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Lakeville, Minnesota
~ Planning Commission Meeting
1 May 1980
Chairman Johnson called t~e meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Pres~nt: Geisness; Antolik; Johnson; Enright; Harvey. Absent:
Asmus; Rice.
Also present: Sid Miller,City Building Official; David Licht, City Planner
Chairman Johnson called for a review of the Planning Commission minutes of 17 April. 1980.
Mr. Geisness stated that wished his statement on page 3 with regard to the proposed
restaurant in Lakeway Par PUD clarified. He stated that he questioned the viability of a
"Class A" restaurant, not ~ general family type restaurant.
80.68 Motion was made by Antol,~ik, seconded by Enright to approve the Planning Commission
meeting minutes of 17 Apr~l 1980 as corrected.
Roll call was taken on the', motion. Ayes: Antolik; Johnson; Enright; Geisness. Abstain:
Harvey .
Mr . Harvey stated he abstpi ned due to having an incomplete set of minutes .
Chairman Johnson reopened the continued public hearing on the Lakeway Park PUD application.
Mr. Licht advised the Commission that he had met with Mr. Watschke on 29 April and that
the applicant, as well as staff were still working on plan revisions. The applicant has as a
consequence requested a dontinuing of the hearing until 5 June 1980.
80.69 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Antolik to continue the public hearing on the
Lakeway Park PUD application until 5 June 1980.
Roll call was taken on theli motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr . Chuck Plows of Suburban Engineering, representing Northland Mortgage, appeared before
the Commission and informed them of changes in the preliminary plat. In total, five cul-
de-sacs have been removed from the plan. The basis of these changes have been slope and
grading problems, plus resjtrictions caused by the flood plain. The result of these changes
are .that now 4b doubles and 87 singles (179 units) are planned as compared to 43 doubles
and 94 singles (180 units) lin the original plat. It was the general consensus that the plat
revisions were an improvement.. Mr. Plows advised that the final plat would be ready in
approximately one month .l
Chairman Johnson opened,~continued discussion of the third draft of the revised zoning
ordinance. Comments made on the .text were:
i . Page 30, Section 7'4 (8) (h). Mr. Miller lstated some provision should be made for
driveways on cul-d -sacs.
Lakeville, Minnesota
I~ Planning Commission Meeting
• 1-May 1980
2. Page 32, Section .4 (8) (m). The Commission questioned why only white
striping was being roposed for parking lots.
3. Page 33, Section 7 8 (3). Mr. Geisness requested this section and terminology
be clarified.
4. Page 38, Section 1~.1 (2) through (5). Mr. Harvey questioned the necessity of
having this materia~ indicating it was "God and Motherhood". Mr. Licht advised
that the City Attorney was reviewing the entire airport zoning section based upon
decisions in recent Maw suits. The section will as a consequence like)y be totally
revised .
5. Page 42, Section 1$.4 (S). Mr. Geisness questioned the advisability of including
the term "health" in this provision and asked that the section be reviewed with the
Attorney and Engineer.
6. Page 44, Section l~. Mr. Miller advised that some additional provisions should be
added governing pi~eons. He stated that while this concern may appear furry, he
• has recently encountered three specific problems regarding the keeping of pigeons
and anticipated movie. Mr. Licht stated Mr. Knutson would be consulted on the
matter .
7. Section 42. Mr. Licht indicated that the City Attorney had requested a separate
section for amerxlments and conditional use permits due to the legally recognized
difference between the two items.
Section 42.1 (13) a Section 43.2 (11). Mr. Licht stated an important policy
consideration was i volved in these two provisions. A 4/5's (2/3's) vote by the
City Council is onl legally required for amendments. The larger majority vote
was, however, reca~mmended .
9. Section 44. Mr. Miller stated there should possibly be reference to the State
Building Code.
The Commission decided t~ establish special meetings beginning at 7:00 p.m. on 14, 22
and 29 May to review the balance of the Zoning Ordinance revision. A target date of 12
June was established for t~e public hearing on the ordinance text and map.
Mr. Licht advised that th~ 15 May agenda items included the Jackson subdivision request,
the Layeux application, and a sign variance request by Lakeville State Bank. .Continued
discussion on the Zoning ~?rdinance could also take place if tirr~ is available.
Lakeville, Minnesota
• ;Planning Commission Meeting
1 May 19~
Mr. Geisness stated he feMt the City Council liaison should be in attendance at
Commission meetings wherh critical public hearings such as Lakeway Park PUD are
being considered so that the Council can be advised of public comments and factors
considered by the Commission in their recommendation.
80.70 Motion was made by AntoNik, seconded by Harvey to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on ~he motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The meeting was adjournekl at 9:45 p.m. by the Chairman.
Respectfully submitted,
ruin Geisness, Secretary
Charles Johnso ,Chair