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ity of Lakeville, Minnesota
Panning Commission Meeting
3 Apri 11980
The meeting was called to rder at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Johnson. Roll call was taken.
Present: Geisness; Antolik~Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey. Absent: Rice.
Also present:' Sid Miller, ~ity Building Official; LeRoy Nyhus, City Engineer; Roger
Knutson, City Attorney; Dcpvid Licht, City Planner.
The Chairman asked if them were comments or corrections to the Planning Commission
meeting minutes of 20 Mar~h 1980.
80.55 Motion was made by Geisn~ss, seconded by Antolik to approve the Planning Commission
meeting minutes of 20 Mar~h i 980.
Roll call was taken on the otion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Johnson opened he continued public hearing on the Lakeway Park PUD project.
Mr. Licht summarized com ents and questions raised at the 20 March public hearing as
outlined in his memorandurm to the Commission dated 27-March 1980. He also advised that
the questions raised previously, plus additional concerns voiced this evening would be
responded to in writing by the staff and/or applicant at the 17 April meeting at the
earliest. Mr. Courtney Oaks, 19200 Jewell Path stated his concern for the increased
traffic congestion and safeijy of children in the Lakeridge Addition. He also noted the
hazardous intersection of J~rdan Trail and Highway 50. Mr. Don Daniel, .19060 Jordan
Trail stated he and the resi ents of the area were opposed to the project and wanted
single family development maintained. He presented a petition of 82 signatures from
residents of the area documenting the opposition. The Chairman received the petition
and directed that it be enured into the record. Timothy Claire., 18788 Jordan Trail stated
that there was land presently zoned in the City for commercial and that no additional land
for such use was needed . lie also questioned whether this current proposal was the same
as prior development requests for the property. If so, why is the project back for con-
sideration. Mr. Claire alsp asked if Dakota Electric had the service capacity to accom-
modate the proposed development. Ms. Sue Renelt, 18801 Joplin Avenue, stated the
community does not want tlhe proposed development. A greater buffer between the single
family homes and apartments is needed. 'Property values of present owners wilt be decreased.
Mr. Geisness questioned whether .any of the existing homes fronted the. proposed duplexes,
fourplexgs tend apartments.' He questioned what .justification the developer had for the
proposed rezoning from sin~le family. , Mr. Carl Dale, planning consultant for the applicant,
summarized the rationale fir rezoning, cis'outlined on page 10 of his report dated February
1980: "Mr. Timothy Claire"stated that the justification based upon increased noise was
not valid. Ms. Anita Claire, 18788 Jordan Trail, stated that there was no market for the
proposed deve{opment. M .Jack Berger, 19217 Jewell Path questioned if apartments
would as a consequence of noise be developed along all of Highway 50. Mr. Timothy
• Claire stated truck traffic n the area. would be increased by the proposed project.
City of Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting f
3 April 1980.
Ms. Sue Renelt stated three .points: (1) The noise corridor was not a problem as existing
single family homes border Highway 50; (2) Traffic into and through Lakeridge would be
increased by the convenience commercial facilities; (3) Density should be phased and
where is the dividing line for commercial development. Mr. Mike Murphy, 18801 Jordan
Trail questioned if the present proposal was based upon the tight money market, He stated
that the development proposed should be further north. He questioned whether the sewer
routing through the property was laid out based upon the developer's. .plans and whether there
was a conspiracy between the staff and the applicant. IVIr. Nyhus stated the sewer plans
were drafted without knowledge. of Mr. Watschke's development plans. Mr. Courtney Oaks
questioned the overall .capacity of the City's sewer system citing existing problems at 175th
and Jerseyway. Mr. Nyhus stated the problem referenced was being addressed as were
other. portions of the sewer system. Mr. Dwight Weniger, 18772 Joplin Avenue stated
his house was adjacent to a proposed apartment' building which he objected to. More
buffering is required. Noise from sewer construction was a problem Fast summer as was
children's safety due to the depth of sewer construction. He stated he asked workmen on
the sewer site the purpose of the improvement and was informed that it was intended to
serve duplexes, multiples and commercial development.'` Mr-. Nyhus responded that eight
inch lines, the minimum size permitted by the City, was installed. Mr. Weniger continued •
that he would experience a loss in property value as a result of the proposed project. No
one in the area favors the project and there is no need for the proposed development,
Landscaping of the site will be required regardless of the type of development undertaken.
Apartments are not desirable as they are not cared for and traffic congestion. will be in-
creased. He stated he is also paying fora street light which has never been installed.
Mr. Knutson stated thaf many of the concerns cited could be controlled through a developers
agreement. Ms, Anita Claire stated her experience with rental property management and
concluded that apartments would be allowed to run down,` A decent buffer zone is required
ds well as an attempt for the finest development: Mr.-Greg`Grinols, 18773 Jordan Trail
stated he had experience as an apartment caretaker and that it takes a continual flow of
money to maintain rental property. Investors typically are not willing to maintain°the
necessary influx of money for such upkeep. 1Nr. Don Daniels stated he moved to Lakeville
to get away from apartments and Lakeville should maintain a country atmosphere. The
investment by the applicant should have no bearing on the project decision. Mr. Daniels
presented a second petition for a street light at Highway 50 and Jordan Trail. The Chairman
advised the audience that such matters were not the Commission's unsdictiori: Mr. Johnson
directed, however, that staff receive the petition and forward it ~n to the'tity Council.
