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. j Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
22 May 1980
The. meeting was called to~ order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Johnson.
Roll call of members was i~aken: Present: Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey..
Absent: Rice; Geisness _ ~ ~ '
Also present: Betty Sindty Council Liaison; David Licht, City Planner
Chairman Johnson reopened discussion on the proposed revision to the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Licht reviewed the proposed Interstate Corridor District zone and the means whereby
it would be implemented ~nd controlled. With regard to Mr. Licht's memo on the corridor,
it was suggested by the C~pmmission that the criteria to be entered into the Comprehensive
Plan be clarified. Specifically, items a and c ofthe criteria should be combined.. Re-
garding the fourth draft o$ the district regulations, section 36.7 (1) (k) architectural
.standards were questioned] from a legally acceptable basis. Section 36.9 (2) was also
questioned on he same basis. Mr. Licht indicated these concerns would be raised
with Mr. Knutson. The Caommission further discussed various aspects of the district
and ordinance applicatiorj and concluded the balance of discussion should await potential
input from freeway area property owners at the meeting scheduled for 29 May.
Chairman Johnson. distribyted co ies of the wetlands area inventor .received from the
P y
Natural Resources Commitltee and Jim Robinette.
Mr..Glenn Nord was Ares nt and asked 'if a copy of the proposed zoning ordinance revision
was available' for his revi w. The Chairman advised Mr. Nord to contact the City
Administrator. Mr. Licht stated he would provide Mr. Nord with additional background
information by mail
Mr. Asmus advised the Commission that he would be on vacation at the next regular
meeting scheduled for 5 J~ne.
80.83 Motion was made by Asm~ls, seconded by Antolik to adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Chairman Johnson adjourr+ed the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respe ully submi d,
Patrick Harvey, Vice airman
Charles Johnson, C irm n