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City of Lakeville
• M arming Commission Meeting
7 August 1980
The meeting was calle~ to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Charles Johnson.
Roll.. call was taken: Present: John Antolik, Charles Johnson, John Asmus,
Nancy Enright, Ma rvin~~Geisness. Absent: Patrick Harvey
Also present: Roger lnutson, City Attorney; Frank Kriz, City Engineer;
David Licht, City Pla ner; Sid Miller, City Building Inspector; Aian
Brixius, Northwest As occated Consultants.
Review of minutes frol the Planning Commission meeting on July~l7, 1980
was conducted. It wa~ directed by Johnson to delete the word poor from
page 2, paragraph 7, ~ast sentence.
80.122 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Antolik to approve the July 17,
1980 corrected Planning Commission minutes.
Roll ca71 was taken o}~ the motion: Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright,
Geisness. '
The Chairman opened the public hearing on the application for Jerry Everson
and Thomas Ames for a!preliminary plat known as Lakeview Heights located
on the south. side of 1185th Street and approximately one-half mile east of
• Highway 50. The matter is back before the Planning Commission because the
first public hearing Was not properly advertised.
Mr. Knutson stated th~t the public hearing was properly advertised.
Mr. Asmus stated that'he would like to view the property in question. Geisness
stated he would like Ito take action on the plat to avoid obstruction charges.
Chairman Johnson aske'Id for comments from the audience.
Steve Grohoski (Lakevl,~ille) noted that the plat has problems with storm water
drainage, the telephpne cable easement and suggested that the proposed lot
sizes are not compatible with the larger lots that are adjacent to the plat.
He suggested the develloper consider the alternatives addressed in the planner's
Dave Lawrenson (Lakeville) stated that the engineer's report dated June 2,
1980 recommended apprloval, the proposed lots meet City codes, and the
price of the lots of 1,$15,000 to $20,000 per lot were needed in Lakeville.
Mr. Lawrenson also noted that the plat's density would be compatible
transition for the Fortune Realty multiple family development 1/8 mile
west of the plat. He suggested the Planning Commission approve the plat.
Mr. Asmus asked about the zoning in the area and the classification of 185th
Street. David Licht ,responded stating that the plat was. zoned R-2 and
185th Street was classified as a minor arterial.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
7 August 1980
Steve Grohoski {Lakeville) noted that a pedestrian easement should be re-
quired through the plat. Mr. Everson suggested converting a drainage
easement through the plat for pedestrian use. Mr. Licht noted that the
conversion of the drainage. easement would result in policing problems,
he also referenced the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance which says "The
City may require a pedestrian easement" emphasizing the word "may".
Ron Draper (185th Street, Lakeville). raised some concerns over soil erosion
during construction, and the impact the density would have on the larger lots
in the surrounding areas.
Mr. Geisness noted the alternatives established in the planner's report as
perhaps being more compatible. Mr. Everson responded saying they would
result in a financial hardship on his part because the alternatives required
more grading and utilities, while resulting in fewer lots.
The Commission c~aestioned how the developer.. proposes to deal t~~ith the
telephone cable. Mr. Everson stated it should be left to the developer:
and Telephone Company. David Licht informed Mr. Everson that the recom-
mendation suggesting a concrete conduit around the cable as addressed in
the planner's report came from the Telephone Company.
Ray Anderson (185th Street, Lakeville) agreed with P1r. Everson. regarding the •
storm water drainage. Mr. Anderson would prefer a row of back yards abutting
his property as opposed to a street. His final comment was that Lakeville
needs quality, affordable homes.
80.123 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to table the project until.
the next meeting. to permit the Commission to review the property on
August 11th at 7 p.m.
Mr. Knutson questioned if Mr. Everson agreed with the extension and also
if it was acceptable for the Commission to walk over the site. Mr. Everson
stated that he wanted to move the project along, but the extension was
acceptable. He also stated that the Commission was welcome to visit the
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes:. Asmus, Enright, Geisness,
Antolik, Johnson. _The item was rescheduled for August 21, 1980.
The Chairman opened the public hearing on the application of Paul Krause
and Mick Tingelhoff for the platting of a parcel of property and a
conditional use permit for the enlargement of the_Power Center building
and installation of diesel fuel pumps, and fora conditional use permit for
the Country Kitchen and Power Center for joint use of the property and
certain facilities.
Mr. Knutson stated that the public hearing was properly advertised. •
r ,
City of Lakeville
planning Commission Meeting
. ' 7 August 1980
Mr. Paul Krause and M~. Mick Tinglehoff appeared before the Commission and
indicated that they aY~e requesting to install diesel fuel .pumps, stating
that~it is not to be ~ truck stop. They also are requesting platting of
Lot No. 1 as shown on~the preliminary plat. The remodeling that is proposed
includes keeping the xisting pumps, adding diesel pumps on the east side
of the building. Thef;e have been approved by the State Fire Marshall.
Mr. Asmus asked if they planned on keeping the existing overhang. Mr. Krause
responded that they wire planning on remodeling the building in the style
that is compatible witth the surrounding businesses and though they wouldn't
utilize the existing pverhang, a new overhang would be constructed.
