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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
29 May 1980
Chairman Johnson called the special meeting of the Planning .Commission to order at
7:05 p . m . I
Roll call was taken. Pre~ent: Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey. Absent; Rice; Geisness;
Antol ik .
Also present: Patrick Mc~arvey, City Administrator; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;
David Licht, City Plannel-.
Mr. Geisness arrived at the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Chairman Johnson indicai~ed that the purpose of the .meeting- was to continuediscussion of
the proposed Zoning Ordinance revision and specifically, the "Interstate Corridor District".
Freeway area property o Hers who had expressed written interest in the Comprehensive Plan
and the proposed zoning~f the area had been provided background information and asked
to attend this meeting to discuss any concerns which they might have. Those people attend-
ing the discussion were: Vv1r. J Byron Watschke, representing Fortune Realty; Mr. Bill
Cosgriff, representing Or hard Meadows Partnership; Mr. Jim Shiely, representing a
• Limited Partnership in wh ch he is a participant; and Mr.:1oe Ryan, representing St. Paul
Land Resources. Chairm n Johnson turned the meeting over to the staff. Mr. Licht gave
a brief background on #h Interstate Corridor District concept and distributed a map indicating
the proposed coverage of the freeway overlay zone , Mr. Knutson advised that the staff was
recommending a procedur I change for those uses other than allowed in the. "base" district.
It is now suggested that t ese uses be processed as a conditional use permit. ,From a legal
standpoint, the courts area more familiar with this concept. Secondly, in granting approval
a document would be formulated, outlining for the benefit of the property owner as well
as the City, the terms anal conditions of permitted development. A public hearing. would still
be required. as now proposed. Mr. Jim Shiely questioned why property within one-quarter
mile of the freeway and with a "base" zoning of single family or below the proposed R-7
designation was not proposed to be included in the "Interstate Corridor District" classification.
Mr. Licht explained that'',it was staff's recommendation to attempt a direct transition from
the existing zoning map tp the proposed zoning map with minimal change in uses br intensity
of activity allowed on property. Giving the single family zoned property in the freeway area
the "Interstate Corridor District" designation would greatly intensify the activities which
could be allowed on such) land. Should any property owner desire such an increase in use
potential, the standard rezoning process should be followed. Mr. Shiely stated his objection
to this position on the bads of land adjacent to the freeway was unique aril not well suited
far single family residentjal development. He stated that it was his opinion that all the
property within one-quarter mile of the freeway should have the Interstate Corridor District
applied. Upon questioni~hg by the Commission, Mr. Shiely stated that he and his partners
have held their 52 acres for seven years and have no present plans for development.. Mr.
Watsclike stated that he vNas favorable to the proposed regulations. Those persons present
29 May 1980
were advised that the conditional use procedure would be added to the district and the
modified regulations again mailed for their review. They were also advised that the
formal public hearing on the ordinance was scheduled for 12 June 1980 at the Lakeville
senior high. school .
80.84 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Harvey to adjourn the meetiru;.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
M rvin Geisness, ecreta
Charles Johnson, i n •