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Lakeville, Minnesota
'i i Planning Commission Meeting
12 June 1980
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll call of members wa$ taken: Present:. Geisness; Johnson; Enright; Harvey. Absent:
Rice; Antolik; Asmus.
Also Present: Sid Mille-, City Building Official; Roger Knutson and Tom Scott, City
Attorneys; David Licht, I City Planner .
The Chairman opened tWe public hearing on the fourth darft of the proposed Lakeville
Zoning Ordinance revis~on and on the proposed zoning map revision. Mr. Knutson attested
to the validity of the hearing and proper notification. Mr. Licht advised that two letters
had been received, one' from William Gosgriff and one from James Shiely, concerning the
application of the "ICD" District to single family zoned property within one-quarter mile
of the center line of Interstate 35. Both gentlemen were present in the audience. Mr. Licht
stated that it was his recommendation to apply the district as had been requested by the
property owners. It wa~ his opinion that sufficient protection was provided the City through
the performance standards imposed as part of the conditional use process. Mr. Darrel
Gonya and Mr. Byron VWatschke were also present and questioned the transition of uses
• from the existing ordinance to the proposed ordinance. Mr. Licht explained that the
intent was to be a direc~ translation of uses. What is basically allowed on a given property
today is intended to be {~Ilowed under the new ordinance. Performance standards and
general provisions have ,been changed, but basically the new ordinance is a recodification
of Ordinance 42 and its~~amendments. Mr. R. Glenn Nord questioned the R-7 zoning to the
north of 205th and east pf Holyoke. Mr. Licht stated that the existing zoning map classifies
this area as R-3C. Mr.'s Nord questioned when this property was rezoned. It was his under-
standing that the land wlas limited to single family residential. The Commission and staff
were unable to provide fan answer, but indicated the matter would be checked. Mr. Geisness
questioned item N on purge 68, indicating hooding should be required for parking lot lighting.
Mr. Geisness also questioned the mobile home section on page 80. He and Mr. Nord asked
whether mobile homes, hot located within mobile home parks, were to be removed by a
specified date. Mr. Light stated the ordinance as now drafted grandfathered in such uses
with no time lmitationsl,. Mr. Nord stated that the existing ordinance provided for a
removal date and this should be continued in the new ordinance. Mr. Geisness questioned
the fencing section and the limitations on front yard fencing. Wall type fences are
prohibited. Mr. Licht Mated this was a consideration of public safety, but some cities
do allow walls and solid fences in front yards. Permitting such construction in Lakeville
would change development character of the community.
80.100 Motion was made by Hal~rvey, seconded by Enright, to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on t~e motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
12 June 1980
80.101 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Harvey, to continue discussion of the zoning
ordinance map and text revision to the Commission's regular meeting on 19 June 1980.
Roll calla was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Mr. Nord requested and was provided a notebook copy of the ordinance and proposed
district map.
80.102. Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Enright to adjourn the meeting.
.Voice vote was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. by Chairman Johnson
Respectfully Submitted,
M rvin P. Geisness, Secretary
Char es Jo nson, C a ,r an