HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-80 ity of Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
' 6 March 1980
.The meeting was called o order at 7:30 p.m, by Chairman Johnson. Roll call was
taken.. Present: Antoli ;Johnson; Asmus; Rice; Harvey. Absent: Enright; Geisness
Also present: Sid Mille, City Building Official; LeRoy Nyhus, City Engineer; Roger
Knutson, City Attorney, David Licht, City Planner.
Chairman Johnson called for a review of the Planning Commission meeting minutes of
21 February. Mr. Rice Mated that he had received no informational packet.
80.35 Motion was made by As us, seconded by Antolik to approve the Planning Commission
meeting minutes of 21 F~bruary 1980.
Roll call was taken on t~e motion. A es: Unanimous
The Chairman opened thje public hearing on the application of Robert Peterson for a
conditional use, planned unit development, on Lot 1, Sanasha Knolls Second Addition,
located north of 176th ~treet and west of Ionia Avenue. lbr. Knutson attested to the
legality of the hearing. Mr. Peterson appeared before the Commission and explained
that the project and plat had been previously approved by the .City. Due to financing
difficulties with FHA, the seven unit building initially planned had to be divided and
two four-unit townhouses were now proposed . As a consequence of two principal
structures on one lot, a'';PUD conditional use permit was required. Mr. Licht advised
that due to technicalities, lot one's frontage was considered as 175th Streef. This
created a side yard problem on the south . Due to the integrated design of the project
plus flexibilities allowed by the PUD, this was not considered a problem. Mr. Peterson
advised that the same atchitecture would be utilized throughout the project.
80.36 Motion was made by As~nus, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on tlhe motion. Ayes; Unanimous
80.37 Motion was made by Ri~e, seconded by Asmus to recommend to the City Council approval
of the application of Rolbert Peterson for a conditional use, planned unit development
on Lot 1, Sanasha Knobs Second Addition, located north of 176th Street and west of
Ionia Avenue .
Roll call was taken on ~he motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman advised r. Peterson that the Council would consider his request .at their
meeting on 17 March.
ity of Lakeville, Minnesota
• (arming Commission Meeting
6 March 1980
The Chairman opened th~~e public hearing on the application of John Stupero fora con-
ditional use permit and ~rariance to build a new house on Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, -Block 17,
Lyndale Lakes Club Sec~nd Addition located on the south side of Orchard Lake. Mr.
Knutson attested to the publication of notice of hearing and-the legality of procedure.
Mr . Stewart Chart appeared on behal f of the applicant who was out of the state
Mr. Chart reviewed the proposed development plans with the Commission and presented
a written statement from the applicant indicating his willingness to comply with
recommendations of the ~ity Planner and City Engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bakken
appeared before the Co mission and questioned several aspects of the proposed development.
80.38 Motion was made by An olik, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Rofl call was taken on tl~e motion. Ayes: Unanimous
80.39 Motion was made by Ha vey, seconded by Antolik to recommend to the City Council
approval of the application by John Stupero for a conditional use permit and variance to
build a new house on Lois 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 17 of Lyndale Lake Club Second
Addition located on the south side of Orchard Lake subject to the conditions of the City
Engineer and City Plann is report dated 20 February 1980 and the conditions agreed to
by the applicant in the etter received by the Commission at this meeting.
Rall call was taken on t e motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson open d discussion on the final plat of the First Addition of Lake Villa
Golf Estates. Mr. Knu on explained to the Commission the reasoning for the change in
procedure from designat ng the balance of the project as outlots. Mr, and Mrs. Bakken
questioned staff on save al technicalities of the proposed development.
80.40 Motion was made by As us, seconded by Antolik to recommend to the City Council
approval of the final pl t of Lake Villa Golf Estates First Addition, located south of
172nd Street and west o Queen Ann Mobile Home Park subject to conditions suggested
by staff .
Roll Call was taken on t e motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Rice advised the C mmission he would be absent from meetings during April and
May 1980 due to a teac ing assignment out of state and questioned if there were objections.
The Commissioners were polled and no objections stated.
Mr. Licht advised the Commission of items to be considered at the 20 March Planning
Commission meeting.. HIe also distributed copies of the 6 March Park and Recreation
• Committee meeting and made note of action taken with regard to the Fox Run Plat.
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City of Lakeville, Minnesota
. ~ Planning Commission Meeting
6 March 1980
80.41 Motion was made by As}nus, seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken o~ the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson adjoy4rned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
arvi n Ge isness, Secretary
• ~
Char es Johnson, Cha an