Mr. Krause stated that the meeting with the engineer and planner was
beneficial and that the engineer's plan was .acceptable to him. Mr. Krause
has an agreement with', Country Kitchen for joint use of parking and driveway
area. The driveways ire to be left as they currently exist.
Mr. Frank Magadance, epresenting a Mrs. Walsh, stated that he had no
objection to the prof ct, stating that improvement of the site would not
harm the property vallues in the area.
80.124 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness to close the public hearing.
i Roll call was taken oh the motion: Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright,
80.125 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Asmus to approve the preliminary plat
and both conditional ~ses contingent on the applicant meeting the recom-
mendations listed in he planner's and engineer's reports.
Roll call was taken o~ the motion: Ayes: Asmus, Enright, Geisness,.
Antolik, Johnson.
The applicants were advised that the proposal will be in front of the
City Council on 18 Au~ust 1980.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Mike
Gannon for a conditional use permit to expand the Old Station Restaurant
at 8745 210th Street Jest.
Mr. L icht advised thatt the applicant's request requires a rezoning, as well
as a conditional use ~ermit. The applicant has since filed fora rezoning and the
matter will be considered at the next meeting.
Chairman Johnson aske~ for comments from the audience.
Dorothy Gannon (Lakevhlle) complained that the fence on the northern
property line of the applicant's lot does not effectively serve its purpose.
She complained that tie fence does not permit privacy or buffer the noise
and is unattractive. The fence has open barbs on the top of the fence and
she questions whether'~Mr. Gannon may come on her property to do fence
maintenance. She staffed the existing fence does obstruct air space and
is poorly constructedl,and she was happier with the red cedar fence that
previously existed. ~lrs. Gannon noted that the boards in the retaining
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
7 August 1980
walls along Mrs. Miller's property were breaking and the dirt was falling out.
She also questioned whether Mr. Gannon would have sufficient parking if he
expanded the restaurant.
80.126 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Geisness to table the issue until
the next meeting, with an fence inspection to take place before that meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Johnson, Asmus, Enright, Geisness,
The Chairman opened discussion on the development stage approval for Central
Telephone Company's Planned Unit Development fora central administrative
maintenance and storage facility at the southeast corner of 170th Street and
Pilot Knob Road.
David Licht stated that the planner's report of July 28, 1980 addressed
the planner's concerns and recommended approval contingent on the applicant
meeting the planner's and engineer's recommendations.
Frank Kriz supported Mr. Licht's recommendation, stating the necessary plan
revisions were minor and said the architect agreed to make the revisions.
80.127 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the PUD •
development stage for the Central Telephone Company contingent upon the applicant
meeting the recommendations listed in the Planner's and Engineer's reports.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Asmus, Enright., Antolik, Johnson.
.Abstained: Geisness due to conflict of interest.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of the City
of Lakeville to amend Ordinance No. 167, the zoning ordinance requiring the
tie down of mobile .homes in mobile home parks.
Mr. Knutson stated the hearing was properly advertised.
Mr. Asmus felt that this was an important addition to the subdivision
ordinance. Chairman Johnson asked for comments from the audience... No
comments were received.
80.128 Motion was made by Enright,-seconded by .Asmus to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright,
Mr. Geisness questioned the cost of tie downs. Sid Miller responded that the
cost would range from $100 to $250 per unit. Mr. Asmus added that the
mobile home owners would receive insurance breaks.
80.129 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the
Roll call was taken on the mot ion: Ayes: Geisness, Antolik, Johnson, Asmus,
City of Lakeville
~7anning Commission Meeting
7 August 1980
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing to review amendment to the
subdivision ordinance'~,updating it to comply with recent state law changes.
Mr. Knutson stated that the public hearing was properly advertised, but
it was no't necessary.';
Mr. Knutson reviewed $he revisions which were primarily generated by the
new state statutes. the new statute establishes a 120 day time limit for
approval of preliminarhy plats.
80.130 Motion was made by Enrhight, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of
the amendment.
Roll ca11 was taken orp the motion: Ayes: Johnson, Asmus, Enright, Geisness,
80.131 Motion was made by As us, seconded by Geisness to table review of the City
sign ordinance to the next meeting.
Mr. Johnson raised questions regarding the following pages:
• Page 4 - Section 3.l -the definition of facade. David Licht responded
by clarifying that i .defines one .side of a building.
Page 9 - bottom line- change tourist to motorist.
Page 22 - Section 2.7~ - Mr. Johnson. questioned "uniform code" meant
the state code..
Mr. Geisness raised a',question as to whether lighted billboards are
permitted. David l.ici~t stated that billboards are only permitted in the
highway corridor distrtict and that due to the concentration of billboards
in this district, the .n umber of billboards will be limited..
Roll call was taken orb the motion: Ayes: Asmus, Enright, Geisness,
Antolik, Johnson.
80.132 .Motion was made by Asr~us, seconded by Geisness to adjourn-the mee ing.
Voice vote was taken o~n the motion: Ayes Unanimous
P~eeting adjourned by the Chairman at 9:20 p.m.
Re e fully submi ed,
• ! M ruin P. eis ess Secretar
, y
Charles Johnson, hai man 5