HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-80 ~ City of Lakevi`Ile
F. I~lanning Commission Meeting
I 21 February 1980
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnson at 7:30 p.m. Roll call was taken.
Present: Geisness; Antolik$ Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey.. Absent: Rice.
Also present: Robert Nelsa~n, Councilman; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Sid Miller,
City Building Official; Lef~'oy Nyhus, City Engineer, David Licht, Ci#y Planner.
80:.28 Motion was made by Asmusl~ seconded by .Harvey to approve the Planning Commission
.meeting minutes of 7 Februpry 1980.
Rall cal I was taken on the ~otion: Ayes: Unanimous .
Chairman Johnson opened discussion of the City Council's request for the City Planning
Commission to review alternative zoning designations for Outlot B in Donnay's Vc~f~t
Park Fifth Addition located at the southwest corner of Dodd Road and Flagstaff Avenue.
Mr. Rollin Crawford, attorhey for Speedy Markets, the owners of the property, stated it
was their position that the roperty was B-4 and that they objected to any other desigr~l3en
except the B-2 which is sti I under advisement by the City Council .
i Mr. Rice arrived at .the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Mr. Harvey questioned the procedures and alternatives open to the Commission on the
matter. Mr. Knutson expi~ined that the City Council. was requesting the Commission
to advise them on a more broad evaluation of the appropriate use of the property. He
further stated that all options are open, but that to formally consider a redesignation of
zoning and to hold a publi' hearing a published notice for a specific district is required.
Mr. Crawford questioned ~hy the B-1 designation had been selected. Mr. Licht advised
the Commission that in prig reviews of development on this property, multiple family
and low intense office. use Thad-been suggested as appropriate, but that formal study of
such development had not aken place. The,B-1 zoning classification allows both of these
activities .and it was there re the staff's recommendation to the Planning Commission to
evaluate this alternative a hold a hearing on the matter. Councilman Nelson stated
that the Mayor and City C until want a workable solution formulated between all parties
concerned . Mr . Bob Schr eder of Speedy Markets and Mr. Crawford were questioned
by the Commission if they wished to delay any action on review of the property's develop-
ment. Their response was no, but that they objected to down zoning. Mr. Knutson expressed
that it was the City's position that the property is presently zoned R-1C. Mr. Geisness
stated that a form for discussion through a public hearing was necessary so that the matter
could be appropriately evaluated and all persons heard.
8U .29 Motion was made by Asmu~, seconded. by Geisness to hold a public hearing on the rezoning
of Outlot B located in Dor~nay's Valley Park 5th Addition from R-1C to B-1 on 20 March
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
City of Lakeville
I~lanning Commission Meeting
• 21 February 1980
Mr. Harvey advised the audience as to the uses allowed in the B-1 District.
Mr. Patrick McGarvey, Ci~y Administrator, arrived at the meeting at 8:30 p.~rn.
The. Chairman opened the cd~ntinued discussion on Dr. O'Brien's application for a conditional
use permit and variance to construct a new house on lots 7 to 12, Block 26, Orchard Lake
Addition, located on the south side of County Road 44, south of Kingsley Lake. Mr.
Licht read the review and recommendation of the Natural Resources Committee. He also
explained his report and recommendation dated February 15, 1980. Mr. Asmus questioned
access safety and also the c st of public sewer for the site. Mr. Nyhus advised his
calculations suggested the ost to be $35,000 to $45,000. Dr. O'Brien indicated his
estimates were from $20,00 to $27,000. Upon questioning by the Commission,
Dr. O'Brien~stated he had purchased the property from Mr. Sturenberg. Initially the
property was under option, abut this had expired and he had exercised the purchase .
80.30 Motion was made by Rice, Seconded by Asmus to recommend to the City Council the
denial of Dr. O'Brien's req est for conditional use permit and variance request for Lots 7
through 12, 61ock 26, OrcF~ard Lake Addition based upon: (1) Anticipated public safety
• problems, (2) Erosion control problems associated with Orchard Lake, and (3) that the
property is useless and undelvelopable and should be removed from the tax rolls.
Roll call was taken on the rhotion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. McGarvey advised thelCommission that there was no sewer assessment on Dr. O'Brien's
property and advised the a plicant that the matter would be considered by the City Council
at their 3 March 1980 meet ng.
Chairman Johnson opened discussion on the proposed relocation of Fire Station One. Mr.
Licht stated his report had rot been completed and requested that the matter be addressed
at the Commission's 7 Marc 1980 meeting. Mr. McGarvey provided a brief background
on the proposed Despatch Irhdustries development.
Upon recognition by Chairman Johnson, Paul E . Johnson, representing J . Rapp Company and
the Fox Run Plat, outlined ~ platting scheme of the area initially proposed as park land.
The change in use was as a result of Park and Recreation staff and committee conclusion and
recommendation that the D d Park Subdivision Park, located along Flagstaff to the north
and in close proximity to t e Fox Run development should serve as the park facility for this
neighborhood of the community, Discussion also took place of the easements through the
former park area and its im act on lot development. Mr. Johnson advised that the applicant
had been in contact with the Gas Company, but that resolution of any problems would not be
pursued until a preliminary',plat had been approved, Mr. Licht informed the Commission that
• the staff had initiated cont cf with the Minnesota Department of Transportation in an attempt
to resolve the gravel minin easement located in the southeast portion of the plat.
City of Lakeville
Manning Commission Meeting
21 February 1980
80.31 Motion was made by Rice, econded by Harvey to refer the matter back to the Park and
Recreation Committee for r view and recommendation.
Mr. McGarvey advised that the Park and Recreation Committee had formally commented
on the matter at their meet~ng on 20 February.. Mr. Rice withdrew .his motion.
80.32 Motian was made by Harvey ,seconded by Geisness to recommend to the City Council
platting of the 5.7 acre fo erly designated park area in accordance with the Exhibit C
development concent as co tained in the City Planner's report dated 20 February 1980
if no park land dedication ~s required in the subdivision.
Roll call was taken on the notion. Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Enright, Harvey, Geisness.
Nay: Rice
Enright stated her intent ndt to interfere with the jurisdiction of the Park and Recreation
Committee. Mr. Asmus stated development reviews were too fragmented..
80.33 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City Council to
reconsider their position ar~d require that some park land dedication be provided within the
89 acre Fox Run Plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Johnson, Enright, Harvey. Nays: Asmus, Rice.
Absent: Antolik
Mr. Asmus stated his no vo a was based upon; (1) Too many undeveloped parks in the City;
(2) Maintenance costs associated with small and numerous parks; and (3) The matter and
recommendation was the jurisdiction of the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Rice
expressed #hat these were t~e same reasons for his vote .
80.34 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded. by Geisness to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on tNe motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
i r
Marvin Geisness, Secretary
C ar es Jo nson, ai a ~