HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-80 Lakeville, Minnesota Planning Commission Meeting 17 July 1980 Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call of memberships was taken: Present: Rice; Geisness; Antolik; Johnson; Asmus; Enright; Harvey'. i Also Present: Sid Mill~r, City Building Official; Frank Kriz, .City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; and David Licht, City Planner. The Chairman asked forj review of the 19 June 1980 Planning Commission meeting minutes. 80.110 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Rice, to approve the Planning Commission meeting minutes of 19 ~une 1980. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Rice; Geisness; Johnson; Asmus; Enright. Abstain: Antol ik; Harvey. The Chairman opened the public hearing on the application of Joseph S. Emond for a i conditional use permit to build a garage over 1,000 square feet at 20520 Hughes Avenue West. Mr. Knutson testified that the hearing had been properly advertised. Mr. Miller reviewed thle plans for the Commission and indicated the proposed con- struction presented no problems. He additionally noted that the accessory building total exceeded the 1,0}0 square foot requirement by only approximately 112 square feet. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittier who reside at 205th and Hughes appeared before the Commission and stated that they felt the garage addition would create an adverse condition for their property due to the blockage of view. Mr. Miller and Dr. Emond reviewed the site plan For the Commission and indicated there was no other acceptable location alternative. 80.111 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on Ithe motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 80.112 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Harvey to recommend to the City Council the approval of the application of Joseph S. Emond for a conditional use permit to build a garage with ac' essory use facilities exceeding 1,000 square feet at 20520 Hughes Avenue West contingent upon no home occupations being conducted in the accessory use facilities and that the existing hedge along the property border be retained. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Asmus; Enright; Harvey; Geisness; Antolik; Johnson. Nays: Rice Mr. Rice stated he dic~ not believe the requirement for retaining the hedge should be imposed . ~I ~I II • Lakeville, Minnesota ',Planning Commission Meeting 17 July 1980 ~I Due to the uncertainty as to when the request was to be considered by the City Council, the applicant and audience were advised to contact Mr. Miller or Mr. McGarvey for the date of the meeting'. Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Gerald Isvik for a side lot setback variance to construct a side screened-in porch at 8295 172nd Street West . Mr . Knutson attested to the validity of the hearing . Mr . Mi I ler presented the request to the Commission. Mr. Licht indicated the variance was a result of a City easement for park land'ocated to the side of the property. The park land is a low wet area which is unusable and as a consequence the variance is recommended for approval . i 80.113 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Asmus to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on i~he motion: Ayes: Unanimous 80.114 Motion was made by Asl~nus, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City Council approval of the appl icakion of Gerald Isvik for a side lot setback variance to construct • aside screened-in pore at 8295 172nd Street West based upon the finding that the need for a variance is created by an unusable piece of public property. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous The Chairman opened tl~e public hearing on the application of Nationwide Realty for a shoreland conditional use permit to build two new single family houses at 19830 and 19840 Jersey Avenue West. A~Iso for an administrative subdivision of lots 5 and 6, Block 21, Antlers Park Addition. Mr. Knutson stated that the hearing notice had been property printed and property o Hers within 350 feet had been notified. Mr. Miller presented a summary of the request The applicant indicated that the property had been originally platted in 1942 or 1943. Mr. Harvey questioned whether the replat presented any problems. Mr. Licht st ted that both lots in question presently meet the 70 percent requirement. The change being proposed simply brough#"the lot frontages into greater compliance with ordina'~ce requirements. Mr. Knutson stated no poor precedent was being created and that ~e felt no problem was being generated. 80.115 Motion was made by Aslmus, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on ~he motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 80.116 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Harvey to recommend to the City Council the approval of the applicaltion of Nationwide Realty for a shoreland conditional use permit to build two new singlet family houses at 19830 and 19840 Jersey Avenue West. Also for an administrative su'~division of lots 5 and 6, Block 21, Antlers Park Addition. Roll call was taken on he motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 2 a 'I Lakeville Minne t so a Planning Commission Meeting 17 July 1980 The applicant was advised to check with Mr. Miller as to when the City Council would consider the request. The Chairman opened tie public hearing on the application of Paul J . Krause and .Mick Tingelhoff for a conditipnal use permit to expand agasoline-diesel fuel station and for a preliminary plat of this property of approximately six to seven acres including the present Power Center facility. Mr. Licht advised that plan changes were being pursued by the applicants and thhat the hearing should be continued until the next Planning Commission meeting. l~ls. Walsh,. 10808 175th Avenue questioned what was being proposed and what impgct the project would have on her residence, which is in the area of the Power Center. She was advised by the Commission and staff as to the zoning in the area and the pro~ect which was being considered. 80.117 Motion was made by As~nus, seconded by Harvey to continue the public hearing on the application of Paul J. ~:rause and Mick Tingelhoff for a conditional use permit to expand agasoline-diesel fuel station and for a preliminary plat of the property of approximately six to seVren acres including the present Power Center facility until the 7 August 1980 Planning Commission meeting. • Roll call was taken on 'he motion: Ayes: Unanimous. Chairman Johnson openeed the continued public hearing on the application of Robert J .Layeux for a conditional use permit and variance in rear yard, setback to build a new house on lots 2, 3, 4, 23 and 24, Brock 8 of Lyndale Lakes Club Second Addition. The staff advised the Commission that Mr. Layeux had been advised of fihe hearing date and that no response to correcting the house location problem had been received from. the applicant . 80.118 Motion was made by As~nus, seconded by Harvey to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on i~he motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 80.119 Motion was made by Ride, seconded by Geisness to recommend to the City Council the denial of the application of Robert J . Layeux for a conditional use permit and variance in rear yard setback to buijld a new house on lots 2, 3, 4, 23 and 24, Block 8 of Lyndale Lakes Club Second Add~tion based upon the applicant's failure to correct the house and access problems or respond further. Roll call was taken on ilhe motion: Ayes: Geisness, Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright, Rice. Nays: Harvey. Mr . Harvey stated that the felt Mr . Layeux. d id not understand the process or the re- quirements being impos~d. 3 a Lakeville, Minnesota ~ Planning Commission Meeting 17 July 1980 The Chairman opened t{~e discussion of the review of the City of Rosemount's Compre- hensive Plan which had been referred to the. City of Lakeville as part of the requirements of the Metropolitan Lard Planning Act. 80.120 Motion was made by As' us, seconded. by Enright to forward the Engineer's and Planner's evaluations to the City~Council and recommend that they be communicated to the City of Rosemount . Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 80.121 Motion was made by G~isness, seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken o~ the motion: Ayes: Unanimous. Chairman Johnson adjoWrned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. • Respectfully submitted, arvin P. Geisness, Secretary ATTEST: ~ I Charles Johnson, Chai n I ~ 4