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'Lakeville, Minnesota
Plaanning Commission Meeting Minutes
14 May 1980
Chairman Johnson called }he special meeting of the Planning Commission to order at
7:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken: Present: Geisness; Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey. Absent:
Antolik; Rice.
Also Present: David Lichil, City Planner.
Chairman Johnson reopened discussion of the proposed zoning ordinance text and map
revision. Mr. Harvey questioned Mr. Licht on Roger Knutson's letter dated 9 May 1980
with regard to airport zoning regulations. Mr. Licht advised it was his understanding that
a special zoning board which would include a representative from the City of Lakeville
would be created and would have responsibility for airport area zoning requirements.
Mr. Asmus stated that his (,position was the Lakeville representative should be from the
Planning Commission membership and an actively interested individual . Mr. Asmus cited
the need for involvement and communication between the City's planning body and the
airport zoning group. He also noted the difficulty of getting people involved in local
• affairs. Mr. Geisness sta ed he felt the Commission was being too restrictive in its position
that an objective view fr m the City-wide perspective was needed .
80.71 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City Council that
the City of Lakeville's appointment to the joint zoning board be a member of the City
Planning Commission and fan individual highly interested in the airport.. The candidate
suggested for the position (from the current membership is Mr. Harvey.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey. Nays:
Geisness .
Mr. Geisness related his belief that the Commission's recommendation was too restrictive.
Mr. Licht noted that the staff has been investigating limitation of pole barn and metal
building structures in the hon-farming areas of the City. A City of Bloomington ordinance
restricting such structures was discussed. It was generally agreed by the Commission that
such building provisions v~ould be advisable for Lakeville and should 6e included in the.
zoning ordinance.
Mr. Licht stated that he fad been in contact with Jim Robinette and that an individual
from the Natural Resources Committee would be appointed to review. the proposed zoning
ordinance. The three wilN meet and discuss the regulations and concerns which might exist
from an environmental po~nt of view.. Additionally, a presentation to the Natural Resources
Committee on the draft z ,Wing ordinance is anticipated on 2 June.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
14 May 1980
The Commission was questioned by Mr. Licht as to their opinion on making contact. with
freeway property owners to advise them of the proposed "Interstate Corridor District"
provisions. This had been a commitment made by the Commission to these owners during
the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan-Policy Plan/Development Framework.. The
consensus of the Commission was to advise these property owners in writing of .the
regulations under consideration and to invite these persons to the special Planning
Commission meeting on 29 May at 7:00 p.m, to express what concerns or raise issues
which they may have.
The City Planner advised the Commission that Mr. Knutson had recommended that the
revised sign ordinance be adopted by the City in conjunction with the revised zoning
ordinance and map. The rationale for his position was that the sign ordinance is now
part of the zoning ordinance and if they were not addressed simultaneously the City would
be without sign controls.
The Commission continued its review of the revised. zoning ordinance (third. draft}beginning
with page 46 and addressing the specific zoning district categories. General attention
was directed to each district with a description of its purpose and relationship to the
existing ordinance. Detailed attention was given to:
1 . A proposed addition to the draft revision to include. a single family zone. permitting
development at a 7,500 square foot lot size.. This would parallel the existing R-1D
2. Provision of elderly (senior citizen) housing were agreed to as in being of need
of improvement.
3. Apartment densi y bonus was discussed and generally accepted as written.
4. Typing corrections were suggested for Section 26.5 (1) (c).
80.72 Mr. Geisness moved and Mrs. Enright seconded a motion to conclude discussion of .the
revised zoning ordinance for the evening with page 64 qnd to adjourn the meeting..
Voice vote was taken on the motion: Ayes:. Unanimous.
Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Re ully submitted
Marvin Geisness,. Secretary
Charles Jo nson, hairman