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City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting.
• September 4, 1980
Chairman Johnson called i~he meeting to order at 7:30 P .M. Roll call was taken: Present:
Rice, Antolik, Johnson, ~smus, Enright., Harvey. Absent: Geisness
Also Present: David .Licht City Planner; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Frank Kriz, City
Engineer; Sid Miller, .City Building Official; Alan Brixius of Northwest Associated
Consultants .
Review of the minutes fror?} the Planning Commission meeting on August 21, 1980 was
conducted . j
Mr. Johnson amended pag 4, next to last paragraph by changing "...definding his client.."
to "..defending his client."
Mr. Asmus amended page next to last paragraph by changing "Mr. Asmus stated that all
drainage goes. to the east" jto "Mr . Ames stated "
80,142 Motion was made by Asmus~, seconded by Enright to approve the August 21, 1980 Planning
Commission meeting minutes as amended..
Roll call was taken on the motions Ayes: Antolik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright, Harvey.
. Abstain: Rice.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Cooperative Power
Association to construct a ~9 KV transmission line along public road right-of-way and on
private easements through ~ part of Lakeville .
Mr . Knutson stated the mee~ti ng was proper{y advertised .
Mr. Dave Callahan explained why the proposed transmission line was needed, stating:
(1) existing main transmissi}~n line which runs north and south from Mendota Heights to
Farmington was old and dui to the increased community growth along the-line the Fine was
becoming overloaded. (2) iThe Scott County substation connected with the Airlake sub-
station would provide the area with an alternative power source . (3) The route the power
line was proposing would f~llow road right-of-way and industrial zoned land, so land use
conflicts would be minimiz~d.
Mr. Johnson asked about tl~e location of the proposed substation. Mr. Callahan stated the
substation would be within the NSP easement along. County Road 65.
Mr. Johnson asked if the SP 115 KV line will be in constant use. Mr. Callahan answered
yes, the line will be in co timed use. Mr. Johnson asked what type of structure will carry
the lines. Mr. Callahan r~sponded single wooden poles spaced approximately 300 feet apart.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
September 4, 1980
Ed Brunckhorst, Dakota County Electric; explained that this area in Dakota County was
served by three substations, Orchard Lake, Farmington and Castle Rock which are quite
spread out and with the increasing demand for power created by the growth within the
area communities, the substations are nearing full capacity. Future growth would lead
to overloading the capacity of the existing substation system. The Scott County substation
would assist in serving Credit River, New Market, Southern Lakeville and Farmington.
Mr. Johnson asked if the proposed line would also serve the eastern portion of Scott County.
Mr. Brunckhorst said it would. Mr. Johnson asked if the 69KV line is a common line.
Mr. Callahan replied that it was the lowest voltage line and are common throughout the nation.
Pat Carlberg of Burnsville asked if the line route has been approved by the Airport Com-
mission. Mr. Licht stated the Metropolitan Airport Commission reviewed the line route
and found it presented no problems with the Airlake Airport.
80.143 Motion was made by Asmus; seconded by Antolik to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Harvey, referencing the planner's report, asked who can use the transmission line •
easement for outside storage. Mr. Licht responded that the property owners who's land
abuts the easement can utilize the easement for outside storage upon acquiring a conditional
use permit.
Mr. Johnson asked if the line was south of 215th Street. Mr. Callahan stated that the line
is north of 215th Street because Dakota Electric has an existing easement there, then the
line goes south along County Road 70. Mr. Brunckhorst added that crossing to the .south
side of County Road 70 followed a natural transition.
Mr. Harvey stated that he wanted an opportunity to review the 215th Street area. Mr.
Johnson asked if the proposed route presented any utility line conflicts. Mr. Callahan
stated that Dakota Electric negotiated with Central Telephone to share the easement,
however, the expense would .have been too great . He also mentioned that the guy (i ne
needed to support the poles where the line crosses the road would not extend beyond the
road right-of-way and would not create any negative impacts.
Mr. Asmus asked whether the proposed line would follow the Dakota Electric easements.
Mr. Callahan said it would.
Mr. Harvey objected to the utilities not being able to co-exist.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting.
. I September 4, 1980
Mr. Clarence Moser, Coo erative Power, stated that the proposed pole spacing would be
too great to support the he vier telephone cable. During storms, the weight of the telephone
cable in many cases cause$ the poles fio break.
Mr. Lyle Munch, Cooperative Power, stated that a heavy .machine garage is located along
the south side of 215th anc~ that would create conflicts with the transmission line.
Mr. Harvey asked has the 'City Engineer reviewed the plan. Mr. Kriz responded that Dakota
County Engineering has done a review and found no problems.
80.144 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Enright to recommend approval of the application
contingent on the commends of the planner.
Rol I call was taken on the (motion: Ayes: Rice, Antol ik, Johnson, Asmus, Enright. Nays:
Harvey. Mr. Harvey quesjtioned the conflicts with the telephone lines.
The applicant was advised',that the request will go before the City Council on September 15,
• Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of James McNearney for a
preliminary plat into four ~ots zoned R-5 on the west side of Iberia Avenue, south of Highway
50. I
Mr. Knutson stated that thle meeting had been properly advertised.
Mr. Licht stated the planner's and engineer's reviews were favorable, recommending approval
of the preliminary plat.
Vern Tafy asked why doesn't the developer. put i n single family homes . Fourplexes wi I I cause
traffic and parking probler3hs. Too much traffic presents .safety problems. We might as well
sell out.
Mr. Licht_statedeach unitjwill be required to have its own off-street parking.
