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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
19 June 1980
Chairman Johnson call~~ed the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll call of members wlas taker: Present: Geisness, Johnson, Asmus, Rice, Enright.
Absent; Antol i k, Haney .
Also present: Sid Miller, Building Official; Roger Knutson, Attorney; David Licht,
Planner. I
The Chairman called f~r a review of the Planning Commission meeting minutes of
5 June 1980. ~
80.103 Motion was made by t~eisness, seconded by Enright to approve the Planning Commission
meeting minutes of 5 Jlune 1980.
Roll call was taken only thV motion: Ayes: Geisness, Johnson, Enright.. Abstain:
Asmus, Rice .
A review of the minut~s from the 12 June 1980 Special Planning Commission meeting
was requested by the ~hairman.
$0.104 Motion was made by E~right, seconded by Geisness to approve the Special Planning
Commission meeting minutes of 12 June 1980.
Roll call was taken'on the motion: Ayes: Johnson, Enright, Geisness. Abstain:
Asrr~us, Rice.
The ~hairman reop~ne~! discussion of the fourth draft of the Zoning Ordinance and
revised zoning district map. Mr. Licht advised that Mr. McGarvey's office had checked
the rezoning of the R-}3C property north of 205th and east of Holyoke which Mr. Nord
had questioned. It'wds determined that the land was rezoned in 1974. Mr. Nord
stated he questioned tl~e reduction in square feet in the R-5 .zoning district. Mr.
Licht explained tha',t this was only for the benefit of single and two family development.
Townhouse and quadra~ninium area per unit standards in this and aFl districts have been
increased. Mr. Nord iistated that he was concerned with the zoning of Lots 6-11, .Block
14 of the Hollins Addi ion in the old village area. He preferred to see this rezoned
to a lower use intensifi~i. The Commission advised Mr. Nord that changes in use designation
of property was not'be~ng considered at this time, if he wished this property rezoned,
an appropriate appl,icgtion should be filed with Mr. McGarvey's office. Mr. Chuck
Swaber of Rosevi l le'~, wcps present and stated he represented the owners of the tract. of
land .located north pf 02nd Street and~east of Dodd which is :presently zoned B-5.
He stated the owner's Abjection if there was any change in the use designation of this
property. Mr. Licht explained the present B-4 and B-5 Districts had been combined
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning Commission Meeting
19 June 1980 •
into the B-4 classification. The reasoning for this is that the present B-5 District is
designated for shopping centers which also require a conditional use planned unit
development permit. The sdme requirement. is proposed in the new B-4 designation.
Mr. Steve Grohoski stated he ~ad reviewed the proposed ordinance and ,found no
problem with it. Mr. Miller highlighted the lapse of conditional use permits and
variances if not exercised within one year of approval . Mr. Asmus questioned the
impact of this provision on past conditional use permits and variances. Mr. Knutson
stated he was uncertain if the new provision would apply. Mr. Asmus suggested the
possibility of notifying past applicants of the new provision. Mr. Licht advised that
such action would be taken. Mr. Geisness questioned how parcels which have
questionable zoning presently will be addressed. Mr. Licht stated a list of parcels
could be formulated and the Commission could review the appropriate designation.
If a change is desired, the Commission has the authority to initiate rezoning action.
Mr. Geisness also questioned what changes would yet be made to the zoning ordinance
text. Mr. Licht advised that technical, typing corrections were yet required and
would be addressed by staff next week. He also stated that should the Commission
wish to pursue solid front yard fencing as had been discussed at the 12 June public
hearing,, that it was recommended as a conditional use permit as it would possibly
have applicability in some parts of the City, but not in others. After some discussion,
the Commission concluded not to pursue this provision in the ordinance at this time.
Mr. Geisness requested. a clarification of the ICD District application. Mr. Licht
reiterated that it was staff's recommendation to apply it to all property within one-
quarter mile of the center line of I-35.
80.105 Motion was made by Asmus, secorxled by Rice to recommend to the City Council
adoption of the fourth draft of the Lakeville zoning ordinance revision with
technical, typing corrections to be made by staff, and the adoption othe proposed
Lakeville zoning ordinance map revisions as recommended by staff.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
80.106 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Asmus to direct the staff to formulate a-list
of parcels within the City which should be considered for a change in zoning designation.
The. list is to be submitted within three months and prioritized.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Sieve Grohoski in the audience. Mr. Grohoski advised
the Commission that the City Council had over-turned their recommendation for denial
and had approved the Lakeview Heights preliminary plat. He stated his appreciation to
the Commission for their consideration of points which he raised at the public hearing.
He stated, however, that because of the Council's action he was investigating legal
action on the matter.
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Planning .Commission Meeting
19 June 1980
Mr. Johnson opened c~~iscussion of the review of the Farmington Comprehensive. Plan
which had been referred to the~City incompliance with the Metropolitan Land
Planning Act.
80.107. Motion was made by A~smus, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City Council
that the City Planner' and Ci y Engineer's reports on the Farmington Comprehensive
Plan be forwarded to }he City of Farmington .
Rol) call was taken orb the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
The Chairman opened discussion of future meeting agendas, making note that the
3 Julymeeting is can elled.
80.108 Motion was made by ~eisness, seconded by Enright to hold a special meeting on
10 July for considera ion of the sign ordinance revision.
Rojl call. was taken orh the motion: Ayes; Geisness, Enright. Nayes: Johnson., Asmus,
• Rice. ~
80.109 Motion was made b I sinus seconded b Rice to ad'ourn the meetin .
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RoI) call was taken orb the motion: Ayes: Unanimous'.
Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
M vin P. Geisness, Secretary
nrles Johnson, irm