HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-80 i s Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 17 Apri l 1980 Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call was taken. Present: Geisness; Enright; Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Rice; Harvey. Absent: None Also Present: Sid Miller, City Building Official; LeRoy Nyhus, City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; C~avid Licht, City Planner. i Chairman Johnson called for a review of the minutes of the 3 April 1980 Planning Commission meeting. .80..58 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Antolik, to approve the Planning Commission meeting minutes of 3 ApriN 1980. Roll call was taken on the,l motion. .Ayes: Enright, Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Harvey; Geisness. Nays: Rice ' Mr. Rice explained his na~ vote was due to his absence from the meeting. • Chairman Johnson reopened the continued hearing on the application of Fortune Realty for a planned unit development known as Lakeway Park. Mr. Licht advised that the City staff had met with the applicant anal his consultant on 9 April to review concerns and issues raised at the public hearings. The applicant has taken these matters under advisement and is con- sidering possible modifications to original plans. Due to these possible changes insufficient time was available to prepare for this meeting. It is anticipated the applicant will be prepared for the Commission's 1 May meeting. 80.59 Motion was made by Asmu~, seconded by Rice to continue the public hearing on the Lakeway Park PUD application until 1 May 1980. Members of the audience uestioned when any possible action would be taken on the Fortune Realty application. The ~hairman advised that no action would be taken until 1 May at the earliest . Roll call: was taken on fihe~i motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The Chairman opened the ub is hearing on the application of Robert Jackson, Jr. to rezone a parcel of property from ~ 4 commercial to R-1C residential, and the platting of the parcel, and. a variance on lot wid#h for land located on the south side of 170th Street near Kenmore Drive. Mr. Knutson advised the Commission that public notice had been duly published. " Attorney Witliam Macklin) representing the applicant appeared before the Commission and i i Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission. Meeting 17 Apri l 1980 described the. request., Mr. Harvey voiced concern over the lot configuration and the possible creation of an inaccessible lot. Mr. Jackson stated he and his father had no intension todivide further property. Mr. Macklin stated that the applicant was willing to extend the proposed division eastward to the section line. The Commissioners concurred that such action would be advisable. Additionally, it would eliminate the need for a variance. Mr. Knutson stated that due to the change, the hearing would have to be republished. The applicant was instructed to contact Mr. McGarvey as soon as possible to expedite re- consideration. Chairman Johnson questioned if anyone in the audience wished to comment. ' No response was received. 80.60 Motion was made by Geisness, secondedby. Rice to table the consideration and continue the public hearing on Robert Jackson, Jr.'s reaoning and subdivision request until the applicant submitted plan changes. ~ .,,.t s Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Gerald M. Anderson for a conditional use permit to build a garage over 1,000 square feet in size and a variance for below grade, at 10268 199th Street West. Mr. Knutson stated the hearing had been published in compliance with legal requirements. Mr. Miller outlined the applicant's reques~ to the. Commission. Mr. Earl Larson, a neighbor also reviewed the plans and stated no objection.... Mr. Miller stated his only concern was the height of the proposed two story ..structure:. The applaca~t stated he would comply with Mr. Miller's suggestions. 80.61. Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing, Roll .Call was taken on the. motion: Ayes: ;Unanimous. 80.62 Motion was made by G`eisness, seconded by Antol ik to recommend approval of the application by Gerald M. Anderson for a conditional use permit to build a garage over 1,000 square feet in size and a below grade variance at 10268 199th Street. West subject to the stipulations that the structure not be used for commercial vehicle storage or a home occupation. Roll calf was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Mr. Anderson was advised to contact City offices to determine when the City Counci) will consider his application. 80.63 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Harvey, to acknowledge receipt of the City staff's reports on fire station No. 1 and police station/city hall .location studies. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. . 2 ~ s i Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 17 April 1980 Mr. Harvey stated he hadltwo concerns on the potential use of Aronson Park. First, he questioned developing sudh a facility next to a residential area. Second, he stated a concern over the use of pcprk land for other than recreational purposes. Mr. Asmus stated that the City has excessive land devoted to parks. Mrs. Enright stated she felt 'the City Holl should be kept in thel downtown area. 80.64 Mr. Harvey moved that thle Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that a new City Hall not be placjed adjacent to existing developed residential property. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Geisness ~questic~n~d ~f it would not'be more efficient to develop all three facilities on one site.`°~A'r. KnutSor advised that fa~c increment funds were being proposed to finance the relocated fire station end this would possibly restrict a combined facility. Mr. Geisness stated his acceptance of this situation. 80.65 Mr. Asmus moved and Mrs Rice seconded a motion expressing the Commission's confidence in the City Council°s determination of appropriate sites for the relocation of Fire Station No. 1 and anew Police Sltation/City Hall site. Roll call was taken on the' motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ` ~ - The Chairman opened disdussion on the Comprehensive Plan-Housing Plan. `The Commission discussed the plan briefly j Mr. Licht advised that the City Council would be requested to take action on the document at their first meeting in May. The Commission reviewed '',the staff reports on the Burnsville and Apple Valley Comprehensive Plans which had been refgrred to the City under the requirements of the Mandatory Land Planning Act. The Commissioners generally agreed that no problems were presented to the City of Lakeville by the plans. ' Mr. Licht distributed copies of the third draft of the proposed Lakeville Zoning Ordinance Revision. The Commissiorh established a special meeting to review the draft Zoning Ordinance on 29 April. at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Rice reminded the Commission he would be absent from meetings over the next #wo months 'as a cons~quenae~~f business commitments outside of the state. Mr. Geisness stated his c ~ ntinuing concern over a restaurant in the Lakeway Park PUD. He expressed the opinion hat such a facility would have little chance for success. Some- thing which -would develo~ more quickly and be financially sound should be considered. 3 I Y Lakevi I le, Minnesota P{arming Commission Meeting 17 April 1980 80.66 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Geisness, to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Marvin Geismess, Secretary ATTEST: Charles Johnson, h 'man 4