Mr. Asmus asked is the R-~ zone just the applicant's lots. Mr. Harvey stated the lots compose
most of the R-5 zone, nort~ of the site is zoned B-4, across the street is R-7 aril to the south
is R-2 zoning. Sid Miller stated a Mr. Wren had rezoned this property from $-4 to R-5 within
the last year or two.
Mr. Johnson asked is the s~te served by utilities. Mr. Kriz responded that utility service is
available and stubbed into) the street. Cfn September 15th a meeting on the water system
which will service the are will be held.
City. of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
September 4, 1980
80.145 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Rice to close the pubic hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
.$0.146 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the preliminary
plat .
Rall call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
The audience was advised that the preliminary plat will go before the City Counci! on
September 15, 1980.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Arlyn Lamb fora con-
ditional use permit fio construct another garage which together with the existing garage
would provide over 1, 000 square feet of space .
Mr. Knutson stated that the meeting had been properly advertised.
Arlyn Lamb proposes to build a 16' x 22' utility shed for the storage of equipment. Inside
storage would be better for the equipment and also improve the appearance of the neighborho~
Mr. Asmus asked will this include a driveway. Mr. Lamb responded no, it will not be used on
a daily basis.
Mr. Antolik asked does the building meet setbacks. Sid Miller responded that the required
setback is 5 feet from the lot line, however due to an existing utility easement the applicant's
building is required to have a 6 foot setback. The applicant has complied with the setback
requirement .
Gary Bauer, 17520 Italy, Lakeville stated he had no objections and felt Mr. Lamb would do
a good job without any negative impacts.
Sherri Ephlick, 17545 Italy, Lakeville, stated no objection and felt. it was a good idea.
80.147 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Harvey to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken an the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
80.148 Motion was made by Rice, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the permit, provided
that the building was not used for home occupation.
The matter wi I I go before the City Counci I on September 15, 1980.
City of Lakeville
Planning. Commission Meeting
September 4, 1980
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the application of Northland Mortgage
Company to rezone certai lots in Foxborough Addition from R-2 single family to R-4 single
and two family, located ~est of Cedar Avenue .
Mr. Knutson stated that tF~e public hearing had been properly advertised.
Mr. Licht stated the. final jplat had to be approved prior to the rezoning to permit the
proper advertising of the public hearing.
Comments from the audien~Ce: None
80.149 Motion was made by Enrig t, seconded by Rice to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
$0.150 Motion was made by Harv y, seconded by Asmus to recommend approval of the rezoning.
Rol.) call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
• The matter will go before the City Council on September 15, 1980.
Chairman Johnson opened I,the public hearing on the proposed new comprehensive ordinance
regulating signs.
Mr. Knutson stated the he~ring was properly advertised.
Mr. Miller stated there wire no problems with the sign ordinance.
Mr. Knutson. stated he was' preparing a revision of the ordinance on the pink sheet
to permit. proper enforcement.
Mr. Rice asked what is the permitted size of campaign signs. Mr. Licht responded two square
feet. Mr. Rice stated that there must be several of these signs that are currently in violation
of the ordinance .
Mr. Johnson stated maxim~m size for real estate signs is 4' x 4' and asked do sign additions
which give the realtor`s phone number or other information that increase the sign's size create
a violation. Mr. Licht responded yes.
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
September 4, 1980 .
Mr. Harvey stated Section 42 requires signs to be properly painted. This does not allow for
signs done in natural wood such as those belonging to the churches. This section should be
revised to say "...signs shall be properly painted or preserved". Also Section 5.1 .12 which
requires garage sale signs to be located on the subject property - is this regulation enforceable?
Mr. Licht responded that it is not legal to locate such a sign in the public right-of-way. The
ordinance releases the City from liability of the sign located in the public right-of-way if it
produces any damage to personal property or injury. This ordinance would be enforced upon
Mr. Asmus referenced page 11, identification signs which identifies the structures and/or
developments and asked is Mr. Grohoski in violation?
Mr. Grohoski stated he has a sign permit approved by the City Administrator. The new
ordinance allows only 50 square feet, this is too small . His existing sign is approximately 80
square feet and because of setback requirement feels that a 100 square foot maximum would
be more appropriate. Mr. Rice agreed with Mr. Grohoski. Mr. Antolik raised concern over
the permancy of such signs.
Mr. Harvey referenced the revisions on the pink sheet which require reflective or illuminated
address numbers on residences. Most of the homes in Lakeville are in violation. The ordinanc~
should be revised to exclude the reflective and illumination requirement.
Mr. Miller suggested house number assignment by the County be required.
80.151 Motion was made by Rice, seconded 6y Asmus to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes:. Unanimous.
Mr. Antolik stated Mr. Krause is still in violation with his portable sign and something should
be done. Mr. Miller stated it will be taken care of.
80.152 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Antolik to recommend approval of the ordinance as
amended .
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous
Mr. Rice stated it is a good ordinance.
Chairman Johnson opened the public hearing on the final plat of Lakeview Heights located
east of Highway 50 on the south side of 185th Street.
Mr. Knutson stated the Council approved the preliminary plat, however, not in the form the
applicant wanted and recommended the item be tabled. •
City of Lakeville
Planning Commission Meeting
i I September 4, 1980
80.153 Motion was made by Asmu~s, seconded by Rice to table the Lakeview Heights final plat
Roll call was taken on thej motion. Ayes: Unanimous
80.154 Motion was made by Asmu~, seconded by Rice to adjourn the meeting.
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Chairman adjourned t~e meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick arvey, Ac ' g Se retary
Charles Johnson, Chair