City. Mr. Harvey noted; that property line easements needed to be corrected. Mr.
Geisnessquestioned the iih,pact of the project on the school district.
$0.26 Motion was made by Enright,. seconded by Harvey to recommend approval of the application
of J . Rapp Company for concept plan approval and prel iminary plat approval for the 1st
and 2nd additions of Fox'',~Run subject to the reports and recommendations of the City Engineer
and the City Planner dated 4 February 1980.
Roll Call was taken on tl~e motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The applicant was advised that the matter would be taken up by the City Council at
their 19 February 1980 ~ eting. Paul Johnson restated their concern for the City's
pursue of state or county financial assistance for the improvement of .Flagstaff Avenue..
Chairman Johnson apeneQl the public hearing on the application of Robert Layeux for a
conditional use permit arld variance to build a .new house to replace an existing house
at 12226 175th Street W 'st, Lot 29, Block 8, Lyndale Lakes Club Second Addition.
Mr. Knutson attested to he validity of the hearing. Mr.Robert Layeux and. his son were
present. Mr. Licht state that his office's report of 4 February 1980 identified several
significant concerns and it was feared .that approval of the request would establish a
• highly negative precede t for the City. His recommendation to table consideration of the
request was based, howe~er, on what appears to be a common. problem in this area of
fanning Commission Meeting
7 February 1980
the City and a need to f rmulate possible actions which would assist property owners
and improve the present ituation, The proposed housing and redevelopment authority
which is being considere by the City might offer one possible means for action.
Messrs Layeux pressentedl their plans to the City and stated that they had pursued
purchase of additional lots. The Commission questioned various aspects of the develop-
ment. The Chairman questioned whether the applicant opposed tabling of the request
pending staff investigatign of possible problem solutions. Mr. Layeux stated he did not.
The Commission advised 1VIr. Layeux not to purchase additional land in the area at this
time as a means to resolve the area question involved in this request.
80.27 Motion was made by Har~rey, seconded by Enright to table consideration and continue
the pubis hearing on the Robert Layeux request based upon agreement by the
applicant and to reschedule the matter for consideration at a future meeting when
so requested by the applijcant.
Roll Call was taken on tl-~e motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Charles Novak,. Architect, representing Central Telephone Company came forth
. and presented site and b~ilding plans for their proposed PUD development at the south
east corner of Pilot Knobi Road and 170th Street. Mr. Novak stated that the plans had
been slightly modified from the concept plan initially approved. Upon questioning by
the Commission, Mr. Nowak stated the development proposed would range between
$1.5 and $2 million dollars. He stated the plans were being presented for Commission
and staff review. The Chairman thanked Mr. Novak for his presentation and comments
and advised staff would e i n .contact with him .
Councilman Jerry Spand appeared before the Commission and introduced. the new Council
member, Betty Si ndt, wh wi I ( serve as I iaison to the Commission ..Various items and
developments, including new public service facilities, Despatch Industries, school district
relationships, Council/Clommission communications were discussed. Mrs. Sindt and
Mr, Spandy stated they Mrould arrange a meeting between the Commission and City
Counc i ( i n the weeks ahead .
80.27 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was. taken on'the mation. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m.
I Resp ct fly submi tt d
arvin Geisness, Secretary
Charles Johnson, Cha m n