Ms. Sue Renelt questioned the size of the sewer pipe #hrough the project and questioned the
difference between pope sizes in residential aril commercial dreas.''Mr. Nyh'us'ari~l~Mr.
Licht responded with a brief explanation. Mr. Geisness questioned the issue of a staff/
developer conspiracy and stated evidence of such a situation was-not apparent and a
..determination of such a problem would be difficult to determine. Possibly an audit or
s9rr~tlai,ng,is,necessary, ye stated, however, his concern that the location of activities •
and use be the main topic+ of concern. Mr. Harvey stated the problem of routing the
sewer line across Mr. Watschke's property was one of traversing the'site from the southwest
ity of Lakeville, Minnesota
• Planning Commission Meeting
3 Apr i 11980
to the northeast. The routi g was highly logical based upon site factors to be taken
into consideration. Mr. Ti othy Claire again questioned whether the sewer size was more
than was needed. Mr. Courtney Oaks questioned why commercial development was being
considered fihis far south along Highway 50. Mr. Watschke stated this plan was different
.from past proposals. Streetllayout had. been changed as well as initial concepts to develop
the area as light industrial ~lueto access existing with .the railroad and Highway 50. The
reason for bringing the proppsal to the City at this time was because of the sewer installation
and the assessments which npw would have to be carried by the property. Mr. Asmus expressed
his concern that the audience was assuming a conclusion on the project was already established
by the Commission. He stayed this,was not the case and the purpose of the hearing was to
gain citizen input. He staged furthermore that for the benefit of the audience as well as the
applicant that he wished to'~voice his position and concerns:. (1) There is currently too much
land zoned commercial in t~e community. If this land is rezoned, there should be a parallel
reducfion.in equivalent zonling; (2) The tract in question is too far from (-35 and will make
for spot, isolated commercial activity; (3) Better buffering is needed for the residential area to
the south, a more gradual i~nd use transition is.needed; (4) Noise is not a valid justification
for the zoning and development requested; (5) The City and local units of government supported
improvement of County Roagl 70 and this development would appear to compete with possible
development in that area ofl the City; (6) There is no total upgrading of T.H. 50 planned
which causes concern for ps~ssible increased traffic generated by the proposed develapment;
(7) There is a labor force sh'prtage in the community and there is a need. for multiple units
which could possibly be increased in the project area; (8) The property east of Highway 50
is zoned residential and thej proposed rezoning .may, jeopardize development of this area as
residential; and (9) Zoning as proposed. possibly constitutes spot zoning. Anita Claire
again appeared and questioned Mr. Watschke on .examples of his developments to which
Mr. Watschke responded.. ~VIr. Geisness questioned Mr. Watschke on the .history of the
property's ownership plus th'~e zoning on the property at the time of his purchase.. Mr.
Watschke responded as to_p~st ownership and Fortune Realty's purchase. He also stated sewer
availability prompted the development plan now proposed as well as following basic principles
of land use compatibility arhd development.
80.56 Motion was made by Enrigh~, seconded by Harvey that based upon the time already provided
and to give the staff and ap~plica~at sufficient time to formally respond to questions raised
that the,pu~lic hearing on l~akewq~C~lyark PUD be continued until the 17 April 1980 Planning
CommJSSion~meeting. ~ I~,
Roll calF was~1taken on1the ~otion:~~Ayesc Unanimous.
Citizens from the audience basked if they could obtain a copy of the applicants or staff's
response to questions raisedlprior to the next meeting. Mr. Licht advised that a report is
. typically available two to i~hree days in advance of the meeting and that they should contact
Mr. McGarvey's office for !information. Mr. Geisness questioned 'whether rezoning signs
had bCen placed on the property under conside~a~ion: 'Res'idents~advised that they had, but
the sign at 185th Street wad down as much as it was up.
City of Lakeville,. Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
3 Apri( 1980
Under other business, Mr. Harvey ques Toned the size of the freeway corridor zone which
appears to be increasing from. that initiaNy proposed on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Licht
stated that LakewayPark had requested this designation, but the staff had advised against such
consideration as the maximum extent of the district would be recommended for consideration
to the rbilroad right-of-way bordering on the west of the project. Furthermore, a conservative
approach would be taken on the zone, and expansion considered on individual cases based
upon criteria) establ fished' in the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Harvey also questioned whether a relocation of fire station No. 1 was being discussed
by the City Council and whether the Planning Commission would be given an opportunity to
comment on the matter. Mr. Knutson advised that the City Council would be considering
the matter at their 7 April meeting. He stated,. however, that it was uncertain as to the.
review procedure being followed.
.Mrs. Enright expressed her concern that procedures for handling. public hearings needed to
be tightened and more structured. While not attempting to limit public comment, limitations
on time, topics and discussion are needed. Mr. Harvey stated his opinion that the public.
should be given every opportunity to voice their opinion with. no restrictions. Mr. Asmus •
stated that the audience appeared to lose respect for the Commission in the hearing just
conducted. Mr. Geisness stated that rules have already been established and that the
Chairman needs to be more of a buffer between the audience and .the. Commission/staff.
Mr. Licht expressed concern of the staff.. being put on the spot to respond to detailed
questions without adequate time to respond and to be able to respond in detail with
adequate time to research aril assemble answers. Mrs. Enright suggested the formulation
of public hearing procedures and that the audience be so advised..
80.57 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion, Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Res ec ulty submitt d,
ATTEST: arvin Geisness, Secretary
Charles Johnson, Chairma